Monkie Kid Wiki
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep4-01-14
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This is a list of recycled animation that was featured in Monkie Kid.

Original Recycled
LEGO Monkie Kid-AHIB-08-38LEGO Monkie Kid-AHIB-08-39
("Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born")
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep8-00-44LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep8-00-45
("Skeleton Key")
LEGO Monkie Kid-AHIB-30-26
("Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born")
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep8-01-07
("Skeleton Key")
("Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born")
("Dumpling Destruction")
Monkie Kid-AHiB-32-14
("Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep2-05-05
("Dumpling Destruction")
Monkie Kid-RotSQPart3-04-03
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep6-03-58LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep6-04-00LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep6-04-02
("The Great Wall Race")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-01-58Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-01-59Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-02-02
("Familiar Tales")
Monkie Kid-S1Ep9-06-20
Monkie Kid-RotSQPart1-00-52
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep5-07-24
("Minor Scale")
Shadow play eye imagery 1
("Shadow Play")
Shadow fight macaque 2
Macaque blocks monkey king destiny fufilled
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Nothing personal macaque
Macaque she didnt say anything about you guys the winning side
("The Winning Side")
The smoke monster the winning side
("The Winning Side")
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep10-04-18
("The End is Here!")
Monkie Kid-S3Ep1-10-23
("On the Run")
Rotsq red son grabbed by sandy
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
("The Jade Emperor")
LEGO Monkie Kid-RotSQTrailer-00-51
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-10-42
("This is the End!")
Pigsy and Tang at the Celestial Realm
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
Pigsy and Tang escape from the Scorpion Demoness
("The Winning Side")
Demon Bull King jumps RotSQ
("Revenge of the Spider Queen")
Demon Bull King jumps Ep26
("The First Ring")
MK Summons the Golden Staff (Ep11)
("Sleep Bug")
MK Summons the Golden Staff (Ep19)
("72 Transformations")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep4-01-03
("Sweet 'n' Sour")
Monkie Kid-S3Ep4-06-41
("The Winning Side")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep5-01-42
("Minor Scale")
Monkie Kid-S2Ep9-06-05
("72 Transformations")
Mk smooshed minor scale
("Minor Scale")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep7-10-39
("Pitiful Creatures")
Shadow play i beg to differ kiddo macaque
("Shadow Play")
The winning side macaque to the lady
("The Winning Side")
Benched macaque thinks of lbd 3
Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-01-35Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-01-36
("This is the End!")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep3-05-06Monkie Kid-S4Ep3-05-08
("The Great Tang Man")
Great grand dragon of the east wukong cute face
("Great Grand Dragon of the East")
Monkie Kid-TEWPart2-01-03
("The Plan Man")
Monkie Kid-S3Ep3-04-17Monkie Kid-S3Ep3-04-19
("Smartie Kid")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep3-00-43Monkie Kid-S4Ep3-00-45
("The Great Tang Man")
Ne Zha Throws Fire Wheels (Ep29)
("The King, the Prince, and the Shadow")
Ne Zha Throws Fire Wheels (Ep34)
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-09-43Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-09-44Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-09-45Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-09-46Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-09-49
("The Samadhi Fire")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-09-17Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-09-18Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-09-19Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-09-20Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-09-23
("The Brotherhood")
Monkie Kid-EYDPart2-10-01Monkie Kid-EYDPart2-10-05
("The Corrupted King")
The Plan Man (38)The Plan Man (40)
("The Plan Man")
Macaque on the ground destiny fulfilled
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Sacrifice (158)
Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-03-48
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-05-52
("The Brotherhood")
Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-09-16
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-09-57
("Roast of the Monkie Kids")
Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-09-26Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-09-28Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-09-29
("Destiny Fulfilled")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-09-56Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-04-40Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-09-55
("Roast of the Monkie Kids")
Azure Lion Walks in (Ep36)
("New Adventures")
Azure Lion Walks in (Ep44)
("The Jade Emperor")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep2-06-29
("New Adventures")
Monkie Kid-S4Ep10-09-24
("The Jade Emperor")
The Jade Emperor (127)
("The Jade Emperor")
Collar the King (365)
("Collar the King")
Temple of the Goddess (57)
("Temple of the Goddess")
Rip and Tear (24)
("Rip and Tear")
Rip and Tear (58)
("Rip and Tear")
Monkie Kid
A LEGO Journey to the East · Monkie Kid Launch Ceremony · Monkie Kid (TV series) · Monkie Kid (sets) · Opening sequence · Soundtrack
Lists Animation errors · List of Characters · List of Monkie Kid Cast and Characters · List of Episodes · List of recycled animation in Monkie Kid · List of running gags in Monkie Kid · List of references in Monkie Kid · List of references to Monkie Kid in LEGO media · List of Regional Differences in Monkie Kid · List of Comics · List of fourth wall breaks · List of cut lines in Monkie Kid