A Hero is Born << Bad Weather >> Duplicatnation |
News Reporter: And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remains about the small overpowered young man who saved us all. Authorities warn citizens on...
MK: And I was like, "Stop there, Demon Bull King." And D.B.K.'s all like, "You can't stop me! I'm cwazy!" And then I grabbed my staff, and whoosh! I created this giant mech!
Mei: Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK.
MK: Oh jeez!
Pigsy: I've just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop. And I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!
Tang: Oh, Piggy, relax. A little time off never hurt anyone.
MK: Yeah! A time off never hurt nobody.
Sandy: Look out!
Pigsy: Kid!
MK: I... am... invincible!
Mei: Yeah!
Pigsy: Look, MK, just 'cause you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-
Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy: (Gasps.)
Mei: MK! How about... this? (She launches a bazooka missile towards MK.)
MK: I am invincible!
Pigsy: (Sighs.) Look, kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need-
Mei: A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!
Pigsy: No, what I was getting at-
Mei: To the Sea-Crate.. Base! (She opens the elevator.)
(MK, Tang, and Sandy awes and follow her. Pigsy sighs.)
Mei: Welcome to our new team base!
MK: Mei, when did you make this?
Pigsy: How did you make this?
Tang: Say, Sandy, weren't you building a secret base for MK, too?
Sandy: Umm... no.
[At the Flaming Foundry, the Demon Bull King takes his anger out by destroying parts of the foundry.]
Demon Bull King: An eon trapped under a mountain and now this? I had the staff in my grasp. I should have crushed the thief when I had the chance!
Princess Iron Fan: Oh, my love. Don't be so dramatic. We've nothing but time. You will bring the world to its knees.
Red Son: And sooner than you think, Father. Allow me to secure the power you desire.
Demon Bull King: Get it done then.
Red Son: I won't fail you again.
Intercom: Welcome to the Weather Station, where you'll notice it's another beautiful day. Here at the Weather Station, we control the city's weather to bring you a perfect day every day.
(Red Son walks towards the man at the control panel and clears his throat.)
Worker: Uh yeah, hey kid, I'd like to help you and your friends, but I'm pretty busy.
Red Son: Not for much longer.
[The Bull Clones begin attacking the Weather Station. Red Son broadcasts his message to the city.]
Red Son: Citizens. It is I, Red Son. I have taken control of the Weather Station and will harness the very power of nature to return my father to his former glory. This message is more of a courtesy really. [He pushes a lever, causing a storm to appear and rain, flooding the Great Wall.] When I'm finished, my father will once more dominate the world! And then- Oh look! A lightning button.
(MK's team watches the broadcast on a TV on Sandy's boat.)
MK and Mei: Oh yeah!
Pigsy: What do you mean 'Oh yeah'? This ain't an 'oh yeah' moment!
MK: Chill out, Pigsy. I'm invincible, remember? If he wants to tussle with the champ, then I say bring it!
Mei: Yeah! 'Cause he's a superhero, yo! The Red Baby is gonna get M.K.O'd!
Pigsy: Uh, you got a lot to learn, kid. Don't just dive head first in the danger- Wait, what did I just say?
MK: (Laughs.) Totally invincible!
MK: Not so fast, Red Son!
Red Son: Noodle Boy! I thought I smelt some garbage! Turns out I was right! (Laughs.)
MK: You're laughing now, but…I'm invincible! So yeah, you're basically toast. Prepare to get M.K.O'd!
Mei: Yeah, MK! You show him who's boss-(The Golden Staff slams into her head.)
Pigsy: [Screams] Jeez, watch what'cha doing!
MK: [Screams] Sorry, Mei!
(MK nearly hits Pigsy and Tang. The Golden Staff hits Sandy.)
Sandy: Oh, my chakra!
Tang: Oh, no! You've killed him!
Mei: Eh, he's a big guy. He'll be fine.
Red Son: You dorks done beating each other up yet?
MK: Yes, and you're next on my list! (He throws the Golden Staff at Red Son. The staff flags behind him and extends, jabbing him. He's thrown out of the Weather Station and he screams.)
Red Son: I guess the garbage takes itself out now! (he laughs.)
MK: (He crashes into the road, causing a giant crater. He groans.)
Monkey King: How you doing there, bud?
MK: Monkey King! Great! Now that you're here, we can go fly up there and smash that-
Monkey King: No, no, no, no, no. In case you forgot, I'm retired. You're supposed to be taking care of the bad guys. Besides, you're invincible! Right?
MK: Well, yeah I mean, I am invincible, but, you know. Every time I try to do anything I just gunk everything up. Something's wrong. (Monkey King gets on his shoulders.) Hey, what are you doing?
Monkey King: Oh yeah, you're right. Oh, this is bad. Something's really wrong.
MK: [Gasps] What is it? What's wrong?
Monkey King: It's you, dummy.
MK: What?
Monkey King: In order to have full control of your powers, you need self-confidence.
MK: I got self-confidence!
Monkey King: No, you're just loud. The only way to get self-confidence is-
MK: Fake it 'til I make it?
Monkey King: No! Practice! You think I took shortcuts? No. It took me centuries of training and fighting and just beating up demons. Just, so many demons. A-anyway, nothing worth anything comes for free.(Coughs.)
MK: But what about my friends, the city? They're all counting on me.
Monkey King: (Groans.) Fine. If it'll stop your whining. I know a way to limit your powers so you can learn to control them. But...
MK: But what?
Monkey King: You won't be invincible anymore.
MK: (sighs) Alright let's do it
Monkey King: All right. No turning back. [He puts his hands together and put them in front of MK. He pushes MK backward, limiting his powers. MK falls to his knees.] Feeling alright, bud?
MK: Yeah!
Red Son: (laughs) Peasants.
MK: Oh, Red Son! (he comes in being dropped by Monkey King) Let's settle this for real. I won't let you get away with this.
Red Son: (cackles) You're back to beat yourself up some more?
MK: Hey. I'll have you know I can control my powers now. Only downside is I'm not invincible anymore, so I could die.
Pigsy: What?!
MK: Forgot I said that I got this. Here comes Monkie Kid!
(Red Son charges with a bunch of Bull Clones)
MK: (Screams) I totally don't got this! (he runs away as the Bull Clones rain from the sky)
(Red Son than charges at him and they fight for a bit. Red Son then throws MK into the Weather Station.)
MK: (he looks up to see a bunch of Bull Clones charging at him) How am I supposed to fight all of them? (he then activates his Golden Eyes of Truth) Oh! It's that weird Gold Vision thingy. (he looks up and sees the lighting and gets an idea) That's it! Oh! (he piled on by the clones)
Red Son: (he lands on top of the bull clone pile) Not so tough without all your Monkey King powers, are you?! (The staff grows taller, striking all the Bull Clones and pushing Red Son high into the sky.)
MK: Oh, look! A lighting button. (he pushes a button on the console)
(Lightning strikes down, electrocuting the bull clones. MK hides behind the console as the strike finishes.)
Red Son: (hits the ground) You may have won this round but... you're still garbage! (he disappears in a fire tornado)
MK: Let's get this place back to normal (he then switches everything on the console back to normal, it becomes sunny again) And that should do it.
Mei: MK! (she then slams herself into MK, Sandy follows) Aw, you really did limit your power.
MK: Yeah. Just till I learn to control them better.
Pigsy: And... how are you gonna do that?
MK: Practice, practice, practice. (he bumps himself in the head with his staff)
(Mei, Pigsy, Sandy and Tang all laugh.)
(Demon Bull King angrily slams his fists into the ground. Several Bull Clones are swept away by the blast.)
Demon Bull King: The little thief has stolen from me again! I will not be undone by an insect! (he peers in to the crack his tantrum made, hearing whispers coming from it.)
Mysterious Whisperer: You must do what I say.
Demon Bull King: Now, that is power...
Mysterious Whisperer: Power...