Duplicatnation << Coming Home >> Noodles or Death |
Mei: Button mash all you want, MK. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power.
Sandy: Up smash, up smash!
MK: I'm trying, Sandy. Okay? I'm trying, I'm trying.
Mei: (Laughs) No one can defeat me. (Mei's phone starts ringing.) Oh boy. Hi, Mom. Yes. Of course. Yes, Mother.
Sandy: Hey, you okay there, Mei?
Mei: Yeah. It's just -- (MK laughs as he beats up Mei's video game avatar.) My parents -- they want me to housesit.
Sandy: And that's a bad thing?
Mei: No. Me and my parents, we --
MK: Uh, did Mei say sleepover at her house?
Mei: What? No. My parents would want --
MK: Sleepover! I've always wanted to see inside Mei's secret Dragon House full of secret dragon stuff. Come on, please? Please, please, please, please, please?
Mei: Sleepover it is.
MK: Ah yeah. This sleepover is going to be amazing. You know what? I'll bring my Monkey King DVDs so we can have a marathon.
(General Ironclad listens in on their conversation from a distance.)
MK (echoing): Dragon House, full of secret dragon stuff.
(The scene cuts to Princess Iron Fan, who is receiving the transmission from General Ironclad.)
Princess Iron Fan: The legendary Dragon Blade. That blade is amongst the most powerful artifacts in history. I do love powerful things. Go. Bring it to me.
(MK, Mei, and Sandy arrive at Mei's house.)
MK: It's even better than I thought. Growing up here must have been great.
Mei: Yeah, I guess. But -- I don't know. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be rough and tumble. Break stuff. Look at bugs. You know, have fun just like normal girl stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient, noble dragons, that's kind of frowned on. Anyway. Onwards to the definitely-not-going-to-be-terrible sleepover. (Her friends dash off, not getting her message, and Mei sighs.)
MK and Sandy: Whoa.
(The house's security system aims at MK and Sandy, but Mei disarms it.)
Mei: Yeah, my parents are a bit serious about the old security thing.
Security System VO: Welcome home, Mei.
Mei: Yeah.
MK: This is amazing.
Sandy: Whoa. What is all this stuff?
Mei: Ah, you know. Gifts, artifacts, offerings. Just stuff that's been in my family for -- guys. Wait!
MK: If I had all this stuff, I don't even know what I would do. Sell it, probably.
Sandy: Yeah, this stuff looks really great. Looks like a few good years, maybe. Centuries.
Mei: Guys, stop! Hands in pockets now. Follow me. You guys are such menaces, you know that?
(Mei leads them on a tour of her house.)
Mei: This is the garage filled with all the awesome things I am not allowed to drive. This is one of our many long hallways. We also have the Celestial Jade Garden, the room with the 30 centuries of antiques, Pool of a Thousand Tears, tea and snack room, and my bedroom. And this is the Dragon Claw Chamber.
MK: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. (MK approaches and geeks out over the Dragon Blade.) Whoa. Now this thing is cool. So what's the dealio with this dealy, yo?
Mei: That's the sword of my great-great-great times a thousand great-grandfather, the Dragon of the West. Legends say that my grandfather imbued it with unimaginable power so that our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. Its true power will only show itself to those deemed worthy. A true member of our clan who's proven themselves strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil. But I'm not allowed to touch it. Hey, anyone want to see the game room?
MK: Yeah.
Sandy: All right.
(MK fools around with the pinball machine in the game room.)
MK: A pinball machine? I've always wanted to try one of these.
Mei: Yeah, now this place is home. All right. You two boot up the old TV. I will go get some sn-n-n-nacks. Okay, don't break anything while I'm gone!
MK: Ha. "Don't break anything while I'm gone." Yeah, right. (MK breaks the pinball machine plunger.) Noooo.
Mei: Party, board games, snacks, Bull Clone. (Mei passes by General Ironclad struggling to steal the Dragon Sword. She backtracks. General Ironclad realizes she's staring at him.) Wait a minute, you're a Bull Clone!
(General Ironclad kicks the jade green stand in her face and runs off with the sword.)
Mei: Hey! Get back here!
(Mei chases General Ironclad through her house as he destroys her parents' artifacts and escapes on one of the previous vehicles. She whistles for her White Dragon Horse Bike.)
(Back in the game room, MK attempts to use duct tape to fix the pinball machine.)
Sandy: Careful, careful.
(The pinball machine breaks again.)
MK: What?!
Sandy: We're going to need more tape.
(Mei is still in pursuit of General Ironclad. She crashes into it on her bike. They both go flying. Mei slams into a wall and the Dragon Blade impales itself above her head. She reaches up and takes hold of it.)
Mei: The Dragon Blade?
(Mei's dragon ancestors appear surrounding her. They mumble things about her.)
Dragon 1: Weakest link of them all.
Dragon 2: Such a disappointment.
Dragon 3: You call yourself a girl?
Mei: You know what? I am part of this family. I am Mei. Descendant of the great Dragon of the West Sea. This is mine, and this is my house.
(Mei harnesses the power of the Dragon Blade. She hovers midair, staring down General Ironclad.)
Mei: Get out of my house.
(Mei blasts General Ironclad outside with a beam of green light.)
(Inside the game room, the pinball machine is desperately being held together by duct tape.)
Sandy: Maybe a little more tape?
MK: No, no. I broke it. Part of being a hero is owning up to your mistakes. Wish me luck.
(MK finds Mei in the hall.)
MK: So, um, Mei, you know that really cool -- Mei? Mei, what happened?
Mei: MK. Someone tried to steal the Dragon Sword. I stopped them with this, the Dragon Sword.
MK: Whoa, the Dragon Sword. That's -- Mei, I'm really glad you stopped them, but I have a confession to make. I accidentally --
Mei: Accidentally what?
MK: Accidentally... didn't know what was going on. Wow, that thing's amazing.
Mr. Dragon: Ahem.
Mei: Mom, Dad. You're back.
Mrs. Dragon: We were on our way when we realized somebody forgot our luggage.
MK: Um, Sandy, were you kind of expecting Mei's parents to be literally two, big, scary dragons?
Sandy: Um, no.
Mei: I can explain. Someone tried to steal the sword. I didn't let them. And I used this. I'm sorry.
Mr. Dragon: We saw the whole thing.
Mei: But I couldn't just --
Mr. Dragon: And we're so proud of you.
Mei: What?
Mr. Dragon: The Dragon Blade is the pride of our family heritage. Its power only shows itself to those that embrace their history. Their family.
Mrs. Dragon: We may not always see eye-to-eye, and your friends are more unique than we expected, but you are a part of this family. And it is part of you. We love you.
Mei: I love you too, Mom. Dad. (They embrace and MK joins the hug.) I am sorry about the house, though.
Mrs. Dragon: What's important is that you are okay. Objects can be replaced.
Mr. Dragon: Everything except my prized pinball machine. That is irreplaceable.
(MK winces nervously).