Although this article is based on official content, its actual name is an assumption due to the subject not receiving an official title, either it's unknown, unofficially translated, or based on conjecture. Until one is revealed, this placeholder title will be used.
MK's phone is a mobile device that belongs to MK. He mainly uses it as a GPS whenever he delivers noodles.
MK got a pop-up ad for Sleep Bug, which he ignored and threw his phone to the side. He later got another ad for Sleep Bug, which allowed him to figure out the game put everyone to sleep.
After seeing the The Hero and the Warrior, MK continually called Mei on his phone, but she didn't answer as she was trapped in Macaque's Magic lantern at the time.
MK's phone has a cracked screen, with a scuffed orange case and red buttons. The back has a sticker of the monkey symbol on the back of MK's jacket.