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Recurring quotes · Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Season 1 · Revenge of the Spider Queen · Season 2 · Season 3 · Embrace Your Destiny | ||
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Recurring quotes[]
- “What?!”
- ―Mei
- “Leggo”
- ―Mei
Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born[]
- “Nailed it!”
- ―Mei
- “That was an intensive game of tag. You guys look like you're having so much fun, I want to join it too!”
- ―Mei
- “But you didn't! So let's celebrate with a round of Monkey Mech! You should invite your new edgy friend too.”
- ―Mei
- “Well in that case… where does he live?”
- ―Mei
- “Woah, zero stars? Congrats! That's better than nothing alright!”
- ―Mei
- “Wow, MK! You found a stick!”
- ―Mei
- “He's at the shoe store.”
- ―Mei
- “Haha! There's always time for the puppy video, but no. Look what just started trending. Hashtag Demon Bull King!”
- ―Mei
- “Guys! Demon Bull King has moved onto downtown. He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!”
- ―Mei
- “Huh, you're right piggy, this guy is dangerous. He'll kill us with cuteness!”
- ―Mei
- “Oh Mr. Sandy sir, we could really need your help. We gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain!”
- ―Mei
- “Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!”
- ―Mei
- “Launch sequence?”
- ―Mei
- “Woah! That was awesome!”
- ―Mei
- “Careful, Piggy! Yee! He gotta wonder why Monkey King resides in here of all places.”
- ―Mei
- “No, MK!”
- ―Mei
- “Someone has to fight.”
- ―Mei
- “That demon bully is going to pay.”
- ―Mei
Season 1[]
Bad Weather[]
- “Uh oh, looks like you sprung a leak, MK. ”
- ―Mei when MK creates a hole in Sandy's boat
- “MK! How about... this?”
- ―Mei before shooting MK with a bazooka
- “ A cape! Maybe a logo, or a headquarters! Some vehicles, you know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys! ”
- ―Mei
- “Yeah, MK! You show him who's boss-”
- ―Mei, getting hit with the staff
- “Aw, you really did limit your power.”
- ―Mei
- “Get up, get up, get up! We are going out! ”
- ―Mei waking MK up
- “Hey! Um, I'm getting pretty sleepy. Want to hit it? ”
- ―Mei
- “Yeah, but this party's been going on for 15 hours! ”
- ―Mei
- “Hey, MK! Mystic Monkey business? You're really bad at making clones by the way! ”
- ―Mei
- “Why did you make so many MK's, MK?! ”
- ―Mei
- “One to go!”
- ―Mei
- “Nice work, Baldy.”
- ―Mei
- “ Don't worry. I got you, buddy! ”
- ―Mei putting MK's loose hair back on his head
- “Not at all, my boy. ”
- ―Mei
- “So, did you learn your lesson?”
- ―Mei
Coming Home[]
- “Button mash all you want, MK. You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power. ”
- ―Mei
- “ No one can defeat me. Oh boy. Hi, Mom. Yes. Of course. Yes, Mother. ”
- ―Mei answering the phone
- “ Yeah. It's just... My parents, they want me to housesit.”
- ―Mei
- “No. Me and my parents, we-”
- ―Mei
- “What? No. My parents would want-”
- ―Mei
- “Sleepover it is. ”
- ―Mei
- “ Yeah, I guess. But- I don't know. When I was growing up, I just wanted to be rough and tumble. Break stuff. Look at bugs. You know, have fun just like normal girl stuff. But when your house is pretty much a museum and you come from a long line of ancient, noble dragons, that's kind of frowned on. Anyway. Onwards to the definitely-not-going-to-be-terrible sleepover.”
- ―Mei
- “Yeah, my parents are a bit serious about the old security thing. ”
- ―Mei
- “Ah, you know. Gifts, artifacts, offerings. Just stuff that's been in my family for- guys. Wait!”
- ―Mei
- “Guys, stop! Hands in pockets now. Follow me. You guys are such menaces, you know that?”
- ―Mei
- “This is the garage filled with all the awesome things I am not allowed to drive. This is one of our many long hallways. We also have the Celestial Jade Garden, the room with the 30 centuries of antiques, Pool of a Thousand Tears, tea and snack room, and my bedroom. And this is the Dragon Claw Chamber.”
- ―Mei
- “That's the sword of my great-great-great times a thousand great-grandfather, the Dragon of the West. Legends say that my grandfather imbued it with unimaginable power so that our clan would always have the strength of the dragon to protect them. Its true power will only show itself to those deemed worthy. A true member of our clan who's proven themselves strong enough to protect our family from the forces of evil. But I'm not allowed to touch it. Hey, anyone want to see the game room?”
- ―Mei
- “Yeah, now this place is home. All right. You two boot up the old TV. I will go get some sn-n-n-nacks. Okay, don't break anything while I'm gone!”
- ―Mei
- “Party, board games, snacks, Bull Clone. Wait a minute, you're a Bull Clone!”
- ―Mei
- “Hey! Get back here!”
- ―Mei, chasing General Ironclad
- “The Dragon Blade?”
- ―Mei
- “You know what? I am part of this family. I am Mei, descendant of the great Dragon of the West Sea. This is mine, and this is my house!”
- ―Mei
- “Get out of my house!”
- ―Mei
- “MK. Someone tried to steal the Dragon Sword. I stopped them with this, the Dragon Sword. ”
- ―Mei
- “Mom, Dad. You're back.”
- ―Mei
- “I can explain. Someone tried to steal the sword. I didn't let them. And I used this. I'm sorry.”
- ―Mei
- “ I love you too, Mom. Dad. I am sorry about the house, though.”
- ―Mei
- “Someone has to fight.”
- ―Mei
Noodles or Death[]
- “Yeah, and if you think about it, do we even need to be down here right now?”
- ―Mei
- “Missing? What do you mean he's missing?”
- ―Mei
- “I attached cameras to all of you guys a while back. Not so creepy now, is it?”
- ―Mei
- “Woo-hoo! Rescue mission!”
- ―Mei
- “Dead ahead!”
- ―Mei
- “Rescue mission! ”
- ―Mei
- “Maybe you should've saved your boat for an adventure with more water.”
- ―Mei
- “Ahem, if you'll allow me.”
- ―Mei blasting a hole in the Silken-Web Cave
- “You were gonna eat my best friend! And also these guys! Well, now you're gonna eat this!”
- ―Mei
- “Mo, fire! MK, it's time to go! ”
- ―Mei
- “At least we don't have to deal with her again.”
- ―Mei, incorrect
- “What?!”
- ―Mei
- “Wow. I'm going to reset your Monkey Mech character. How about that?!”
- ―Mei
The Great Wall Race[]
- “Piggy, you're missing the point! Whoever wins this race will...”
- ―Mei
- “Right? I know the track like the back of my hand! The back alleys, the front alleys, the sideway alleys. All the alleys! I was made for this!”
- ―Mei
- “Wait, what? You're not racing. I'm racing. You've been watching me train for months! This should not be a surprise.”
- ―Mei
- “How would you even— Ugh! There is no way you'd beat me.”
- ―Mei
- “Pfft.”
- ―Mei
- “How? You know you need a vehicle to race, right?”
- ―Mei
- “You're really gonna do this? You're really gonna try and race me?”
- ―Mei
- “You don't even know the track!”
- ―Mei
- “Hold on!”
- ―Mei
- “MK! What did you do?! My bike! Ugh! What is wrong with you?! I thought you were my friend!”
- ―Mei
- “Um... You do have Monkey King powers.”
- ―Mei
- “Umm, it's just a trophy! We don't really get a peach of immortality.”
- ―Mei
- “It says you get immortality by having your picture projected on the great wall. Duh!”
- ―Mei
Skeleton Key[]
- “Woo-hoo! Let's hear it for Monkie Kid! Hero of the city!”
- ―Mei
- “Ooh, anything? Like a pet shop full of puppies?”
- ―Mei
- “Huh. I'm starting to think, that's maybe not the mayor.”
- ―Mei
- “You literally just described all keys.”
- ―Mei
- “What are you doing in MK's house!?”
- ―Mei when Red Son blows up MK's apartment
- “Red flames are cool! Wanna see green ones?!”
- ―Mei
- “Does it get boring? Us beating you all the time? You know we're going to get that key back, right?”
- ―Mei
- “Did they get away with the key?”
- ―Mei
- “A key that can open any door is incredibly dangerous. We have to keep our guard up.”
- ―Mei
- “MK, we really need your help.”
- ―Mei
- “MK, what took you so long?”
- ―Mei
- “Oh, yeah, we tried that.”
- ―Mei
- “Is that-”
- ―Mei
The End is Here![]
- “Yeah, so, uh, some stuff happened when you were away. Got kind of intense.”
- ―Mei
- “Well, after you left-”
- ―Mei
- “No matter what.”
- ―Mei
- “Come on, MK. Leggo!”
- ―Mei
Revenge of the Spider Queen[]
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Season 2[]
Sleep Bug[]
- “Hmm, Sleep Bug?”
- ―Mei
Dumpling Destruction[]
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Pig Pong Panic[]
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Game On[]
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- “Or it's just a cruddy old video game that Monkey King likes because his face is on the box.”
- ―Mei
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Shadow Play[]
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To Catch a Leaf[]
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72 Transformations[]
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This is the End![]
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Season 3[]
On the Run[]
- “You want to get to my monkeys, you gotta go through me first!”
- ―Mei
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Great Grand Dragon of the East[]
- “My allegiance is to my family! But also to my friends!”
- ―Mei
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Smartie Kid[]
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The Winning Side[]
- “And you. You kidnapped us in a copy of our own van! That's super gross!”
- ―Mei
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The First Ring[]
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Cooking with Chang'e[]
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The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]
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The Samadhi Fire[]
- “And you hid it from all of us! Why!? What were you afraid of!? Thinking you were going to have to tear me apart to get your precious Samadhi Fire!?”
- ―Mei
- “We trusted you! All of us! How could you lead us into this fight without a real plan! Time and time again, I’ve watched you put MK in danger, leaving him to figure everything on his own ! Don’t you realize you’re hurting the people who care about you the most!?”
- ―Mei
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Embrace Your Destiny[]
This Imperfect World[]
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The Corrupted King[]
- “Oh, yeah, he's been teachering me how to control my powers real good, and he's been super relaxed and chill about it this whole time. If it wasn't him, I'd probably would have burned up the whole world with Samadhi Fire by now.”
- ―Mei
- “Stay back. Or we're going to find out what burning monkey hair smells like!”
- ―Mei
Time to Be Warriors[]
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Destiny Fulfilled[]
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Embrace Your Destiny[]
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Season 4[]
Familiar Tales[]
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New Adventures[]
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The Great Tang Man[]
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Show Me the Monster[]
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Pitiful Creatures[]
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The Brotherhood (Episode)[]
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Roast of the Monkie Kids[]
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The Jade Emperor[]
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The Emperor's Wrath[]
A Lifetime of Mistakes[]
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The Plan Man[]
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Rip and Tear[]
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Better Than We Found It[]
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Quotes | |
Demon Bull King · Lady Bone Demon · Mei · MK · Monkey King · Pigsy · Princess Iron Fan · Red Son · Sandy · Spider Queen · Tang · Yin |