Monkie Kid Wiki
“Hmm. If I wasn't so relaxed and cool, I'd probably be really worried about the consequences of this.”

Duplicatnation is the second episode of Season 1 and the second episode overall of Monkie Kid.


This description was taken from official source. Do not modify it.

Short description

MK decides to create clones so he can stay home and play video games. But he doesn't really know how to use his powers so the clones wreak havoc.[1]


Now that MK’s got the powers of Monkey King, his friends are asking him to do all sorts of tasks. After Mr. Tang mentions the famed power of the Monkey King to duplicate himself, MK decides to do the same and creates clones that will do everything for everyone while he stays home and plays video games. But, since MK doesn’t really know how to use his powers, the clones go crazy, wreaking havoc. MK must reclaim his clones before they do too much harm.[2]


After helping Pigsy and Sandy during the day and hanging out with Mei at night too much, MK becomes exhausted due to the activities. When Tang notices MK's problem, he tells him that he shouldn't work too hard and relax. MK, however, says he can't, as he doesn't want to let Pigsy, Sandy, and Mei down and hang out with them.


When Tang mentions the Monkey King's replication powers, he shows MK an example of how to do so, causing another MK to appear. Overjoyed, MK gets an idea to make multiple copies of himself so he can be in different places at the same time.

As the clones were doing their tasks, they begin to overdo it, with the Delivery Clone eating the noodles he was supposed to deliver, the Painter Clone painting too much and threatening Sandy, and the Party Clone making everyone, including Mei, stay inside at the Anti-Gravity Arcade to party.

After Pigsy knows about the clones, he gets mad at MK until the Delivery Clone falls on him. When Tang suggested to do a Kung Fu move to get rid of the clone, MK gets rid of the clone by doing so. After rescuing Sandy from the Painter Clone, MK heads to the Anti-Gravity Arcade to save Mei.


However, the remaining MK Clone attacked MK until he got rid of them and saved Mei.

At night, MK and Mei were at the former's house. There, MK says that he learns his lesson about making clones of himself but makes another MK clone to raise the volume of the TV. Enraged, Mei attacks the two MKs.


Voice Actor Role(s)
Dave B. Mitchell Pigsy
David Chen Tang
Jack De Sena MK
Artist Clone
Deliverly Clone
Party Clone
Patrick Seitz Sandy
Stephanie Sheh Mei








Names in other languages[]

Language Name Translation, etymology, and notes
Cantonese 分身術 Translates to Cloning Technique.
Dutch Verdubbeling Translates to Duplication.
Les clones Translates to The Clones.
Clonage et carnage Translates to Cloning and Carnage.
German Klon-Land Translates to Clone-Land.
Hebrew שכפול Translates to Duplication.
Italian Duplicazione Translates to The Invincible Boy.
Japanese 恐怖の分身 大パニック! Translates to Kyōfu no bunshin dai panikku!.
Korean 분신 대소동 Translates to Clone Commotion.
分身太多 Translates to Too Many Clones.
分身王國 Translates to Clone Kingdom.
Polish Klonowanie Translates to Cloning.
Slovenian Množenje Translates to Multiplication.
(Latin America)
Duplicación Translates to Duplication.
Duplicanación Translates to Duplicanation.
Turkish Klonlar Translates to Clones.



  • CITV, Television New Zealand, and HBO Go Asia title the episode "Duplication Nation".


  • This episode was skipped when the show aired on Cartoon Network Middle East and North Africa.

Focus Characters[]


  • MK serves as the main protagonist of this episode.
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Specials Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Revenge of the Spider Queen · Embrace Your Destiny · The Emperor's Wrath
Season 1 1. Bad Weather · 2. Duplicatnation · 3. Coming Home · 4. Noodles or Death · 5. Calabash · 6. The Great Wall Race · 7. Impossible Delivery · 8. Skeleton Key · 9. Macaque · 10. The End is Here!
Season 2 11. Sleep Bug · 12. Dumpling Destruction · 13. Pig Pong Panic · 14. Sweet 'n' Sour · 15. Minor Scale · 16. Game On · 17. Shadow Play · 18. To Catch a Leaf · 19. 72 Transformations · 20. This is the End!
Season 3 21. On the Run · 22. Great Grand Dragon of the East · 23. Smartie Kid · 24. The Winning Side · 25. Amnesia Rules · 26. The First Ring · 27. Cooking with Chang'e · 28. Benched · 29. The King, the Prince, and the Shadow · 30. The Samadhi Fire
Embrace Your Destiny:
31. This Imperfect World · 32. The Corrupted King · 33. Time to Be Warriors · 34. Destiny Fulfilled
Season 4 35. Familiar Tales · 36. New Adventures · 37. The Great Tang Man · 38. Pig-Napped! · 39. Court of the Yellow Robed Demon · 40. Show Me the Monster · 41. Pitiful Creatures · 42. The Brotherhood · 43. Roast of the Monkie Kids · 44. The Jade Emperor
The Emperor's Wrath:
45. A Lifetime of Mistakes · 46. The Plan Man · 47. Rip and Tear · 48. Better Than We Found It
Season 5 49. Strings That Bind · 50. Collar the King · 51. Temple of the Goddess · 52. The Storm Within · 53. Claim to Flame · 54. Festival Fugitives · 55. Into the Pagoda · 56. The Cage · 57. Sacrifice · 58. Harbinger