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Lady Bone Demon


The Winning Side

What madness overcame you, that you would forsake your oath? When did you decide to betray me?
―Lady Bone Demon
Monkie Kid-S3Ep4-02-23

Lady Bone Demon had resurrected him in return for a key that would free her from her prison in the future. Macaque however threw the key away, leaving her imprisoned far longer than she had anticipated. She had sent her mayor to fetch him and reminded him of his betrayal. She then tasked him to capture the Monkey King and MK. As usual, Macaque accepted the request but this time Lady Bone Demon imprisoned his spirit as a reminder of what she would do so he wouldn't betray her again. She finally sent him away, referring to him as her champion.


I set you a task: You were to retrieve the Monkey King and his protégé. Yet, you refuse the path of destiny and so there will be... pain.
―Lady Bone Demon
Benched macaque and lbd pain

Lady Bone Demon was aware that Macaque had failed and proceeded to kill him. In an act to save himself, Macaque told the Lady Bone Demon that they had a weapon that would destroy her. She then granted him her Bone Demon powers and promised that she would kill him in the process, so there would be no mistake in her final task for him.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

I couldn't care less, what the Lady Bone Demon wants!
The king the prince and the shadow bone macaque approaches

With the powers overtaking him, he knew his last hope to break him free of those chains was the Samadhi Fire. When Monkey King mocked him that he got what he wanted and should return to the Lady Bone Demon, Macaque replied he didn't care about her desires and immediately destroyed the rings in hope of burning out her powers from him. But soon, he found out those were fakes and left to get the real rings.

After he arrived, his desperation for the Samadhi Fire became more and more evident as he threatened the Monkie Kids to do what he said.

Time to Be Warriors

I'm kind of on this whole living streak right now, so we were hoping maybe you could call off this whole end-of-the-world thing. Would really help us out.
Monkie Kid-EYDPart3-10-36

After seeing Lady Bone Demon overtake Monkey King, Macaque realized there was possibly a vulnerability as she was using all her energy to control not only him, but the mech and everything else she had under control. He agreed to help and arrived with MK to face the Lady Bone Demon. Lady Bone Demon saw them coming so Macaque decided to suggest one last time that she put off her plans, allowing everyone to live. She told him nothing could alter the course of destiny which he expected her to say. He then prepared to fight the controlled Wukong.

Destiny Fulfilled

Macaque on the ground destiny fulfilled
Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians.
―Lady Bone Demon

Unfortunately, Macaque was easily defeated by Wukong. But after Wukong broke free of her will, Lady Bone Demon was furious and deemed them all headstrong simians. Later, he joined forces with the others to create the celestial Monkey King mech and help defeat Lady Bone Demon once and for all.

Little girl


Destiny Fulfilled

Little girl destiny fufilled scuffed

When the Lady Bone Demon ceased her possession of the child, Macaque caught her as she fell. He carried her during their fall off the bone mech and gently placed her on the ground after they landed.



Shadow Play

2021-06-07 (7)

Just as Macaque went back to the shadow play to get back the magic lantern, he was encountered by the Mayor, who slowly acted hostile toward Macaque as he complimented his play. Suspicious of him, Macaque tried to leave but was suddenly grabbed by the neck. The Mayor told Macaque that the Lady Bone Demon wanted him for something, in addition to her needing the magic lantern for the bone mech.

The Winning Side

The winning side mayor holding down macaque

After Megapolis was taken over by Lady Bone Demon, the Mayor threw Macaque out of a portal so the Bone Demon could talk to him. Enraged, Macaque attempted to chase after the Mayor but the portal closes before he can make it, causing him to nearly fall off the bone mech. After Macaque was told that he needed to capture MK and Monkey King to make up for his insubordination, the Mayor got behind Macaque and pushed him onto the ground as Lady Bone Demon explained what would happen if he failed or disobeyed her again.

The Corrupted King

Macaque grabbed the Mayor after he had been de-powered. After sometime, he presented him ― in a battered state ― to the Monkie Kids.

Time to Be Warriors

Mayor: “My Lady's power is too great for you to best. Your friend will surrender the Fire. My Lady's victory is assured!
Macaque: “She didn't look so hot last time I saw her.
—Mayor and Macaque
Monkie Kid-EYDPart3-04-52 (1)

The Mayor was bragging to the Monkie Kids about how great the Lady Bone Demon's powers were and that nothing could stop her, but then Macaque coolly chimed in that she didn't look so great, earning a resentful glare from him ― for interrupting his great speech and insulting his Lady.



Shadow Play

Like Tang and Pigsy, Mei became a victim of Macaque after being trapped in his magic lantern, as her shadow was used to fight MK.

On the Run

On the run mei my monkies 2
Ah, you must be the Dragon Girl I've heard so little about...

Macaque was met by a powerful blast from her that expelled the Shadow Monkeys holding down Monkey King and saved MK. He dodged her attacks and was amused when Mei announced her protection over the two. Macaque demeaned her as an unimportant little girl whose attacks wouldn't affect him.

The Winning Side

Okay, girl's more powerful than I thought. Interesting.
Dragon behind macaque the winning side

Macaque returned to kidnap MK, Mei, and Sandy in a copy of their T.E.A. and used Mei and Sandy to taunt MK. However, he underestimated Mei when she used her Dracokinesis to free herself from his shadows and destroyed the fake copy of the van, which he admitted this to her afterwards.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

The king the prince and the shadow macaque grabbing mei
I cut you all down... starting with the girl!

Learning from his past mistake, he made it clear to the others that Mei would be taken down first if they didn't do what he said. Even when he saw that she was weakened, he knew her powers were strong enough ― more than MK's with his state ― that he was willing to take her out first.

The Samadhi Fire

She's completely out of control! If there's a time to go, it's now!

Macaque was unaware that Mei was the fourth ring and would ultimately be the one who controlled the Samadhi Fire. His fear of her grew as he watched her unleash her rage, combining both the powers of her Dracokinesis and the Samadhi Fire. He urged MK to leave before escaping through a shadow portal.

Rip and Tear

Macaque kept Mei hidden in the shadows and brought her out for a surprise attack on Peng. He gasped when Peng called Mei a little brat, a reminder to when he first called her little, while Mei was annoyed herself and immediately summoned her full strength. They continued to fight together against them.

Better Than We Found It

Monkie Kid-TEWPart4-01-45 (1)
Macaque: “Alright. We should regroup with the others.
Mei: “Way ahead of you!
—Macaque and Mei

When Peng tried to leave the fight, Mei attacked; furious that after all the danger they tossed everyone in, they still wanted to leave. However, Macaque told her to let them go and called them a coward. After Peng flew off, Mei grabbed Macaque in her dragon form and flew towards Shuilian Cave.

Later, they used their powers to put Flower Fruit Mountain back together, along with help from Mei's other friends and Yellowtusk.




There really isn't anything special about you. You're just some kid with a heavy stick.
―Macaque mocking MK
Macaque Mocks MK

When Macaque first met MK, he immediately recognized him as the Monkey King's successor. He gladly accepted MK's proposal for Macaque to train him so he could become better warrior. Macaque's training style was mostly reliant on putting down MK and pushing him past his limits.

However, Macaque only agreed because he wanted to steal MK's powers, and to a lesser extent, turn him against Monkey King. After stealing his powers, he mocked MK. He then used MK against Monkey King and tried to kill him, stating that it was nothing personal, something that was almost certainly not true.

Shadow Play

Well, with ol' Monkey King not around, I thought someone should teach you a lesson.
Monkie Kid-S2Ep7-07-16

Some time after being defeated by MK, Macaque posed as a puppeteer at a shadow play and kidnapped his friends in a magic lantern while MK was away getting snacks. When MK came back, Macaque told his tale about him and Monkey King to him. Eventually, MK spoke to Macaque (while still disguised as a puppeteer), unloading his insecurities onto him. Macaque turned into the Monkey King and mocked MK before revealing himself.

He used the shadows of MK's friends to fight MK, all while saying that he had abandoned his friends just like Monkey King had done to him previously; unknown to Macaque, this was not true as MK had called up Mei and checked Pigsy's Noodles before coming back to the theater. When MK had enough and came at him for the lantern, Macaque agreed and told him that although he seemed a bit too much like Monkey King, he also saw potential in him. And then smashed the lantern himself.

After Macaque had released his friends from the lamp, he left the theater with MK following him. He told MK that he started this scheme with the intent for MK to be tormented by his own actions but saw that he was already doing that. Macaque repeated his previous statement that MK was a good kid before warning him that something big was coming.

On the Run

On the run mk getting choked out 2
Look at you, you're all used up.

Macaque was sent by the Lady Bone Demon to capture MK and the Monkey King. He recognized they had suffered from their fight with her, allowing him to bring them down easily. At that point, he held MK by the throat and mocked him for being powerless. He would have hurt him further if Mei hadn't come in to save them both.

The Winning Side

Come on. Fight back! Maybe I'm not giving you the right motivation.
First i deliever you the winning side

Macaque kidnapped MK and used his friends to taunt MK into fight him. He declined MK's offer to join forces with him against the Lady Bone Demon and told him he had to hand him and Monkey King over to her so he could be free of his debt. However, Mei broke free of his shadows before Macaque could knock out MK.

Once they were out of the copy of the van, Macaque fought them and used MK's friends again to provoke him. MK was able to regain his powers and escaped with his friends. Unbeknownst to them, Macaque was secretly pleased he had his powers again.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

The king the prince and the shadow mk grabbed
Don't get in my way, kid! I don't have time for you!

Macaque arrived and demanded MK to stand down, as he only wanted the Samadhi fire. MK fought back but was easily defeated by him, who then laughed at them all for believing that Monkey King had a plan.

The Samadhi Fire

Macaque: “She's completely out of control! If there's a time to go, it's now!
MK: “No! Mei is my best friend. I'd never abandon her when she needs me! We're heroes! It's what we do!
—Macaque and MK
Macaque looking the samadhi fire

Macaque realized the consequences of the Samadhi Fire being reforged with Mei. He encouraged MK to leave if they wanted to survive. MK retaliated that he would never abandon his best friend when he needed her most and that it was a moral that heroes upheld. Thus, Macaque realized his mistake in believing that the hero MK was growing up to be was only a reflection of the Monkey King, who would leave his friends behind one day just as Monkey King did to him. He then left as MK prepared to face Mei.

The Corrupted King

Macaque presents the mayor the corrupted king
If you're making a plan to defeat the Lady Bone Demon, I know a guy who might be able to help.

Macaque created a shadow portal in order to save MK from a corrupted Monkey King. He later presented a beaten up Mayor to the Monkie Kids.

Time to Be Warriors

Macaque: “I'm not a hero, bud.
MK: “Then be a warrior.
—Macaque and MK
Monkie Kid-EYDPart3-06-51 (1)

MK devised a plan to defeat the Lady Bone Demon, which involved Macaque fighting Monkey King if he showed up. Macaque immediately objected, saying that he wasn't up for being a hero and saving the world. MK tried to convince him again, elaborating that he just had to keep him busy, and stopped him when he tried sweet talk his way out. Macaque still stubbornly refused ― even though MK told him he knew he wasn't just doing it for himself ― claiming that he wasn't a hero. But he finally gave in when MK asked him to be warrior for them instead.

After they suited up and head out, he stood with MK against Lady Bone Demon and Monkey King before facing the latter head on.

Destiny Fulfilled

Alright, MK. I hope that staff is worth it!
Macaque blocks monkey king destiny fufilled

Macaque blocked Monkey King's punch and kept him busy while MK went for the staff. Unfortunately, he was defeated swiftly but then Monkey King was able to break free of Lady Bone Demon's hold.

Later on, he joined forces with the others to take down the Lady Bone Demon. After the battle, they celebrated with a feast of noodles. Macaque appeared behind MK, asking if he was done with his share, but Monkey King immediately snatched the bowl and they squabbled before he left.

One day, MK sent an order of noodles to Macaque, along with a drawing of himself, Mei, Monkey King, and Macaque.

Roast of the Monkie Kids

Nice tail, by the way. That's new.
Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-09-52 (1)

Macaque overheard MK contemplating why Monkey King really stayed at Flower Fruit Mountain and butted in, claiming that Monkey King was a peach-eating idiot who always ignored the world's problems. However, his attitude changed when he saw MK attempt to summon his monkey demon form before giving up, clearly unwell. So Macaque complemented his tail instead and even invited MK to see something he did. MK did not seem happy to see him at all.

The Jade Emperor

Point is, it's time to start making your own choices. Something I wish I'd learned a lot sooner than I did.
Monkie Kid-S4Ep10-00-52

Macaque had brought him to Monkey King's house to play his video game since he understood that MK was stressed from all the villains who had messed with his head. But after MK played the game for some time and was frustrated all his options led him to the same result of "Game Over", Macaque confirms that was the intention, which earned him a sarcastic round of applause from MK. Macaque then followed him outside and told him that he was supposed to have realized while he was playing that his life was not a video game and that he could avoid the same mistakes he made by choosing what he wanted to do. With that in mind, MK left to save his friends in the Celestial Realm.

A Lifetime of Mistakes

During the planning phase of the mission to rescue Monkey King from the Scroll of Memory, Macaque decided to tag along with MK, believing that his involvement in Monkey King's history would be beneficial. As they ventured into the Scroll of Memory, Macaque found himself frustrated with MK's limited knowledge of Journey to the West. This frustration was compounded by the sight of Monkey King's playful behavior, which Macaque found distracting as he tried to focus on the search. However, Macaque's perspective on Monkey King began to shift when he witnessed an argument between the two at Five Phases Mountain. At this moment, Macaque explained to MK that he had once believed Monkey King to be a bad influence, a belief that Azure had instilled in MK. When MK inquired about the cause of the rivalry between Macaque and Monkey King, Macaque chose to disregard MK's question and instead walked away, leaving MK feeling upset and confused.

Strings That Bind

Look, that kid idolizes you. You're his literal hero and you just...
―Macaque berating Monkey King
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The Cage

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Monkey King



Monkie Kid-S4Ep2-02-58

In the past, Macaque lived with Monkey King at Flower Fruit Mountain, eventually becoming sworn brothers with him and four other demons. Hearing about his Havoc in Heaven, Macaque warned Monkey King about the Jade Emperor, only to be ignored as the other demons discussed overthrowing the Jade Emperor and taking his title. As he grew cautious, Macaque was assured by Monkey King not to worry.[1] However, during their Battle of the Celestial Realm, Macaque and the others failed.

Macaque learned that Monkey King was imprisoned inside of Five Phases Mountain for punishment, so he tried to cheer him up by giving him a peach. This, however, made Monkey King bitter toward Macaque, as it didn't particularly help with his current situation. Macaque began to walk away in disappointment, until he was called out for always abandoning him by Monkey King. Macaque retorted that Monkey King was the one that always leaves others behind because of his thirst for power and immortality. Although Monkey King said that he did for the both of them, Macaque said that he only did for himself, acting like an obsessive demon. Macaque then told Monkey King that he shouldn't have gone against the Jade Emperor and left, squishing the peach he planned to give Monkey King.[2]

One day, Macaque met up with the remainder of the Brotherhood as they heard that Monkey King was in league with the Jade Emperor, trying to convince them to wait and see if Monkey King truly change sides or not.[3] After Wukong became Tang Sanzang's disciple for the Journey to the West, Macaque went on a path of darkness and grew a strong disliking to his former friend.[4]

Eventually, Macaque fought Monkey King in an intense battle and lost, costing him his life. After Macaque was resurrected by the Lady Bone Demon, he continued to hold a grudge against and seek vengeance on Monkey King.[5]


Come on! Show me the real Sun Wukong! The old you would have leveled this whole mountain range to stop me. But you're scared of hurting some kid? Pathetic!
They are holding hands macaque

Some time after the Demon Bull King was freed from his imprisonment, Macaque would once again see the Monkey King, after manipulating and stealing his successor's powers. When Monkey King arrived, Macaque sarcastically stated that it was great to see him again before fighting him, in hopes of destroying him with his own powers. He used MK against Monkey King, tricking him, then threatening and using MK to rile him up. Macaque was eventually defeated by MK, who used the lesson he had learned from Monkey King.

On the Run

On the run wukong macaque fight 8
Hoo hoo, looking a little banged up there, Monkey King.

Macaque greeted them with a barrage of shots from his jet flyer and mockingly called out to Monkey King. They exchanged insults, eventually getting into a tussle. MK got involved but when Monkey King tried to help, Macaque easily trapped him with his Shadow Monkeys. He scoffed at their weakened states before turning to slam MK against the ground. However, Mei came in to free them both.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

This was the Monkey King's great plan?! How do you still not see that he has no idea what he's doing?!
The king the prince and the shadow macaque looks at wukong

Ne Zha finally had gotten the Rings of Samadhi away from Monkey King, but Macaque found them and used his new Bone Demon powers to trap them. Monkey King saw his new form and used the moment to mock him, earning a rebuke from Ne Zha. After Macaque took the rings from Ne Zha, Monkey King continued to taunt him so he would say something back or better yet, run off to the Lady Bone Demon with the rings before he figured out they were fakes. Macaque told him he didn't care what she wanted and destroyed the rings. Macaque then realized the rings were with MK.

Soon, they saw the ritual start and Macaque made a move to go after the Monkie Kids. Monkey King demanded him to stop, warning him what would happen if he dared hurt MK. But Macaque finished his threat, asking if he would just make things worse for MK; a parallel to the pain he still felt when Monkey King abandoned him. The last thing he heard as he blasted off was Monkey King shout that he had a plan.

When he arrived, he saw how disorganized and clueless they were, prompting him to call them out for believing in Monkey King's so-called plan before giving one of his own.

The Samadhi Fire

Macaque getting choked out 4 the samadhi fire
Macaque: “I didn't do this!
Monkey King: “Well, you weren't not involved!
—Macaque and Monkey King

With the Samadhi Fire ritual completed, Macaque was freed from the Lady Bone Demon's powers. But after he watched Mei as he listened to Ne Zha speak of the fire, Monkey King came after him for ruining everything. Macaque tried to escape through his portal but Monkey King reached in and grabbed him by the throat. He tried to plead that he didn't know that this was going to be the result but Monkey King wanted to punish him anyway. Tang stopped them and told them it was his fault. Monkey King eventually let Macaque go.

Destiny Fulfilled

Still the same Wukong, doing whatever he wants with no regard for others.
Monkey king macaque D E D 2 destiny fufilled

Macaque held off a possessed Monkey King until he couldn't anymore. They eventually escaped and stood before the bone mech. He exchanged a look with Monkey King and joined the others to create the celestial Monkey Mech and destroy Lady Bone Demon.

After the battle, Macaque asked MK if he was done with his share of noodles. Monkey King took them instead to make sure he wouldn't have any. Macaque recognized this behavior and said it to him out loud, causing them to squabble over their past actions. However, they agreed on one thing, which was that they were absolutely nothing like the other when MK tried to point out they were the same. He leaves, but not before assuring Monkey King that he might do a bit of scheming.

A Lifetime of Mistakes

Monkie Kid-TEWPart1-09-52
Ugh, can't believe I'm sticking my neck out for Wukong. Again.

After locating Monkey King, Macaque saw the projections of himself and the former, reminding himself of their own broken brotherhood and appeared to miss it as he raised his hand and tried to touch the projections which faded. When Monkey King looked at Macaque, he offered a tiny smile as a sign they rekindled with each other.

The Plan Man

Azure won't admit it but he has a thirst for revenge. Truth is, he's gonna be on Wukong like a bad smell. Like Wukong doesn't stink bad enough already.

Macaque mentioned that Azure would pursue Monkey King relentlessly, comparing it to a foul odor. Macaque insulted Monkey King by saying that Monkey King's scent was already repugnant enough.

Rip and Tear

I don't know how you stomach it, brother! The Six-Eared Macaque, fighting side by side with his own replacements! Is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?
―Peng taunting Macaque
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Better Than We Found It

Macaque: “Cute. Thanks for the invite, by the way.
Monkey King: “And thanks for showing up, even though you were not invited!
—Macaque and Monkey King

Macaque came to Monkey King's beach party, even though he wasn't invited. Despite this, Macaque was offered a peach popsicle from Monkey King, and accepted it. Macaque reminded Monkey King about the universe's impending doom, saying that the beach party is just a short-term victory. Monkey King agreed with him, but said that they'd handle it together.

Strings That Bind

Hey, this mountain's been my home just as long as yours.
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Collar the King

Oh, so you think this is my idea of a good time, trapped in here with you?
―Monkey King
Monkie Kid-TEWPart1-09-52
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Into the Pagoda

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You always were the most cowardly of the bunch, Macaque. Slinking around in the shadows like a rodent.

Because of their friendship with Monkey King, Macaque became sworn brothers with Peng. Even though they all agreed in overthrowing the Jade Emperor, Macaque was the only one to be worried, in which he was considered to be the most cowardly out of the six by Peng.[1]

After the Battle of the Celestial Realm, Macaque met up with Peng and the remaining demons at Camel Ridge, trying to prevent them from getting hasty, as the demons accused Monkey King of being a traitor.[3]

Season 4

Years after their last encounter, the Brotherhood planned on staging another assault on the Celestial Realm, and hoped on having the Demon Bull King and Macaque join in as well. While they failed to convince the Demon Bull King, the three couldn't find Macaque, to which Peng called him out while Azure Lion replied that he is no longer needed.[6]

Rip and Tear

You know what, Peng? Straight up, I have never liked you.
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Better Than We Found It

Monkie Kid-TEWPart4-01-20
After all, you always were the most cowardly of the bunch.

Mei launched an assault on Peng when they tried to escape without finishing the fight, but Macaque chose a different approach. He decided to release Peng, but not without mocking them for their cowardice, just as Peng had done to Macaque earlier. As Macaque turned away, Peng became furious and charged towards him. In retaliation, Macaque summoned the Smoke Monster, while Mei summoned her Dracokinesis, causing Peng to feel intimidated. Peng quickly fled, declaring that Macaque was not worth the trouble.



The Winning Side

Sandy: “I don't want to fight. But I can't let you hurt my friends.
Macaque: “Oh, you can't, can you?
—Sandy and Macaque
Your big blue friend the winning side

Macaque kidnapped Mei, MK, and Sandy in a copy of their T.E.A. After Macaque separated the Monkie Kids one by one, he threatened to hurt Sandy so MK could have the courage to fight back.

Once Mei freed them from the fake T.E.A., Macaque then attempted to attack the team using his mech, only for his attack to be blocked by Sandy, who told Macaque that he didn't want to fight him. In response, Macaque mocked Sandy and used the mech's hand to crush him until he was defeated by MK.

Time to Be Warriors

Macaque: “I don't see how an old stick is going to be of any help.
Sandy: “Oh, that's easy. We'll give her the ol' Monkey Mech finishing blow. MK always uses his staff to do that.
—Macaque and Sandy

The Monkie Kids put Macaque on timeout but he opened his mouth to sneak an insult at the Mayor. MK ordered Sandy to spin him, which he did so, apologizing and calling him "Mr. Macquack". He then patted his head as Macaque continued talking. Sandy soon got excited when he realized what Macaque was talking about and interrupted Red Son, stealing the spotlight from him.

Later on, as they were going over the plan, Macaque remarked that he didn't know how the old stick was going to be of any use. But Sandy assured him that it would help MK create the Monkey Mech to give the final blow, leading the others to chime in about the staff that started their journey.



Shadow Play

Like Mei and Pigsy, Tang became a victim of Macaque by being trapped in his magic lantern, and later having a shadow version of himself fight MK until he had had enough.


Don't take it personally, Tang. Your buddy, Wukong, values people by how useful they are to him. Take it from me as an... expert on what happens when you get too close to the King. Look out for No. 1. 'Cause if you don't, no one will.
Monkie Kid-S3Ep8-07-11

When Tang was trying to obtain the final Ring of Samadhi at Lantern City, Macaque confronted him and attempted to take the ring for himself so he could be freed from the Lady Bone Demon's control. Tang tried to convince Macaque that they should work together to defeat the Bone Demon, which he greatly scoffed at. He then told Tang that Monkey King was only using him and that he needed to look out for himself, or else no one would.

Despite this, Tang told Macaque that he was wrong: being with his friends is important and better than facing anything alone. In an act of rage for defying his advice, Macaque attempted to punch Tang, but was stopped when Tang created a shield to deflect the attack.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow

Tang, do what I'm telling you to do! Your friend's life depends on it.
The king the prince and the shadow tang stressed

Macaque found the Monkie Kids and left Tang standing while he weakened or trapped the others. He then initiated a new plan, one that he claimed was better than the Monkey King's, promising they wouldn't regret it if they did exactly what he said. But knowing they wouldn't comply, he also threatened to take down everyone, starting with Mei. Tang immediately protested but Macaque was done with him defying his advice and commanded him to start the ritual or Mei would die.

With everyone down, Tang eventually gave in and told him he had won.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Breen, David. "New Adventures". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 36.
  2. Breen, David. "A Lifetime of Mistakes". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 45.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Devlin, Deirdre. "Court of the Yellow Robed Demon". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 39.
  4. Fitzmartin, Meghan. "Shadow Play". Monkie Kid. Season 2. Episode 17.
  5. Adams, Jeremy; Kai, Yin. "The Winning Side". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 24.
  6. Harper, Sarah. "Roast of the Monkie Kids". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 43.


Heroes Mei · MK · Monkey King · Pigsy · Tang · Sandy
Villains Azure Lion · Demon Bull King · Lady Bone Demon · Macaque · Princess Iron Fan · Red Son · Spider Queen