Monkie Kid Wiki

“Is this what dying feels like?!”
— MK[src]

Astral projection is a special ability where the user is able to talk to another person using their mind, despite not being in the same place as they are.


Dumpling Destruction[]

Monkey King contacted MK, casually warning him of a giant celestial dumpling falling to the mortal realm and destroying everything. He recommended finding something from the treasury in Shuilian Cave.

Minor Scale[]

MK contacted Monkey King, telling him all his mastered abilities and accomplishments in his training. Monkey King swiftly congratulated him, telling him he should master his shrinking ability next. Monkey King ended the conversation, stating his "masseuse" was waiting for him, before leaving MK to figure out his shrinking ability.

Great Grand Dragon of the East[]

Monkey King used astral projection to tell Mei she needed to get the Map to the Rings of Samadhi as he was being imprisoned by the Dragon of the East.

The Great Tang Man[]

Azure Lion utilized astral projection to contact Mei and MK in the Scroll of Memory. He told them the way to free their friends in the scroll. He was confident in their abilities, before being cut of by MK undressing.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Translation, etymology, and notes
心灵感应 Translates to Telepathy.



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