Monkie Kid Wiki
The Great Wall Race << Impossible Delivery >> Skeleton Key

(Somewhere in Flower Fruit Mountain, MK is training with the Monkey King.)

Monkey King: (He dodges MK's attacks until he uses his tail to wrap around MK's leg, throwing him out to the inside of Flower Fruit Mountain.) Better. Way, way better. (He catches MK.) You're totally getting the hang of this, bud!

MK: Aw really?

Monkey King: I mean, it does make sense. You are getting trained by me. Now, we just gotta work on your focus.

MK: Yeah, I am the best of focus— What do you mean, "work on my focus?!" I-I'm like No. 1 Focus Guy!

Monkey King: Ugh, if anyone is No. 1 Focus Guy, it's me.

MK: What?! (He pulls out his book.) Literally, your entire legacy is about you being impulsive and dodging responsibilities!

Monkey King: (He grabs a bag of Peach Chips.) That's where you are wrong.

MK: The time that you ate all the Immortal Peaches that you were meant to guard?

Monkey King: That was a long time ago.

MK: When you kept annoying everyone at the Celestial Realm?

Monkey King: That's a matter of opinion.

MK: The time you pick a fight with Buddha

Monkey King: (He shoves a Peach Chip up MK's mouth.) See, that right there is the problem. You stressed too much about the negatives. Focus is taking in everything, but honing in only on the one thing that matters. Right now, I'm talking to you while also honing in the speed of the wind, the moisture in the air, these 37 emails for my lawyer, the first 18 seasons of Monkey King: The Animated Series. The inner resonance of my soul that contemplate the fact that I am an immortal being, who will never be able to die. And that bug right over there. But... (He eats another Peach Chip.) I'm paying attention to you. Take in everything, choose what you want to do, and then do it. That is focus.

MK: That sounds... super confusing, and like you're just constantly distracted.

Monkey King: Or maybe, you just can't handle real focus?

MK: (He gasps.) I-I can totally focus. I focus all the time! In fact, the very next thing I do, is gonna be the most focused thing ever!

(At Pigsy's Noodles.)

Pigsy: Hey, uh, MK. You mind explaining to me why I have two hundred orders of noodles that haven't been delivered yet?!

MK: (He chuckles.) I thought Mr. Tang was gonna do it?

Pigsy: Distraction. That's your greatest weakness, MK. You need to follow through on the task at hand. Understand? (He turns around to see MK on his phone.)

MK: Huh?

Pigsy: (He throws a spoon at MK.) That's it. I'm done. It's over. Pack your bags. You're outta here.

MK: (He gasps.) What?! Give me another chance. Please. I-I can do better!

Pigsy: (His phone rings and he answers the call.) Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Of course. Right way. (He hangs up.) Fine. One more chance. But, if you slip up, even a little bit. Well, the Deliverybot 9000 is surprisingly affordable.

MK: No! I'm not gonna let you down, Pigsy. I'm gonna have to focus, like I've never focused before. (He prepares to leave the shop until Pigsy clears his throat, reminding him about the noodles. He takes one of the bags of noodles.)

Pigsy: He delivers noodles literally every day. How is this suddenly... (He sighs.)

(MK starts the tuk-tuk and drives it until he reaches a stoplight.)

MK: Okay, do just like Monkey King said. Focus. Take everything in. (He looks at his surroundings.) Lamp post. Street sign. Amazing awesome arcade, filled with the best games in the universe. (He gets distracted.) Ahh, no! I have to focus. Focus!

Man: I win!

MK: (He looks at the arcade again and dashes inside, playing the games until realizes that he got distracted.) No, no, no, no! I got distracted! Pigsy is totally gonna fire me! That's it. No more distractions.

Anti-Gravity Arcade Employee: Hey, um, I got some more tokens—

MK: No! (He knocks the tokens off the employee's hands.) I got to go! (He runs out of the arcade.)

Anti-Gravity Arcade Employee: Rude much? (The tokens land on the employee's head.)

MK: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! (He gets back on the tuk-tuk and drives off, leaving the other drivers to stay behind a red light.) What is going on?! I can't let Pigsy down. I just need to concentrate. Just make up for lost time. I can do it. Nothing is gonna stop me. (He gets hit by a soccer ball.) Hey, watch it!

Kid: Jeepers. Sorry, mister. Hey, you want to play? We need someone else so we could have a proper game.

MK: Aw-w-w. Aw, I really wish I could, but-but if I do... (He imagines what would happen if he plays soccer with the kids, with the outcome being him getting fired and replaced with the Deliverybot 9000. He gasps.) I have to make this delivery! You all just want to trick me into staying here forever! I'm not falling for it. (He laughs as he continues on with his delivery.)

(One of the kids pick up the ball as he and the others change themselves into their true forms, revealing to be demons.)

Green Demon Kid: How did you think he knew that we were going to imprison him forever?

Red Demon Kid: Who knows.

Blue Demon Kid: Oh, look. Here comes another one.

(The green Demon Kid prepares to throw the ball.)

MK: (He screams.) No. No. Noooo! No, no! (He stops by at a food stall.) Uh, can I get a large— (He goes back to his delivery.) Dang it! Ugh, come on, MK! You fought deadly demons! Survived active volcanos! Faced Pigsy's wrath on a Monday! You could easily cover over 5,000 blocks in eleven minutes. I can do this! (He stops at a sign pointing in two directions. One path leading to a normal path, and the other leading to a forest.) I think we all know what the obvious choice here is. (He heads down the forest.) I should be getting close. I'm (He checks the monitor.) so far away! (He stops the tuk-tuk.) I'm never gonna be a master of focus! I'm not giving up. Just do what Monkey King said. First, take everything in: Trees, yes. Random skeleton that I'm definitely gonna report to the police later? Yes. Spooky pathway that will inevitably lead to my doom, yep, check, noted. I might have taken too much in. (He screams as his phone jumps, with an incoming call.) Pigsy! H-H-Hey, how're things with you? I'm definitely not lost in a terrifying forest.

Pigsy: Hey, you know this (MK sees vines weaving their way towards him.) Deliverybot 9000 can deliver over 9,000 deliveries a day? So you—

MK: Oh, is that so? That's very interesting! (He ends his dialogue in screams as the vines come for him.)

Pigsy: Kid, you okay?

MK: You're breaking up. Uh... (He makes static noises.) 'Kay, bye!

Monster Trees: (Pigsy's voice.) One more chance! (Monkey King's voice.) You can't handle real focus! (Pigsy and Monkey King's voices.) Focus! Focus! Focus!

Past Monkey King: Take in everything, choose what you want to do, and then do it.

MK: I want to deliver these noodles. I want to deliver these noodles. I am going to deliver these noodles! (He breaks free of his subconscious mind.) I did it! I did it! I shut everything out except the thing I needed to focus on. I also summoned monster trees with my stress so should I see a doctor? We'll worry about that later. I am a master of focus! Let's deliver some noodles. (He puts on his headphones and drives through Monkey Village.) Focus! Focus, focus, focus! (He rushes out but remembers his order of noodles.) Focus, focus, focus, focus, focus!

(MK knocks on the door to the temple. The customer prepares to open it until MK barges in.)

MK: Pigsy's Noodles!

(The customer is revealed to be Monkey King.)

Monkey King: You finally made it.

MK: Monkey King? Wait. (He gasps.) This was all a lesson to see if I could focus!

Monkey King: Uh... yes! I wanted to teach you a valuable lesson. I definitely didn't just order three helpings of noodles to my shame temple.

MK: You were right. I really was, honestly, terrible at focusing. But then...

Monkey King: I'm just gonna take those off ya.

MK: I paid attention to everything, but I only focused on one thing: delivering... your... noodles!

Monkey King: That's great, bud. I'm proud of ya. But... this isn't my order.

MK: What?!


Specials Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Revenge of the Spider Queen
Season 1 1. Bad Weather · 2. Duplicatnation · 3. Coming Home · 4. Noodles or Death · 5. Calabash · 6. The Great Wall Race · 7. Impossible Delivery · 8. Skeleton Key · 9. Macaque · 10. The End is Here!
Season 2 11. Sleep Bug · 12. Dumpling Destruction · 13. Pig Pong Panic · 14. Sweet 'n' Sour · 15. Minor Scale · 16. Game On · 17. Shadow Play · 18. To Catch a Leaf · 19. 72 Transformations · 20. This is the End!
Season 3 21. On the Run · 22. Great Grand Dragon of the East · 23. Smartie Kid · 24. The Winning Side · 25. Amnesia Rules · 26. The First Ring · 27. Cooking with Chang'e · 28. Benched · 29. The King, the Prince, and the Shadow · 30. The Samadhi Fire
Embrace Your Destiny:
31. This Imperfect World · 32. The Corrupted King · 33. Time to Be Warriors · 34. Destiny Fulfilled
Season 4 35. Familiar Tales · 36. New Adventures · 37. The Great Tang Man · 38. Pig-Napped! · 39. Court of the Yellow Robed Demon · 40. Show Me the Monster · 41. Pitiful Creatures · 42. The Brotherhood · 43. Roast of the Monkie Kids · 44. The Jade Emperor
The Emperor's Wrath:
45. A Lifetime of Mistakes · 46. The Plan Man · 47. Rip and Tear · 48. Better Than We Found It
Season 5 49. Strings That Bind · 50. Collar the King · 51. Temple of the Goddess · 52. The Storm Within · 53. Claim to Flame · 54. Festival Fugitives · 55. Into the Pagoda · 56. The Cage · 57. Sacrifice · 58. Harbinger