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“That one hurt, didn't it? C'mon, I wanna see you go crazy on me!”
— Huntsman[src]

Huntsman was a Spider Demon that worked for the Spider Queen.


Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

The Spider Queen ordered Huntsman and Strong Spider to track down MK and his team. They eventually threw a tracking device to the Dronecopter so they could know where they were going. Later on, they eventually arrived at the Celestial Realm to capture MK's team. However, they failed when MK's team and Red Son escaped.

Despite this, Huntsman and Strong Spider eventually got back to the city and participated in the final battle against MK's team, but were stopped when the Demon Bull King briefly joined MK's team, getting blown away by him into the sky.

Sleep Bug[]

Huntsman appears watching along with Strong Spider as the Spider Queen has a rage outburst around the Silken Web Cave, both seemingly wary of her. He listens to Lady Bone Demon before he is pushed away by Syntax's mechanical spider leg, he glares on the corner of the scebe at him for this. Huntsmana and Strong Spider stay silent during Syntax explanation of The Cloud, momentarily getting scared by Syntax's hologram. Syntax taunts him about his tracking abilities and Huntsman just glares at him while growling.

After a while, Huntsman was at the Silken Web Cave sleeping, waking up at Syntax's return. He gets blown off by the Skeleton Key opening the Cloud's artifact, later to be knocked out.

Dumpling Destruction[]

Huntsman attempts to enter the Shuilian Cave as he was sent to look for the demon-revealing mirror, but failed, as only Monkey King and MK can open the barrier. However, Huntsman later manages to get inside due to Tang and MK getting through it.

While he was searching for the mirror, MK discovers Huntsman. Huntsman charges at him, but goes straight for the mirror before MK stops him, which results on a fight. Huntsman manages to lock MK in place before he informs him that the results of the dumpling hitting Megapolis would affect him too, Tang then uses a specialized sword on him. Huntsman decides then to have a truce with MK and simply escape with the demon-revealing mirror.

Later on the Silken Web Cave, Huntsman delivers the mirror to the Spider Queen (not without taunting Syntax), while he's presenting it to his queen, he catches a glimpse of Lady Bone Demon's true form, which renders him speechless out of fear as she takes the mirror from him.

To Catch a Leaf[]

Huntsman was sent by Lady Bone Demon to retrieve the crimson jimson weed at the same time as Sandy goes to get it to treat MK’s cursed hiccups. At first arrival he notices Sandy’s footprints -and apparently his smell- and decides to follow them, along the way he encounters the marks Sandy left to guide himself through the Mystic Jungle of the Emerald Lynx, and sabotages them.

Once Sandy founds the crimson jimson weed, Huntsman makes himself known and attacks Sandy for the flower, this leads to chasing Sandy while taunting him into fighting. Soon one of Huntsman's silk traps catches Sandy and Huntsman confronts him about his past as a warrior, after Sandy explains his current motivations he questioned why Huntsman is Lady Bone Demon’s “Errand Boy”. This strikes a nerve in him and goes to attack Sandy, but the latter catches his fist and offers him a cup of tea as a way to try and make peace -and possibly friends- with him, before Huntsman can either deny or accept the offer a bird smacks his face and the monkeys from the jungle attack him to defend Sandy. Huntsman struggles a bit before doing a swift blow, knocking all the monkeys off him, provoking flashbacks in Sandy leading him into showing his true strength, Huntsman keeps taunting him until he realizes he underestimated Sandy powers and that he has no chance at winning, he runs back to the Silken Web Cave with a petal of the crimson jimson weed to give Lady Bone Demon.

After being dismissed he notices he has a Sandy’s teabag in one of his pockets, remembering what he told him, he asks Lady Bone Demon why he is doing all of this for her, to which she replies that that’s “his role to play in this game” Huntsman supposes he’s doing it for the Spider Queen, but leaves the room unsure of the situation.

72 Transformations[]

While Huntsman and the other Spider Demons were rebuilding the spider mech, he tried to tell the Spider Queen about Lady Bone Demon, but silences himself from saying anything further. Later, when MK returned to the Silken Web Cave to reclaim Pigsy's noodle sign, Huntsman and the others tired to attack him, but was horrified when MK showed his puppy hands to him and the other Spider Demons. While looking for MK, Huntsman and the Strong Spider were attacked and then promptly killed by the Mayor.


Led by his desire to please the Spider Queen, Huntsman took great passion into his huntsman occupation, specially hunting down people. He was short-fused as it was not very difficult to irritate or anger him, specially when people talked down to him, such as when Sandy referred to him as "Errand Boy" or when Syntax belittled his abilities.[4]

He turned submissive and yielding to his figures in power like Spider Queen and Lady Bone Demon, as shown when he kneels at Spider Queen's intimidation[5] and when he is wary of the Lady Bone Demon's intentions.[1]

He enjoyed physical fights and looked forward to them, taunting and mocking his enemies. This search for confrontation made him reckless and forget the consequences of his actions, such as when he leaped into empty space of the Celestial Realm hoping to land in the Team Dronecopter before the Strong Spider grabbed him,[3] or when he taunted Sandy so insistently only to get overpowered by him.[1]



Huntsman was a lavender-skinned Spider Demon with four lime green eyes. He had a set of fangs above his mouth as well as smaller spikes along his face. He had grey hair styled into an undercut and braid.


Huntsman wore a black jacket with dark grey fur trim and two poisonous grenades at the collar. He had purple pants and a belt with a lime green buckle.


Minifigure Show Minifigure's description
Huntsman Minifigure Huntsman fullbody sleep bug Huntsman’s minifigure wears a black trench coat with purple and gray fur as well as a collar of gray fur. He additionally wears a purple belt and sash that holds spider poison grenades and has the Spider Demon’s emblem on it. Huntsman also has purple pants and a bit of visible chest hair.



  • Tracking - Huntsman could track people and objects by their scent.



Spider Queen[]

Huntsman respected the Spider Queen.


Despite the two being allied, he and Huntsman had a rivalry whenever it came to pleasing the Spider Queen.

Strong Spider[]

Strong Spider and Huntsman were friends.

Lady Bone Demon[]

Because the Spider Queen worked alongside Lady Bone Demon, Huntsman had to work for her as well. However, as time went by, he began to wonder why he was helping her create the bone mech after fighting Sandy.


Sandy was one of Huntsman's enemies. Huntsman seemingly had an odd fascination with Sandy, demanding that he fight him and repeatedly commenting on his build. Huntsman mocked Sandy for his pacifism believing it makes him weak. Sandy tried to offer him a bag of tea, which Huntsman also mocked him for. He went as far as to attack some of animals in the forest, which angered Sandy enough to almost strike him. Sandy told Huntsman to leave, which he did. Despite previously mocking him for it, Huntsman kept the tea bag Sandy gave him.


Names in other languages[]

Language Name Translation, etymology, and notes
German Huntsman Same as English.
Japanese ハンツマン Japanese reading of the English word Huntsman.
Korean 사냥꾼 거미 Translates to Hunter Spider.
杀手蛛 Translates to Killer Spider.
獵剎 Translates to Hunting Fiend.
Cazador Translates to Hunter.


Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

My queen, I have news regarding Red Son.
―Huntsman after interrupting Syntax
He actually... Got away.
Yes, my queen-
―Huntsman before getting the door slammed in his face
Now, now, my pets. Be patient. Daddy's gonna have his fun.
What's the rush? It's not so bad, if you go quietly. The transition will be almost painless.
We found the Monkey King's apprentice exactly where you said he'd be.
He can't escape!
What's the rush, little piglet?
Here, piggy piggy...
―Huntsman looking for Pigsy and Tang
There you are!
What are you doing? I could've made it!
The queen ain't gonna be happy about this.

Dumpling Destruction[]

It's close. I can smell it.
Ugh, it's never easy.
―Huntsman after being rejected by the magical barrier
I can smell your fear, boy.
Time's running out, little chimp.
You know, you've got a point. How about a truce, just this one time?
The kind who's got bigger plans than being boiled to death by dumpling soup.
Until next time, monkey boy.
My queen.
One demon revealing mirror!

To Catch a Leaf[]

Well, well... What have we got here?
―Huntsman discovering Sandy's footprints
Actually, I had a different idea.
Now, big guy. How about you hand over that pretty, pretty flower?
Is this guy for real?!
I love it when they run!
Come on, don't you wanna stick around for a fight? Guess those big muscles are just for show.
Trying to find your way back, gentle giant? Might be hard without these!
So what's your deal, big guy? A frame like that, now that's a warrior's build! I heard people talkin' about how you used to be a ruthless fighter back in the day.
I have a better idea.
―Huntsman before throwing Sandy at a tree
Oooh, that one hurt, didn't it? C'mon, I wanna see you go crazy on me!
Seriously? Nothing? What is with you? All that potential, wasted being that little chimp's errand boy.
Well, you did save me the hassle of trying to track this thing down myself, so for that, I gotta thank you.
You guys keep doing that. You're making this whole endeavor real easy for me.
Ugh, here we go.
Uh-huh, whatever you say, blue.
I am no one's errand boy!
Gah! Damn thing.
―Huntsman getting attacked by a bird
So long, butterfly.
All it took to bring out the beast was smacking around some of your woodland friends, eh?
We doing this? Or are you gonna brew me another cuppa?
Yes, m'lady.
―Huntsman to Lady Bone Demon
Uh, nothing. Well, I was, haha, um. Ahem. Why am I doing all this for you?
For the queen..?

72 Transformations[]

Gah! No! It's just, the lady, she's, uh.. Maybe we should- mm, nothing, my queen.
I don't know, big guy. But it didn't sound good.
―Huntsman after hearing Syntax's scream


  • In "To Catch a Leaf", Huntsman briefly swears at an attacking bird. This makes him the first Monkie Kid character to curse.
  • Huntsman is named after the Huntsman spider
  • He is the third Monkie Kid character to appear doing Yamcha's Death Pose after being knocked out. The first two were Pigsy and MK.
  • In the Mandarin dub, Huntsman speaks with a Sichuanese dialect.


Click here to view the image gallery for Huntsman.
Click here to view the gallery.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 O'Brian, T.K.. "To Catch a Leaf". Monkie Kid. Season 2. Episode 18.
  2. Denmark, Brandon. Keeping up with the creepy boards, here's the time i was tasked with probably the first murders in the series. (Tweet). Twitter.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Adams, Jeremy. "Revenge of the Spider Queen". Monkie Kid. Season 2 Special.
  4. Adams, Jeremy. "Sleep Bug". Monkie Kid. Season 2. Episode 11.
  5. Denton, Alan. "72 Transformations". Monkie Kid. Season 2. Episode 19.


Main Mei · MK · Monkey King · Pigsy · Sandy · Tang
Supporting Acolyte · Ao Bing · Ao Lie · Artist Clone · Attendant · Backup Clone · Celestial Armies · Chang'e · Court of the Underworld · Delivery Clone · Demon Accountant · Dragon of the East · Dragon of the West · Emperor · Erlang · Fruit Babies · Ghost Grandpa · Guanyin · Guardians of Knowledge · Humble Farmer · Jade Emperor · Jade Maiden · Jing · Lao Tzu · Lee · Li Jing · Little girl · Liu Boqin · Lunar Rabbit Robots · Master Subodhi · Master Subodhi's students · Mei (Calabash) · Minor Characters (Humans · Non-Humans · Unnamed · Unseen) · MK's Lion Guardian · Monkey King (Calabash) · Mr. Dragon · Mrs. Dragon · Monkey King Clones · Ne Zha · Nüwa · Pan · Party Clone · Pigsy (Calabash) · Pigsy's grandmother · Removalist · Sandy (Calabash) · Sha Wujing · Store Owner · Tang (Calabash) · Tang Sanzang · Tudi · Zhu Bajie
Animals/Creatures Alligators · Cats (Mo · Mo (Calabash)) · Dragons · Fish · Frogs · Jojo and Bikky · Lion Guardians · Monkeys · Monty · Rabbits · Spiders
Antagonists 100-Eyed Demon · Azure Lion · Bob · Bone Spirits · Demon Bull King · Demon customers · Demon Kids · Game Monster · General Ironclad · Goldfish Demon · Growl · Grunt · Huntsman · Ink Generals · Jin · Kui Mulang · Lady Bone Demon · Macaque · Nine-Headed Demon · Peng · Princess Iron Fan · Protective curse · Red Son · Rhino King · Roar · Rumble · Savage · Scorpion Queen · Smoke Monster · Snort · Speedy Panda drivers · Spider zombies · Spider Queen · Spider-Bots · Spindrax · Strong Spider · Syntax · Yellowtusk · Yin
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