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Demon Bull Family · Little girl · Macaque · Mayor · MK · Monkey King · Spider Queen

Demon Bull Family[]


Season 1[]

When the Demon Bull King destroyed part of the foundry, he discovered Lady Bone Demon's tomb. Due to the Demon Bull King's thirst for power, he freed Lady Bone Demon from her tomb, thinking that she was an ancient power source.

After being freed from her tomb, she possessed the Demon Bull King and turned him against Princess Iron Fan and Red Son, but was stopped when MK knocked the canisters off of the the Furnace.

Capturing the Demon Bull Family[]

My parents have succumbed to the Lady Bone Demon's power, like countless others.
Red Son [src]

Making no mistake as last time, Lady Bone Demon captured Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan with her Bone Demon powers to prevent any powerful beings from stopping her. Red Son had escaped to a temple far away from her putridity. When Mei arrived, he trained her to learn to control the Samadhi Fire and hopefully use it to stop the Lady Bone Demon.

The Corrupted King[]

So, we meet again, son of the Demon Bull King. You're right. I never quite thanked you for freeing me from my prison. Your father was the most fitting host for my power in the time we had.
Lady Bone Demon
The Corrupted King Lightning Flash (4)

After Lady Bone Demon corrupted the Monkey King, as she had done with DBK before, she confronted Red Son. When Red Son sheepishly revealed to MK and Mei that his family were the ones who freed Lady Bone Demon, she began to taunt him by thanking him for his family's actions, in addition to creating the only thing that could help her complete her destiny. Before they could escape, she used Monkey King to punch him into the temple, rendering him injured, and then proceeded to take down the others.

Destiny Fulfilled[]

The Samadhi Fire is not her power! It's yours! Bend it to your will!
―Red Son
KID 4 destiny fufilled

Red Son tried to break Mei out of the crystal in the Lady Bone Demon's mech but she changed her plans, ripping the fire from Mei. He helped Mei break free of her control and they joined the others to defeat the Lady Bone Demon once and for all.

Little girl[]


The End is Here![]

When Lady Bone Demon was released, she was looking for a body to possess and a little girl trying to get her cat back was the only option. She seized control of her body, making her a vessel for her deeds.

Minor Scale[]

After MK was about to escape from the Silken Web Cave, Lady Bone Demon used the girl's body to trick MK into thinking that she was a little girl that got lost and almost used him to get the Golden Staff into the Trigram Furnace. During their conversation, Lady Bone Demon admitted that this form had deceived many people and this body was useful to her for now.

This Imperfect World[]

During the battle with the Monkey King, Lady Bone Demon realized that the little girl's body was very weak for this, which could lead to her defeat. However, the demon used the fact that she possessed the child as a human shield, because if the Monkey King killed her, then the little girl would die too.

Destiny Fulfilled[]

Lady Bone Demon finally freed the little girl as her body was no longer useful to her.



The Winning Side[]

It seems you cannot be trusted to willingly follow the path of destiny. But know this. If you betray me again, one misstep, one failure in any way, I will erase the very memory of you.
―Lady Bone Demon

Macaque was brought before her so she could remind him of his mistake. She tasked him to fetch MK and the Monkey King using a compass or else she would kill him. To make sure he wouldn't go back on his word again, she chained up his spirit and sent him away as her champion.


Bring the Fire to me. I will grant you my aid, my power in this final trial. But make haste, for I will leave nothing left of you.
―Lady Bone Demon

Lady Bone had known that Macaque had failed her so she prepared to do what she had promised would happen. However, Macaque told her that the Monkie Kids had the Samadhi Fire. She spared him but only he would bring her the fire and she gifted him with her corruptive powers to make sure he would hurry and not fail her again.

Time to Be Warriors[]

MK the Monkie Kid and the Six-Eared Macaque. Here to embrace oblivion?
―Lady Bone Demon

Lady Bone Demon had seen them coming and made her presence known by sending Monkey King at them. Macaque asked her to cease her plans and let them all live but she responded that nothing could alter her destiny. Seeing that her views wouldn't ever change, Macaque prepared to fight afterwards.

Destiny Fulfilled[]

Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troupe of headstrong simians!
―Lady Bone Demon

Because of MK and Macaque's insubordination, she changed her plans to use the Samadhi Fire herself instead of waiting for Mei to give in to her. Macaque and the others stood together to defeat her.




Monkie Kid-EYDPart3-01-09
You'll find your Chief of War takes his directive from me now.
Lady Bone Demon [src]

A very long time ago, the Mayor was once a Chief of War to an Emperor until he fell under the influence of Lady Bone Demon, who believed that humanity had to be recreated in order to prevent the world from further suffering, which the Mayor agreed to.

72 Transformations[]

Time to remove the unnecessary pieces from the game.
―Lady Bone Demon
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This Imperfect World[]

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Minor Scale[]

I do pity you.
―Lady Bone Demon

When MK attempted to escape from the Silken Web Cave, Lady Bone Demon tricked him into thinking that she was a lost little girl and tried convincing him to use the Golden Staff on the Trigram Furnace. However, once MK realized that Lady Bone Demon was the one who possessed the Demon Bull King and helped the Spider Queen capture Monkey King, Lady Bone Demon tormented MK by voicing MK's already growing insecurities that Monkey King was wrong in choosing him as a successor until she was interrupted by the Spider Queen.

72 Transformations[]

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This is the End![]

After the bone mech was created, Lady Bone Demon used it to attack MK while he was training. During their battle, Lady Bone Demon grew stronger every time MK used his powers on the mech, letting her obtain her true form and making MK almost powerless.

This is the End![]

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The Corrupted King[]

Oh, sweet child. Perhaps now you finally understand how pointless your efforts to stop me truly are.
―Lady Bone Demon
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Destiny Fulfilled[]

Lady Bone Demon: “Know this, Monkey. You and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right. That pursuit only leads to one thing.
MK: “Mhm. To destiny, right?
Lady Bone Demon: “No. To pain.
—Lady Bone Demon warning MK
Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-01-09

Lady Bone Demon explained to MK that he cannot fight destiny, but seeing his determination to stop her, she asked him how can he defeat her if Monkey King could not. As she told him to give up and accept his defeat, she was soon surprised that MK's words to her broke Monkey King from his possession. However, with Monkey King no longer in her control, Lady Bone Demon was strong enough to start the bone mech, so she can complete her destiny. But she was halted by MK, who created the Monkey Mech to fend off the bone mech. After she was defeated, Lady Bone Demon told MK that he has much in common with her, and like her, his actions will only result in pain for himself and others.

Monkey King[]


The Monkey King was one of Lady Bone Demon's enemies, he despised her.

Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

I will rip the memory of you from this world.
―Lady Bone Demon
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This Imperfect World[]

All those years locked away and you haven't changed a bit!
Monkey King
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The Corrupted King[]

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Time to Be Warriors[]

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Destiny Fulfilled[]

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Spider Queen[]


Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

At some point in time, Lady Bone Demon decided to work along with the Spider Queen so she could use her in her plot to create the Bone mech.

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Minor Scale[]

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72 Transformations[]

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This is the End![]

Spider Queen: “But I got you ingredients! I'm the Queen! You promised me my destiny!
Lady Bone Demon: “A promise I did not break, my Queen. This is your destiny.
—Lady Bone Demon before killing Spider Queen

After defeating the Spider Queen, Lady Bone Demon revealed to her that her destiny was to be the final ingredient to create the bone mech before dragging her into the Trigram Furnace to her death.


Heroes Mei · MK · Monkey King · Pigsy · Tang · Sandy
Villains Azure Lion · Demon Bull King · Lady Bone Demon · Macaque · Princess Iron Fan · Red Son · Spider Queen