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Rip and Tear << Better Than We Found It >> Strings That Bind

(Azure Lion continues to struggle to control all of his power while onlookers and residents watch as the fabric of reality threatens to tear apart before them.)

Peng: Look, this has been fun and all but... here's some advice, kids. Never be the last one to leave the party.

Mei: How dare you. My friends are in danger because of you! And you're not even gonna stick around to finish the job?

Macaque: Mei! Let them go. After all, you always were the most cowardly of the bunch.

Peng: You dare turn your back on me? (They dive at him but Macaque brings out his Smoke Monster and Mei joins him. Peng takes a look at Flower Fruit Mountain.) You're not worth the effort. (They fly off.)

Macaque: Alright. We should regroup with the others.

Mei: Way ahead of ya!

(She grabs him with her dragon form and flies off for Flower Fruit Mountain.)

(Down below, Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Yellowtusk are figuring out the consequences of Azure Lion's actions.)

Tang: Yellowtusk! The universe... Azure is tearing it to pieces. If we don't stop him now, there's no winner in this fight. We all lose.

Yellowtusk: It is too late. This damage is irreversible. There is no hope.

Sandy: Woah, hey friend. That's not really how we roll around here.

Pigsy: Yeah! We got this sayin', that so as long as we're still standing, there is always hope!

Yellowtusk: A dangerously naïve notion... but one I'm open to entertaining. (He gives back their ancestral weapons.)

Pigsy: Woah, sweet!

Tang: (Simultaneously.) Woah! My golden jangily!

Pigsy: About time!

Tang: B Team! Move out!

(He uses his powers to transport them to Flower Fruit Mountain.)

Azure Lion: No, no... I can fix this. I can fix all of this! If it wasn't for Sun Wukong, none of this would—

MK: Azure, none of this was Monkey King's fault.

(Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, and Yellowtusk join Mei and Macaque at the front of the cracked Shuilian Cave. Monkey King flies on his cloud to the center and sees Azure Lion in his state.)

Monkey King: Azure, just... stop, okay? You've won. You're going to destroy us, just like you wanted. Us and the entire universe.

Azure Lion: No. This is not what I wanted. I can still fix this, it's-it's the whole reason I'm here at all!

Monkey King: Wait, how are you here?

Azure Lion: What? What kind of question is that? You know exactly how...

Monkey King: No, here and now! I put you in the Underworld myself. How'd you get out? How'd you get the scroll? I know for sure you didn't steal it... you couldn't have!

Azure Lion: I... I don't know, I... I was...

Monkey King: Azure, who gave you that scroll? Because whoever it was, they must have known this would happen. Wanted this to happen! And they used you to do it.

Azure Lion: (He looks up.) I just wanted to make the world a better place.

MK: You still can. You're the only one who can. (Azure Lion brings out his sword to undo everything he caused and starts to disintegrate.) Wait! Azure!

Mei: You're doing it!

(The realm is pieced together as Azure Lion smiles one last time and dissipates completely. Monkey King bows in sorrow but then the power of the Jade Emperor grows. Mo and Ne Zha arrive.)

Ne Zha: The Jade Emperor's power. (He leaps down and creates a barrier infront of them.) Yeah, don't worry about it, Wukong, it's fine! I got this. Maybe... No!

(Outside, the others see Flower Fruit Mountain breaking apart. Tang leads everyone to use their powers to help Ne Zha contain the Jade Emperor's power and seal it away.)

Monkey King: MK! You okay, bud?

MK: No... but... yeah.

Pigsy: Kid! Where are you hurt? Did you bonk your head? 'Cause if you did, we should get you to a doctor to make sure you're not concussed or have a brain-urysm or something.

Tang: Don't worry, MK! We won't let you fall asleep!

Sandy: There ain't nothin' a bit of tape can't fix!

MK: Guys, I'm fine. Really.

(They regroup elsewhere on the mountain.)

Tang: Uh, you're sure that seal will hold, right?

Ne Zha: No, but it will have to do. Without a Jade Emperor, I'm not certain what is to be done with his power. But for now, it will remain under my protection.

Monkey King: Yeah, 'cause that's worked so well in the past.

Ne Zha: As for the scroll, I will free those trapped within and return it safely to where it belongs, and hope that it does not fall into the wrong hands again. (Everyone glares at Yellowtusk, who is chained down.)

Yellowtusk: I will not condemn the noble intentions of my brotherhood. We hoped to create a better world, to protect it with all our mights. But it took me far too long to learn what... real heroes looked like. (Ne Zha teleports himself and Yellowtusk away. The others join MK gazing out into the open.)

MK: You ever wish things will just... stay like this? Like they are right now?

Monkey King: Pssh, where's the fun in that?

Tang: Uh, Monkey King, we need to have a serious conversation about your idea of "fun."

Mei: At least we fixed something for a change, instead of destroying it.

MK: Yeah! So long as we leave the world in better shape than we found it, than it's all good, right?

(After everyone is freed, the gang takes a vacation at the beach.)

Monkey King: Popsicles, anyone?

Sandy: Dibs on the blue one!

Pigsy: Get 'em while they're hot!

Tang: Pigsy.

MK: Dig!

Mei: Ah, got it!

Tang: I made a sandy Sandy.

Monkey King: Haha! (MK sprays sunscreen on himself.) See, bud? This is what it's all about. Kicking back in the sun, eating popsicles with my best friends in the world!

MK: Yeah, this is maybe the best day of my entire life. Aight, that should do it! This baby ain't getting sunburnt. Not today!

Monkey King: Woah wait, woah! (But MK races off to the ocean.) You gotta let it absorb first! Sunscreen needs to absorb!

Pigsy: Don't bother. I've been telling him that for years, but he literally never listens.

Monkey King: Yep, that's how we roll. Yo, kinda blocking out the sun there! Ugh... it's you.

Macaque: Cute. Thanks for the invite, by the way.

Monkey King: And thanks for showing up, even though you were not invited! (He hands Macaque a peach popsicle, which he accepts.)

Macaque: You know this is the calm before the storm, right?

Monkey King: Yeah, I know. But, that can be a tomorrow problem. Whatever they're scheming, we can handle it.

(They watch the kids play happily in the ocean.)

(In the Underworld, the Kings of the Underworld have gathered for a council.)

King 1: There will, of course, be an enquiry into how the Scroll of Memory was stolen in the first place, and what is to be done now that the Jade Emperor has been dethroned. The universe is perilously close to tipping into chaos. If it comes to light that any of this party were involved, you can believe the consequences will be dire. But only a fraction of the price compared to what will come to pass, should you succeed.


Specials Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Revenge of the Spider Queen
Season 1 1. Bad Weather · 2. Duplicatnation · 3. Coming Home · 4. Noodles or Death · 5. Calabash · 6. The Great Wall Race · 7. Impossible Delivery · 8. Skeleton Key · 9. Macaque · 10. The End is Here!
Season 2 11. Sleep Bug · 12. Dumpling Destruction · 13. Pig Pong Panic · 14. Sweet 'n' Sour · 15. Minor Scale · 16. Game On · 17. Shadow Play · 18. To Catch a Leaf · 19. 72 Transformations · 20. This is the End!
Season 3 21. On the Run · 22. Great Grand Dragon of the East · 23. Smartie Kid · 24. The Winning Side · 25. Amnesia Rules · 26. The First Ring · 27. Cooking with Chang'e · 28. Benched · 29. The King, the Prince, and the Shadow · 30. The Samadhi Fire
Embrace Your Destiny:
31. This Imperfect World · 32. The Corrupted King · 33. Time to Be Warriors · 34. Destiny Fulfilled
Season 4 35. Familiar Tales · 36. New Adventures · 37. The Great Tang Man · 38. Pig-Napped! · 39. Court of the Yellow Robed Demon · 40. Show Me the Monster · 41. Pitiful Creatures · 42. The Brotherhood · 43. Roast of the Monkie Kids · 44. The Jade Emperor
The Emperor's Wrath:
45. A Lifetime of Mistakes · 46. The Plan Man · 47. Rip and Tear · 48. Better Than We Found It
Season 5 49. Strings That Bind · 50. Collar the King · 51. Temple of the Goddess · 52. The Storm Within · 53. Claim to Flame · 54. Festival Fugitives · 55. Into the Pagoda · 56. The Cage · 57. Sacrifice · 58. Harbinger