Pig Napped! << Court of the Yellow Robed Demon >> Show Me the Monster |
(The gang regroups near a river in the chapter they found Pigsy.)
Pigsy: Blue ain't really my color, but uh beats looking like that monster, Zhu Ganglie.
Tang: Technically, you'd be Zhu Bajie, now that you're on the Journey to the West.
Pigsy: Oh hoho, no, no, no. Don't go comparing me to that demon. My name's just plain old Pigsy.
Mei: I can't wait to meet my ancestor, Ao Lie. I bet he was mega cool! Right, Tangy?
Tang: (He laughs nervously.) Well...
MK: I wonder when we're gonna meet my ancestor.
Mei: I thought Monkey King was your dad.
MK: He's not my dad. Pigsy's my dad.
Pigsy: Uh, kid, I'm not exactly your uh...
Tang: Hmm, Mei does have a point. MK, the rest of us mysteriously inherited the powers of the ancient warriors. However, Monkey King is the only original companion we know for sure is still alive. And yet, you have inherited all of his power, so it is possible that—
MK: Yeah, right. If Monkey King really was my dad, don't you think he would have said something by now?
Mei: Yeah, 'cause he's normally so forthcoming with information.
MK: Well, whatever. When we find Monkey King's stone, then we'll just ask him.
Tang: (Simultaneously.) What?
Mei: (Simultaneously.) Monkey King's huh?
MK: Monkey King's stone. The one he was born from. Ever since I got into the scroll, I've been having visions of Monkey King standing next to his stone.
Pigsy: Wha... You didn't think to mention that sooner?!
MK: I'm telling you now. If we find the stone, we'll find Monkey King and he can explain to all of you how he's definitely not my dad and everything is fine. So, less yappy, more— (His vision appears.)
Monkey King: (Echoing.) Kid!
MK: (The vision passes and everything darkens.) Monkey King? (Ink Demons emerge.)
Tang: Ah! The scroll's curse. It found us!
Pigsy: Tang, get us outta here!
Tang: Right. (He pulls out Azure Lion's instructions but it blows away.) Oh, no! My cheat sheet!
Mei: Forget about the cheat sheet! It's exam time, baby!
(Tang uses his khakkhara to prepare their teleporation. Behind MK, the Ink Demons take on the form of Yellowtusk, who brings down his ink mallet on MK. Mei streaks in to protect him with her Dragon Blade but Ink Yellowtusk's blow shatters it and his force causes MK and Mei to crash into Tang. They immediately disappear into separate chapters.)
(Pigsy crashes to the ground. He stretches his back with a crack.)
Pigsy: Oh. Yep. Oh, that's broke. Nice going, Tang. (He realizes the others are gone.)
(Tang has gotten up.)
Tang: Alright, Pigsy, before you get mad... (A hand is placed on him from behind.) Hmm?
(Mei has found the Dragon Blade's handle.)
Mei: Wha? No. My family sword. It can't be! (She finds herself surrounded.)
(Pigsy looks around in the new area he's in.)
Pigsy: Uh...
(Tang sees a village of women and girls drinking by the river.)
Tang: Hmm.
Village Woman: Look at that. It's a monk.
(Tang looks at the bowl of water one of the village women is offering him and realizes where he is. He teleports away, screaming.)
(Mei has been captured and brought into a castle.
Mei: I don't know who you dorks are, but hands off the merchandise! If I had my sword, I'd slice ya and dice ya! (They drop her off in a den.)
Voice: Well, well, well. Who is this little creature that comes wandering into my den?
Mei: Who are you?! What am I doing here?! What do you want?!
Kui Mulang: Feisty. Very well. Allow me to tell you a tale.
Mei: Oh, that's okay. I should go— (She groans as he ignores her and continues on.)
Kui Mulang: There once was a Celestial Guard who fell deeply in love with a Jade Maiden. However, their love was forbidden. And so, by his hand, he sacrificed their immortality, that they might be reborn in the mortal realm, their union unbound by the rules of heaven. But fate moves slowly. To prolong his mortal life, the Guard ensnared and devoured powerful souls that wandered into his domain as he awaited the return of his beloved.
Mei: Wait! H-Hang on a sec.
Kui Mulang: I am Kui Mulang, Guard of the Celestial Court, one of the 28 Mansions of the White Tiger, and Devourer of Earthly Souls. I have a feeling your chi will be especially... Xīnlà.
Mei: Oh, I'll be spicy alright. White Horse Dragon Pepper Girl comin' right up! (Kui Mulang traps her.)
Kui Mulang: Such power, and yet powerless to use it. (He locks her away.)
Mei: Nooo!
Ao Lie: Ah. Another poor soul awaiting their fate at the hands of Kui Mulang.
(Tang is busy teleporting through different chapters to find the others.)
Tang: (Surrounded by alligators.) Nope. (Behind, Chang'e departs.) Nope. (He passes by Ne Zha and Ao Bing fighting.) Nope! Nope! (He runs down a corridor, before backtracking and looking into a throne room.) Huh? (Ivory Lady looks at him.) Nope!
(Meanwhile, Mei tries to kick down the door but fails. Ao Lie laughs.)
Mei: What's so funny, guy?
Ao Lie: Oh, it's just... you know, you remind me of my sister. She, too, is impulsive.
Mei: Sounds like a cool gal. You know what's cooler? (She attacks the door again.) You helping me. Bust. Down. This. Door! This would be easier if I still had my sword.
Ao Lie: Why don't you just make a new sword?
Mei: Oh, yeah! I'll just magically make myself a brand-new, one-of-a-kind, ancient family sword! Any other bright ideas? Or are you going to get over here and help me?!
Ao Lie: (He gets up and trips.) Did ya see? I-I just fell down and bonked my brain cage. Ow.
Mei: Ugh, this guy. Forget it! I just assumed that you were in here 'cause that yellow-robed jerk wanted your powers too.
Ao Lie: I'm sure he does. But all they've ever done is get me in trouble, so...
Mei: Wait. So you're just sitting here waiting to throw away your powers? That's dumb!
Ao Lie: Beg your pardon?
Mei: What's the point of having power if you won't use it? Don't you have people you wanna protect?
Ao Lie: Of course I do. But I can't protect them with careless actions.
Mei: Inaction is careless! If you're not giving everything you have to protect the people you care about, you are nothing! I would watch my sword shatter into pieces a thousand times so long as I used it to protect the ones I care about. If you're just gonna sit here and screw around, then maybe you don't deserve power!
Ao Lie: And perhaps with greater caution, you would still have your sword. I know a thing or two about disappointing people, about feeling powerless to protect them, but I do not sense that you are a disappointment. Even now, locked away in imminent danger, your thoughts are to protect others.
Mei: But how am I supposed to protect everyone if I don't have my sword?
Ao Lie: A sword is powerless without the hand that wields it.
Mei: What does that even mean?!
Ao Lie: Oh, you know, just some wise sage stuff. Did you like it? I made it up myself. Like right now.
(Tang appears in another chapter.)
Tang: At this rate, it's going to take me forever to find the others. (He sees Mo.) Mo! Oh, my Great Sage! I didn't even know you were in here. (Mo covers his mouth.)
Peng: Wukong is a traitor! He'll end us the first chance he gets!
Yellowtusk: Yes. The Stone Monkey is unpredictable. Now he's thrown his lot in with the Celestial Host, there's no telling where his true allegiances lie.
Peng: You're characteristically quiet, Macaque!
Macaque: I just think we should consider all our options before we—
Peng: What's to consider? Wukong's made his choice. I say we strike him down now while we have the chance!
Yellowtusk: And what say you... Azure?
(Tang sees Azure Lion for the first time and recalls his drawing in the instructions.)
Tang: Is that... Azure Lion? I've got a bad feeling about this, Mo.
(The moon has risen and Kui Mulang prepares the ritual.)
Kui Mulang: The time has come for you to lend your energy to a greater cause. What do you say? (He brings Ao Lie forth before him and draws out his blade.) Beauty first.
Mei: No. What is he doing? Move! Before it's too late! (Ao Lie doesn't move. Mei charges up and breaks out of Kui Mulang's trap on her, rushing forward and blocking Kui Mulang's blade.)
Kui Mulang: Huh? (He sees her blade.) You insolent little...
Mei: White Horse Dragon Pepper Girl comin' right up! (They charge at each other and Kui Mulang is thrust back by her blow. She turns to Ao Lie.) Sorry, I just thought it was the right time to be careless.
Kui Mulang: (Changing to wolf form.) I'll just do this the old-fashioned way and tear your flesh (He leaps at her.) from your bones! (Ao Lie runs forward and creates a shield around Mei and himself.)
Mei: Huh? W... Why didn't you do that sooner?
Ao Lie: Because now seemed like the right time for action.
(Tang slides in and sees Mei.)
Tang: Mei? Oh, oh, Mei! Whoa, nice sword. (He sees Ao Lie.) It's you! Mei's great-great-great-times-a-thousand-great-grandfather, Ao Lie! (Mei gasps.)
Ao Lie: I cannot hold him back much longer. Go. I will give you an opening.
Mei: Knew you were cool!
Ao Lie: You really think so? (He changes into his dragon form.)
Mei: So cool. (They teleport away.)
(Ao Lie lets out a blast at Kui Mulang and obliterates his castle.)
(MK wakes up and finds himself at the steps of a temple. A figure emerges from inside.)
Acolyte: Are you ready to meet the master?
MK: Uh...