Monkie Kid Wiki

The final battle[1] is a conflict between the Monkie Kids and Lady Bone Demon as the heroes tried to prevent the Bone Demon from completing her destiny.



With the Monkey King corrupted and Mei captured, Lady Bone Demon began to set her plan in motion to complete her destiny. Meanwhile, the Monkie Kids and Red Son meet up at the mystic mountain to come up with a plan to defeat the Bone Demon. Macaque arrived with a depowered Mayor, thinking that he can give information on how to defeat her.[2] As the Mayor explained Lady Bone Demon's reasons for perfecting the world, he told the Monkie Kids and Red Son that because Lady Bone Demon now has the Samadhi Fire, she can now perfect all realms instead of just the mortal realm. However, Macaque revealed that Lady Bone Demon and the bone mech are vulnerable as long as Monkey King is corrupted. As MK came up with a plan on how to destroy the mech and free Mei, he requests Macaque's help, and he accepts.[3]

Final Battle[]

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  1. Destiny Fulfilled#Short Description
  2. Adams, Jeremy; Breen, David; Harper, Sarah; Kai, Yin. "The Corrupted King". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 32.
  3. Adams, Jeremy; Breen, David; Harper, Sarah; Kai, Yin. "Time to Be Warriors". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 33.


Competitions Great Wall Race · Food Wars
Past Conflicts Demon Bull King's imprisonment · Assault on the Celestial Realm
Final Battles Rise of the Monkie Kid · Battle of the Flaming Foundry · Battle between MK and the Lady Bone Demon · Final battle with Lady Bone Demon · Second assault on the Celestial Realm · Final standoff with the Brotherhood
Traditions New Year's · Ring of Light Festival
Miscellaneous Revenge of the Spider Queen · The Hero and the Warrior · Crimson Moon · Samadhi Fire ritual