Monkie Kid Wiki

The final standoff with the Brotherhood is a confrantation at Flower Fruit Mountain, where the Monkie Kids, Monkey King, and Macaque battled the Brotherhood to defeat them before the universe could be destroyed.



The Plan Man (172)

After Monkey King was released from the Scroll of Memory, he took the opportunity to enlighten the Monkie Kids about the strengths and weaknesses of the Brotherhood. He emphasized that Peng posed the greatest threat among the members, but would be the first to withdraw if the battle didn't favor them. On the other hand, Yellowtusk could be reasoned with, offering a glimmer of hope for negotiation. Lastly, Monkey King highlighted Azure Lion's deep-rooted hatred towards him, which led him to make a firm declaration that he and MK would personally handle the situation. Ne Zha, however, made a crucial observation that Azure's invincibility relied solely on his possession of the Scroll of Memory. In response, MK devised a strategy to retrieve the scroll from Azure. The plan involved A Team and B Team engaging in combat with Peng and Yellowtusk to divert their attention, while MK and Monkey King would steal the Scroll from Azure Lion. MK confidently declared that they would use the scroll to ensnare the Brotherhood, liberate the Demon Bull Family, and secure the Scroll of Memory. Nevertheless, Mei proposed an alternative approach, highlighting Subodhi's explanation that improvising without a concrete plan would not be sufficient to overcome the Brotherhood, unlike the previous decisive battles. Mei suggested luring the Brotherhood to Flower Fruit Mountain, creating the illusion that the heroes were unprepared for a confrontation.

The Plan Man (280)

As the heroes prepared themselves for the impending battle, Monkey King expressed his concern about his inability to train MK in his transformed monkey state. Monkey King observed MK's hesitation in utilizing his new monkey form and suggested that they save it for a later time. However, Monkey King emphasized the urgency of the situation, reminding MK that if they failed to stop the Brotherhood, the universe would face destruction with no second chances. MK mentioned the newfound armor he and Mei had acquired, believing it would make them invincible. Monkey King cautioned MK against relying solely on the armor, stressing the need to unleash their full powers and attack Azure with unwavering force. Before MK could respond, the Brotherhood arrived, displaying their unwavering determination to annihilate Monkey King, regardless of his immortality.

The final standoff[]

Rip and Tear (33)

As soon as the battle began, Peng faced Macaque in a one-on-one confrontation. They couldn't help but feel disgusted by Macaque's decision to fight alongside the Monkie Kids. In an attempt to understand Macaque's loyalty to the Monkey King, Peng wondered if there was anything the Monkey King could do to make Macaque abandon his allegiance. Macaque, however, made it clear that he had never liked Peng from the start. With a swift motion, he conjured a portal, through which Mei arrived. Utilizing her Dracokinesis, Mei launched an attack on Peng, who skillfully blocked it. In the meantime, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy made every effort to steer clear of any confrontation with Yellowtusk, who possesses a deep understanding of the imminent annihilation of the universe. However, despite this knowledge, Yellowtusk remains loyal to Azure Lion due to their unbreakable bond as sworn brothers.

Azure Lion launched a fierce attack on MK and Monkey King by utilizing the Scroll of Memory. Azure offered MK a final opportunity to surrender and save himself from certain death. However, MK adamantly refused to yield. The battle raged on, with Azure summoning the Ink Demons to restrain MK and attempting to strike him with his sword. Yet, MK evaded the lethal blow. Seizing the moment, Monkey King delivered a kick that sent Azure Lion hurtling across Flower Fruit Mountain. Both MK and Monkey King taunted Azure for his defeat, despite his prestigious title as the Jade Emperor. To further immobilize Azure, Monkey King employed the Golden Staff. Meanwhile, the monkeys began retrieving the planks that composed the Scroll of Memory. In a desperate bid to counter the Golden Staff, Azure Lion tapped into his powers and transformed into a colossal giant. In response, MK created the Monkey Mech, which was piloted by the Party Clone and the Monkey King cardboard cutout, effectively diverting Azure Lion's progress.

Rip and Tear (69)

With all the planks gathered, Monkey King made preparations to retrieve them, only to have the plan backfire at the last moment when Azure Lion caught sight of him with the planks. In a swift motion, Azure Lion scattered the planks and positioned himself to annihilate Monkey King. However, MK skillfully blocked the impending attack. Azure Lion questioned MK's loyalty towards Monkey King despite all the hardships he had caused and the disappointments he had brought upon him. Monkey King pleaded with Azure Lion to stop his destructive actions. Azure Lion voiced his regret for ever trusting Monkey King, referring to him as the False Sage, Equal to Nothing. He believed that Monkey King did not deserve the loyalty and devotion he received, and insisted that MK would learn the hard way, just as he had. However, before Azure Lion could execute his plans, he was unexpectedly thrown off balance by a beam of power emitted by MK, who had transformed into his Mystic Monkey form.

MK swiftly smacked Azure Lion with his tail, delivering a powerful blow. Unrelenting, he continued to land blow after blow on the demon. Azure Lion, bewildered by MK's speed, couldn't help but wonder about his form. As the battle intensified, cracks began to form on Azure Lion's body. Suddenly, he heard MK coming from behind and instinctively grabbed him, hoping to gain an advantage. Azure Lion couldn't hide his disappointment as he observed MK's transformation, deeming him as a mindless beast because of Monkey King. However, MK quickly freed himself from Azure Lion's grip, revealing that he was far from mindless. MK continued his relentless assault on Azure Lion, exposing the deceitful nature of their supposed friendship. MK's words were filled with anger and betrayal as he accused Azure Lion of using him to further his own agenda. With each headbutt against Azure Lion's sword, MK's frustration grew. He challenged Azure Lion, taunting him to prove his heroism. Finally, MK's relentless attacks took his toll on Azure Lion, sending him crashing down Flower Fruit Mountain. The impact weakened Azure Lion, causing him to lose control over the Power of the Jade Emperor. The others around them became aware of the chaos unfolding, realizing the dire consequences of their battle. Exhausted, MK landed on the ground, only to witness Azure Lion's struggle to regain control as the universe was close to being destroyed.

Rip and Tear (124)

Restoring the universe[]

As the impending destruction of the universe loomed, Peng made the decision to depart from the scene. Mei, filled with anger, directed her frustration towards Peng, disappointed that Peng didn't even bother to complete the task at hand. However, Macaque adamantly advocated for sparing Peng, highlighting Peng's reputation as the most timid among them. This infuriated Peng, who impulsively launched an attack on Macaque, leading Macaque to summon the Smoke Monster. Feeling provoked, Peng quickly realized that engaging with Macaque was not worth the energy and swiftly retreated from the confrontation. Realizing the need for regrouping, Mei and Macaque agreed to return to the Shuilian Cave along with the others. Yellowtusk was convinced that the inevitable end of the universe was irreversible. Nevertheless, Sandy and Pigsy firmly asserted that their team would never surrender as long as they remained on their feet. Although Yellowtusk initially regarded their belief as overly optimistic, he decided to give it a try. In a gesture of trust, Yellowtusk returned the ancestral weapons to B Team, enabling them to equip their Power-up armor. With renewed determination, the four head toward to the Shuilian Cave.

Azure was convinced that the Monkey King was to blame for the chaos that had ensued. Suddenly, the Monkey King appeared before Azure, holding the Scroll of Memory, which triggered Azure's anger and prompted him to launch an attack. However, the Monkey King pleaded with Azure to cease his assault, pointing out that Azure had already emerged victorious and that the universe will soon be destroyed. Astonished, Azure vehemently denied any intention of causing such devastation and insisted that he could still rectify the situation, which was the very reason he had come in the first place. Upon hearing Azure's explanation, the Monkey King began to question how Azure had managed to escape from the Underworld. Furthermore, he expressed doubt that Azure had stolen the Scroll of Memory, as he was certain that Azure would not resort to such actions. However, the Monkey King soon realized that someone else had stolen the scroll and had given it to Azure, using him as a pawn to bring about the destruction of the universe by unleashing the Power of the Jade Emperor. In light of the revelation, Azure Lion redeemed himself by taking action to restore the universe, ultimately leading to his own demise. Ne Zha devised a seal to restrain the Power of the Jade Emperor, while the Monkie Kids, Yellowtusk, and Macaque wielded their weapons to repair the Shuilian Cave.

Monkie Kid-TEW-35-23


Ne Zha eventually shared his doubts about the seal's long-term effectiveness, highlighting the lack of a Jade Emperor to ensure its stability. Despite this uncertainty, he made a solemn commitment to safeguard it. Furthermore, Ne Zha revealed his intention to release the captives who had been unjustly confined within the Scroll of Memory by Azure. He pledged to return the Scroll of Memory to the Underworld, hoping that it would not be misused or end up in the possession of those with malicious intentions.

Better Than We Found It (131)

At Flower Fruit Mountain, the Monkie Kids, Monkey King, and the Demon Bull Family gathered for a lively beach party. However, Macaque made an appearance, despite not receiving an invitation. Macaque took the opportunity to remind Monkey King about the imminent doom that awaited the universe. Monkey King acknowledged the problem but firmly believed that they should focus on enjoying the present moment. He assured Macaque that they would deal with any scheming or challenges that arose in the future, emphasizing the importance of addressing them together.

Monkie Kid-TEWPart4-10-53 (2)

The Kings of the Underworld convened in a gathering to discuss the theft of the Scroll of Memory and the recent dethronement of the Jade Emperor. The leader announced that a thorough investigation would be conducted to uncover the truth behind the theft and to determine the appropriate course of action. The leader emphasized the end of the universe that will soon unfold. He sternly warned his fellow Kings that if any of them were found to be the culprit, they would face severe retribution. However, he emphasized that even the punishment paled in comparison to the catastrophic outcome that awaited if the perpetrator were to succeed.



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Competitions Great Wall Race · Food Wars
Past Conflicts Demon Bull King's imprisonment · Assault on the Celestial Realm
Final Battles Rise of the Monkie Kid · Battle of the Flaming Foundry · Battle between MK and the Lady Bone Demon · Final battle with Lady Bone Demon · Second assault on the Celestial Realm · Final standoff with the Brotherhood
Traditions New Year's · Ring of Light Festival
Miscellaneous Revenge of the Spider Queen · The Hero and the Warrior · Crimson Moon · Samadhi Fire ritual