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- Calabash
- Calabash (Episode)
- Callie C. Miller
- Camel Ridge
- Carrot rockets
- Carrots
- Cassandra To
- Cats
- Celestial Armies
- Celestial Court
- Celestial Dog
- Celestial Dumplings
- Celestial Mech
- Celestial Pagoda
- Celestial Palace
- Celestial Realm
- Celestial Realm/Gallery
- Celestial Realm/Gallery/Seasons 1-3
- Celestial Realm/Gallery/Seasons 4-5
- Celestial Realm/Gallery/Specials
- Central Temple
- Chang'an
- Chang'e
- Chang'e's Moon base
- Chaos
- Chaos Beyond
- Chaos Ultra Ghost Pepper of Doom
- Christian Barkel
- Christopher Sabat
- Circlet
- Claim to Flame
- Claim to Flame/Gallery
- Cloud Airship
- Cloud Bike
- Cloud Board
- Cloud Jet
- Cloud Roadster
- Collar the King
- Collar the King/Gallery
- Color Stones
- Combi Mech
- Coming Home
- Commentator
- Construction site
- Cooking with Chang'e
- Cooking with Chang'e (Episode)
- Cosmin Hrincu
- Court of the Underworld
- Court of the Yellow Robed Demon
- Crescent Staff
- Crimson jimson weed
- Crimson Moon
- Curse