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Cooking with Chang'e << Benched >> The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

(The gang is driving in the T.E.A. MK is in the back, drawing.)


Mei:  So, what you doing, MK?  

MK: Just doodling.

Monkey King:  Looking good, bud.

Tang: Oh. Did you do any drawings of me, MK?  

MK: Yeah. They're over there. I didn't like how any of them turned out, though. It was hard to make you look, uh, cool. You know, you get it.

Tang: What? But I'm like the coolest guy you know.

Sandy: Hey guys. Land ho!

(Everyone gasps.)

Tang: Oh.

Monkey King: Hasn't changed a bit.

(The scene cuts to Monkey King disguised in a crowded sky train.)

Monkey King: Okay, maybe it's changed a little.

(They arrive in Lantern City.)

Tang: Hmm. So if this map is correct, the last Ring of Samadhi should be around here somewhere. I mean, that looks as good a place as any to look for- hey!  

(Everyone leaves Tang behind in the monorail car.)

Monkey King: All right. I remember throwing the Ring around here somewhere.

Mei: I thought you hid it?

Monkey King:  Yeah, by throwing it, into the crust of the Earth, where no one could find it. Keep up, Dragon Pony Girl.

MK: Is there some kind of festival on?  

Pigsy: Looks like it.

(MK approaches a vendor.)

MK: Hi. So what's up, is there some kind of festival going on?  

Store Owner: Of course. It's the Ring of Light Festival.

MK: Yeah, that doesn't really explain how-

Store Owner: Legends say that Lantern City was once a desolate village, until Monkey King thrust the Ring of Light into the earth, transforming the city into the prosperous metropolis it is today. Every year we hold a festival celebrating Monkey King's gift of the great Ring of Light.

Pigsy: So much for the Rings being a secret.

Tang: Mm-hmm.

(Monkey King laughs.)

Store Owner: So. You gonna buy something?

(MK pays. Everyone is decked out in festive apparel.)

Pigsy: So what? We're just going to wander around until we stumble upon the Ring, or-

Tang: Of course not, Pigsy. I think I know exactly where the Ring is.

Monkey King: It's in the giant lantern in the middle of the city.

Tang: Hey! That's what I was going to say!

MK: How do you figure?  

Monkey King: Somehow, the villagers found my super well-hidden magic ring, there's a giant magic lantern in the middle of the city, I'm going to say they put it in that. It's two plus two, bud.

MK: And two plus two is three. The third ring.

Mei: Big brain boy coming through.

(Pigsy groans. Monkey King passes Sandy a flier.)

Monkey King: There you go, blue guy. You haven't said anything in a while. Read this.

MK: Can't read?  

Monkey King: I get stage fright. Or something...

Sandy: Join the talented citizens of Lantern City as they try to win the coveted Ring of Light and bring the city to life.

Mei: A talent show?  

Pigsy: So if we win, we get the ring.

MK: But none of us have any talents. There's no way we can win.

Sandy: Actually, Pigsy-

Pigsy: Sandy! Would you just-

MK: Pigsy. Do you have some kind of secret talent that you're not telling us about that might help us win the thing, maybe?  

Pigsy: Uh-

Sandy: Pigsy is an amazing singer, I'm sorry Pigsy, I had to tell him. His voice is like a choir of angels.

MK: Awesome. That's good enough for me. Pigsy will sing, I'll play the bang bangs, Sandy is on the bass, obviously.

Sandy: I mean, obviously.

MK: Mei, you get this thing with way too many strings, and Monkey King-

Monkey King: Hey, kid, can I talk to you a moment? Remember when I said the whole stage fright thing is kind of a joke?  

MK: Wasn't a joke?  

Monkey King:  Not even a little bit.

MK: Sun Wukong, self-proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, is scared to perform in front of a crowd?  

Monkey King:  I know, I know. It doesn't make any sense.

MK: Okay.

Monkey King: Thanks for understanding, bud.

MK: I can work with this.

Monkey King: Wait, what?  

MK: And Monkey King can play the gong.

Monkey King: Wonderful.

Tang: And what about me?  

MK: Oh, Mr. Tang. For you, I've saved the most important role of all. There isn't a band on Earth that can have any hope to win the Ring of Light without the band manager.

Tang: Wait, what?  You're benching me?  

MK: Pretty much. All right team. Let's go win ourselves that last Ring of Samadhi.

Sandy: Yeah.

Mei: Let's do it.

Tang: Yay.

Macaque: The Samadhi Fire, huh?  So that's how you're going to beat the Lady Bone Demon.

Lady Bone Demon: (voiceover) One misstep, one failure in any way, I will erase the very memory of you.

Macaque: We'll see about that.

(The stage for the talent show is lit up with spotlights.)

Announcer: Welcome to the stage "Monkie Kid and the Monkie Kids."

Pigsy: Whoa whoa whoa. I thought we were going to discuss band names.

MK: A one, two, three, four.

(Mei plays the guzheng. Sandy, Pigsy, MK, and Monkey King prepare to perform.)

Yin: Okay. Now remember. If we're going to make this new life of ours work as the world's greatest theater technicians, we're gonna have to take it serious.

Jin: Ho ho ho, preaching to the choir. So what, we just pull this lever and that big lantern lights up.

Yin: Exactly.

Demon Accountant: Don't pull it until the end of the show!

Tang: No one benches me. I'm Mr. Tang. I don't know why we're wasting time with the talent show when we could just be taking the ring. I'll show them who's benched!

(Sandy starts playing as Tang runs outside. He climbs to the top of a building.)

Tang: I'm not useless.

(He jumps off the roof and falls before grabbing onto the kite. The kite string breaks, and he uses the string to slide down the line of lanterns connected to the big lantern.)

Tang: Actually, being benched sounds real good right about now!

(He flies into the lantern.)

Tang: I'm alive!

(He sees the Ring.)

Tang: There it is. The Ring!

(His shadow grows and Macaque appears.)

Macaque: You have more guts than I thought. It's Tang, right? You know, it's funny. I thought, "you're smart". I mean, look at the guy. He's got glasses. If anyone knows where the legendary Samadhi Fire is, it's the guy sitting in the wings while his friends are busy having fun without him.

(Tang tries to take the ring. Macaque kicks him into the wall.)

Tang: Stop! The Samadhi Fire is humanity's last chance to defeat the Lady Bone Demon!

Macaque: Well, humanity's just gonna have to find something else. The Samadhi Fire is my best chance of getting as far away from her as possible.

Tang: Surely even you can see that unless we stand together –

Macaque: Together?  Remind me again exactly what it is you contribute to the team?  They seem to get on just fine without you. Don't take it personally, Tang. Your buddy Wukong values people by how useful they are to him. Take it from me, as an expert on what happens when you get too close to the King... Look out for number one, because if you don't, no one will.

Tang: You're wrong. I know I'm not as strong as they are. I may still be searching for my purpose, but what I do know is that doing it alone is not the path I'm destined to take. Deep in my heart, I know that my place is alongside my friends. And one day, I will become someone they can depend on, the way I can always depend on them.  As long as we stand together, there will always be hope.

(Pigsy sings. Macaque recoils in pain from the sound. Tang and Macaque both go for the ring.)

Yin: I know we're not meant to pull the lever until the end, but-

Jin: It's just too darn beautiful!

Demon Accountant: No regrets.

(Jin and Yin victory scream. Tang aims for the ring and uses the lantern to launch himself towards it. He's launched from the lantern as the city lights up. Macaque is electrocuted. Pigsy ends on a high note and drops the mike. Monkey King strikes the gong.)

MK: Okay. So there is no way we didn't just win this thing.

(Tang falls from the sky. Pigsy catches him in his arms.)

MK: The ring!

Mei: Nice work.

Sandy: Go Tangy.

Pigsy: Way to go, benchwarmer.  

(Tang laughs nervously.)

Tang: Guys, Macaque is here. He's after the Rings.

Announcer: The next monorail is leaving- now?  

MK: If Macaque knows about the rings-

Monkey King: He'll stop at nothing to get his hands on them.

(The lights in the city flicker before dying as whispers start up. Macaque notices the whispers from the ground of the lantern.)

Lady Bone Demon: I set you a task. You were to retrieve the Monkey King and his protégé. Yet, you refused the path of destiny, and so there will be pain.

(Chains erupt from the ground, suspending Macaque into the center of the lantern.)

Macaque: No! They have a weapon! They have the Samadhi Fire!

Lady Bone Demon: Really? It appears there is still time to correct your failure. Bring the Fire to me. I will grant you my aid, my power in this final trial. But make haste, for I will leave nothing left of you.

(Lady Bone Demon's power flows into Macaque violently, he's released from the chains as his arm is covered in spiked crystals. Macaque's eyes glow blue.)

Specials Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Revenge of the Spider Queen
Season 1 1. Bad Weather · 2. Duplicatnation · 3. Coming Home · 4. Noodles or Death · 5. Calabash · 6. The Great Wall Race · 7. Impossible Delivery · 8. Skeleton Key · 9. Macaque · 10. The End is Here!
Season 2 11. Sleep Bug · 12. Dumpling Destruction · 13. Pig Pong Panic · 14. Sweet 'n' Sour · 15. Minor Scale · 16. Game On · 17. Shadow Play · 18. To Catch a Leaf · 19. 72 Transformations · 20. This is the End!
Season 3 21. On the Run · 22. Great Grand Dragon of the East · 23. Smartie Kid · 24. The Winning Side · 25. Amnesia Rules · 26. The First Ring · 27. Cooking with Chang'e · 28. Benched · 29. The King, the Prince, and the Shadow · 30. The Samadhi Fire
Embrace Your Destiny:
31. This Imperfect World · 32. The Corrupted King · 33. Time to Be Warriors · 34. Destiny Fulfilled
Season 4 35. Familiar Tales · 36. New Adventures · 37. The Great Tang Man · 38. Pig-Napped! · 39. Court of the Yellow Robed Demon · 40. Show Me the Monster · 41. Pitiful Creatures · 42. The Brotherhood · 43. Roast of the Monkie Kids · 44. The Jade Emperor
The Emperor's Wrath:
45. A Lifetime of Mistakes · 46. The Plan Man · 47. Rip and Tear · 48. Better Than We Found It
Season 5 49. Strings That Bind · 50. Collar the King · 51. Temple of the Goddess · 52. The Storm Within · 53. Claim to Flame · 54. Festival Fugitives · 55. Into the Pagoda · 56. The Cage · 57. Sacrifice · 58. Harbinger