Monkie Kid Wiki
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Ao Lie[]



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Pitiful Creatures[]

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Azure Lion[]



Your courage to stand up to the Celestial Host has inspired us to finally take a stand. To make a true difference in the world. And I could think of none other more suitable to lead us on our conquest than you, brother.
―The Azure Lion
Monkie Kid-TEWPart2-01-01

Like all the other demons he befriended during his youth, Monkey King met the Azure Lion and brought him to his circle of trust. At Flower Fruit Mountain, Monkey King and the demons were discussing who should be the one to overthrow the Jade Emperor and take his place. When the Demon Bull King was suggesting who should be the one, Monkey King assumed that it was him, but DBK retorted, saying that it should be Azure Lion. However, Azure Lion denied the offer, and propose it to Monkey King, as he considered the Mystic Monkey an inspiration to him and the others.[1]

Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-04-49

During the Assault on the Celestial Realm, Monkey King failed to defeat the Jade Emperor and choose to become a disciple of Tang Sanzang, to which Azure Lion considered to be an act of betrayal. When Monkey King met Azure during his Journey to the West, he had to destroy Camel Ridge and imprison Peng and Yellowtusk inside the Scroll of Memory as an act of punishment for their conquest.[2] While for Azure Lion, Monkey King banished him to the Underworld.[3]

Pitiful Creatures[]

Monkey King: “You!
[Azure Lion sighs]
Azure Lion: “Me.
—Monkey King and Azure Lion
Monkie Kid-S4Ep7-10-31

During his confrontation with the Scroll of Memory's protective curse, Monkey King learned that the Azure Lion was helping the Monkie Kids. Upon seeing the Azure Lion in person since the Journey to the West, Monkey King realized that it truly was him, trying to prevent him from coming closer to MK. But the Azure Lion instead took the Monkie Kids and himself out of the scroll, leaving Monkey King behind.

The Plan Man[]

Huh. Nothing gets under his skin more than a monkey. Leave Azure to MK and me.
―Monkey King
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Rip and Tear[]

Monkie Kid-TEWPart3-07-46
This ceaseless chattering. And to think I once called you King! You're an imbecile!
―Azure Lion

The Monkey King taunted Azure Lion for his failure to defeat him, especially considering his esteemed position as the new Jade Emperor. Azure Lion expressed his disappointment and regret, no longer considering the Monkey King a friend and instead labeling him as a fool. Despite Monkey King's initial success in stealing the Scroll of Memory from Azure Lion, the plan ultimately backfired. The turn of events prompted Azure Lion to prepare for the destruction of both Monkey King and MK. In a desperate plea, Monkey King implored Azure Lion to cease his destructive intentions. However, Azure Lion stubbornly refused, firmly asserting that Monkey King did not deserve any loyalty, and instead branded him as nothing more than a deceitful imposter.

Better Than We Found It[]

Azure, just stop, okay. You won. You're going to destroy us, just like you wanted. Us and the entire universe.
―Monkey King

When Monkey King found Azure Lion, the latter attempted to attack him. However, Monkey King managed to reason with Azure Lion, admitting that he had won the battle but at a cost to the universe. Azure Lion was horrified by this revelation, and he remained resolute, insisting that he had no intention of causing such catastrophic damage and that he could still make things right.

Monkey King then asked Azure Lion how he had managed to return to the Mortal Realm. Though Azure Lion appeared perplexed by the inquiry, Monkey King was actually asking him how he had escaped from the Underworld and taken the Scroll of Memory. It quickly became clear to Monkey King that someone else had given Azure the scroll, and he warned him that this person had only done so with the intent of bringing about the end of the universe.

As the universe was pieced back together, Azure slowly disintegrated. In his final moments, Azure gave Monkey King a tearful smile, acknowledging the decision he had to make. The sacrifice left Monkey King feeling melancholic about the tragic loss of Azure.

Demon Bull King[]



Demon Bull King: “The realm is well overdue for new leadership, and I think we all know the best man for the job.
Monkey King: “Aw, when did you become such a big sweetheart?
Demon Bull King: “Not you!
—Monkey King and Demon Bull King discussing leadership
Monkie Kid-S4Ep2-00-39

Years ago, the Monkey King became in good terms with the Demon Bull King, becoming sworn brothers with him and four other demons. However, Monkey King and the Demon Bull King parted ways from each other and the rest of their sworn brothers.[1]

When Red Son was born, Monkey King and Demon Bull King were both chosen as one of the three warriors to split the Samadhi Fire from Red Son. When Monkey King underestimated how difficult the process would be and almost fell back, the others shouted at him with Demon Bull King calling him an imbecile.[4] The Monkey King eventually trapped the Demon Bull King under a mountain for 500 years until his son and wife managed to free him.[5]

Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

What do you think, big guy? Enjoying the party?
―Monkey King

When they meet again, the Monkey King mocked DBK for being captured at first, going so far as to call Princess Iron Fan wasn't able to protect herself and claiming that Red Son was going to be devoured by the Spider Queen to get DBK mad enough so they can free themselves from the Spider Queen's webs. Despite everything that happened between them, Monkey King claimed that he misses him. They both later teamed up with the Monkie Kids and Red Son to defeat the Spider Queen.

Better Than We Found It[]

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Jade Emperor[]



Monkie Kid-S4Ep2-00-47

When Monkey King first met the Jade Emperor, he thought he was going earn an honorable position in the Celestial Realm. But instead, the Jade Emperor instead assigned him to work as a stable boy, infuriating Monkey King, who overturn the position and talked back to the Jade Emperor.[1] He was then given another job, protector of the Peaches of Immortality. Monkey King was told not to eat any of the peaches, but he ignored him, eating all of the peaches he was meant to guard and soon took Lao Tzu's pills as a way to become immortal.[6][7]

Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-06-53

Hearing about Sun Wukong's actions, the Jade Emperor ordered Ne Zha and the Celestial Armies to capture Monkey King, wanting him dead for the crimes that he committed.[7][8] After Monkey King was captured, he was thrown into the Trigram Furnace. However, he escaped, earning his Gold Vision.[2]

Monkie Kid-S4Ep8-04-44

After the Havoc in Heaven, Monkey King and his sworn brothers fought the Celestial Armies during the assault on the Celestial Realm. Monkey King went off to challenge the Jade Emperor for the title, but he was defeated, having no choice but to surrender to the Celestial Host. As a result of becoming Tang Sanzang's disciple, Monkey King also became a subordinate to the Jade Emperor.[2]

Lady Bone Demon[]


The Lady Bone Demon was one of Monkey King's enemies.


All my Lady ever desired was a world no longer plagued by pain, until the Monkey King and his companions got in the way.
―The Mayor [src]

Because Lady Bone Demon only wanted to perfect the mortal realm at the time, she was defeated by a celestial being such as Monkey King. Although, Monkey King planned on destroying her, Tang Sanzang spared Lady Bone Demon, having her be imprisoned in the Bone Demon Crypt until she could learn the error of her ways.[9]

Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

Monkie Kid-RotSQPart4-06-23
You should have stayed buried.
―Monkey King

Monkey King discovered that Lady Bone Demon was freed from the Bone Demon Crypt and rebuked her when she encountered him alone, saying that she should've stayed imprisoned in her tomb. During the confrontion, Monkey King saw the dream Lady Bone Demon had long ago, along with MK being perished along with the rest of the world by the Samadhi Fire.

This is the End![]

Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-08-08
Destiny cannot be undone, Sun Wukong!
―Lady Bone Demon

Monkey King came back and saved MK. Lady Bone Demon assured him that no matter what, he could never prevent what would happen next. He retreated with MK, despite the latter's protests, to regroup with the others. They looked back and saw Lady Bone Demon use the Golden Staff to break the chains from her Bone mech.

This Imperfect World[]

Monkie Kid-EYDPart1-01-59
All those years locked away, and you haven't changed a bit!
―Monkey King

After returning, Monkey King confronted Lady Bone Demon single handily, using his full strength to battle against the Bone Demon until he overpowered her. Even though it meant that he had to destroy the little girl as well, Monkey King had no choice but to destroy Lady Bone Demon. However, he ended up being possessed by her.

The Corrupted King[]

Lady bone demon monkey king the corrupted king go
Fate has delivered me the perfect champion.
―Lady Bone Demon

Lady Bone Demon was pleased to have the Monkey King under her control, seeing the opportunity to finally use him to accomplish more than her previous champion and host.

Later, MK begged Monkey King to force her out. The light in his eyes began to dim but Lady Bone Demon took full control of him once more and tossed MK away.

Time to Be Warriors[]

Monkie Kid-EYDPart3-10-28
She might be stronger than ever, but she's spread too thin. The mech, the crystal, and now Monkey King?

Macaque recognized her possession on Monkey King likely came at a cost. The team decided to take advantage of this possible vulnerability, with Macaque and MK going for the staff on the bone mech.

When MK tried to take the staff, Monkey King came for him as the Lady Bone Demon finished his catchphrase. MK dodged it and the two of them prepared for battle. A possessed Monkey King charged at MK as he went for the staff again.

Destiny Fulfilled[]

Monkie Kid-EYDPart4-01-54
The Monkey King I know will never stop fighting you. And neither will I.

Monkey King fought with Macaque and soon defeated him. As he went for MK, his steps became more heavy while he tried to fight off Lady Bone Demon's control. He fortunately broke free of her hold before he could lay harm on MK. When he finally got rid of her possession, he was very grossed out.

He later joined the others to create the celestial Monkey Mech and defeat the Lady Bone Demon once and for all.

Li Jing[]



Collar the King[]

I collar the beast!
―Li Jing
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Festival Fugitives[]

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The Cage[]

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When this is over, we'll be back here, basking in the sun, getting fat on fruit for the rest of... well, forever! Like we always wanted.
Monkey King [src]
Monkie Kid-S4Ep2-01-17

In the past, Monkey King originally lived with Macaque at Flower Fruit Mountain. One day, Monkey King told Macaque and their sworn brothers about the Havoc in Heaven as they had a feast. Monkey King was warned by Macaque not to take it too far, as how the Jade Emperor was, but he neglected it. But for a short while, Monkey King told Macaque that once they're finished with their cause, they can stay at Flower Fruit Mountain together like they promised.[1]

Well, it was great seeing you, bud! Just run off like you always do.
―Monkey King [src]

When Monkey King was imprisoned inside of Five Phases Mountain, he took his anger out on Macaque when the latter came to cheer him up by offering a peach. He then began to accuse Macaque of always leaving him behind, which made Macaque yell at Monkey King that he's the one who leaves, and acts like an obsessive demon who's desire to become immortal is put above all else. As Macaque left, Monkey King yelled that never want to see Macaque again.

Monkie Kid-TEWPart1-06-50
Macaque stop! Don't make me do this!
―Monkey King [src]

After Monkey King became Tang Sanzang's disciple after failing to defeat the Jade Emperor, he had to leave Macaque and the rest of his sworn brothers behind as he became a hero.[2] Meanwhile, Macaque went on a path of darkness and grew a disliking to his former friend.[10] Eventually, Monkey King got in an intense battle with Macaque and won, which resulted in the death of Macaque. After Macaque was resurrected by the Lady Bone Demon, he continued to hold a grudge against and seek vengeance on Monkey King.[11]


Are you ever going to get sick of living in my shadow?
―Monkey King

Macaque would once again see the Monkey King, after manipulating and stealing his MK's powers, Monkey King was mostly annoyed by Macaque. Monkey King seemed to see Macaque as a real threat, as he came to save MK from him. Macaque used MK against him, threatening and using him to rile him up.

On the Run[]

Makes sense, you always did have a sidekick kinda vibe.
―Monkey King
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The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]

Macaque on the pillar the king the prince and the shadow
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The Samadhi Fire[]

You! You ruined everything!
―Monkey King
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Destiny Fulfilled[]

Monkey king im his mentor destiny fufilled
I hate that guy so much! Always acting like he's so cool!
―Monkey King
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A Lifetime of Mistakes[]

When Monkey King looked at Macaque, he offered a tiny smile as a sign as they rekindled with each other.

The Plan Man[]

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Rip and Tear[]

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Better Than We Found It[]

Whatever they're scheming, we can handle it.
―Monkey King
Monkey King and macaque you were not invited better than we left it

During the beach party, Monkey King found out Macaque came too, albeit uninvited. Nonetheless, Monkey King let Macaque stay, giving a peach popsicle to him, which he accepted. Monkey King was also reminded about the universe's impending doom by Macaque, and he agreed. However, he remarked that they'll both handle it together.

Strings That Bind[]

You were a villain five minutes ago and now you're showing me how to—
―Monkey King
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Collar the King[]

The only thing I know for sure is, I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here right now.
―Monkey King
Collar the King (75)
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Into the Pagoda[]

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Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

Monkey King was trapped with the others in Spider Queen's spider mech so Mei helped the others to find an antidote to free him. She later stood by his side against the Spider Queen and tried out some of the treats Monkey King left them.

This is the End![]

Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-10-42 (1)
You're not looking so immortal yourself, Mr. King.

Monkey King objected when MK offered to help because of his mortality. Mei then told him he didn't look so great himself. Monkey King eventually accepted their involvement, warning them it would be incredibly dangerous.

On the Run[]

On the run mei my monkies 2
You want to get to my monkeys, you gotta go through me first!

As Tang was voicing out loud what he was writing in his book, Mei patched Monkey King up. She later came in to rescue him and MK from Macaque.

Great Grand Dragon of the East[]

Great grand dragon of the east mental communication
Nothing's more important than getting that map back. Understand?
―Monkey King

Before they were locked up, Monkey King used his telepathic communication to tell Mei to get the map, making her the first of MK's friends to be contacted with his powers.

He trusted her skills to get them out eventually as he wasn't worried when they were imprisoned.

Smartie Kid[]

Uh, hey. Little help up front, Monkey King? ... Hey, I know you can hear me!

Monkey King subconsciously annoyed Mei when she tried to ask for help, leaving them to figure out things on their own. He only joined back in after they didn't need his assistance.


Keep up, Dragon Pony Girl.
―Monkey King
Benched monkey king lifting a lid

While they're searching in Lantern City for the last ring, Monkey King mentioned throwing the ring somewhere. Mei then asked him if he hid it, like he was supposed to. Monkey King claimed he did by throwing it where nobody could find it and told her to keep up with the logic.

But the whole team later realized that the ring was not a secret as the nearest city to the ritual site had been celebrating for years in thanks to the Monkey King for supposedly gifting them the ring.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]

After MK freaked out, asking what was next in the plan, Monkey King glanced at Mei for a brief moment but looked away when she caught him watching.

When Ne Zha caught up to them and complained about his job in hiding the ring, Mei and the others agreed with him.

The Samadhi Fire[]

Monkey kings reaction to friends supporting each other the samadhi fire
I know what I said, but I've beaten her before I'll... I'll do it again! Mei was right, I need to stop dragging you into my fights.
―Monkey King

Monkey King tried to rescue Mei but the ritual had completed, setting her aflame. He was forced to explain what happened and everyone realized that Macaque was right; that he didn't have a plan. Mei gave him a piece of her mind, accusing him of hurting those who cared about him most, not having a real plan, hiding secrets from them. After she left the team, everyone was distraught and Monkey King was greatly affected by what she said, realizing that he ended up hurting everyone one way or another; including his own apprentice, who got scorched and burnt to save her and was now mentally down upon seeing his best friend leave. He flew off to take care of Lady Bone Demon on his own so he wouldn't hurt anyone else.

The Corrupted King[]

The corrupted king wukong stares down burning mei
Lady Bone Demon: “You would really destroy your own friend to save yourself?
Mei: “Wukong knew the risks. It's what he would do if he had to. That's the hard part of being a hero.
—Lady Bone Demon and Mei

Mei threatened Lady Bone Demon to stay back or she would set Monkey King on fire but the Lady Bone Demon replied she didn't care whatever happened to him and taunted her for being willing to kill her own friend. Faced with handing the fire to her or putting up a fight, Mei knew the choice Monkey King would have made and told her that was the hard part that all heroes had to deal with.

Pitiful Creatures[]

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The Plan Man[]

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Better Than We Found It[]

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Strings That Bind[]

It's... it's your house. Right? Augh. Well, after your old house kinda went kablooey, and your hair clones thing was kind of a bust...
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MK is the Monkey King's successor. At some point in time, Monkey King chose MK to be his successor.

Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born[]

All right

When Princess Iron Fan took the Golden Staff from MK, instead of being disappointed in him, he comforts him when the latter felt unsure about how to deal with his new responsibility. After MK won his first battle with the Demon Bull King, the Monkey King nodded in respect for him and his friends.

Impossible Delivery[]

Or maybe, you just can't handle real focus.
―Monkey King
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Have you been running around with other mentors?
―Monkey King
LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep9-05-14

The Monkey King was taken for granted by MK after the latter thought that he wasn't going anywhere in his training. When the Monkey King soon realized that MK was secretly being trained by Macaque, who only trained MK so he can have Monkey King's powers, he came to MK's aid and prevent Macaque from harming him.

Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

If you can't handle a little spider, how are you meant to help me with that? I'll handle this one, bud. You're staying tight.
―Monkey King

Monkey King celebrated New Year's with MK until Spider Queen started attacking Megapolis. Monkey King joined MK, but seeing that MK has arachnophobia, Monkey King told him to step down as he deals with Spider Queen himself. This, however, led to result of Monkey King being captured by Spider Queen, making MK feel guilty.

After Monkey King was able to escape from the Spider mech, he met with Lady Bone Demon, who taunted Monkey King before showing him her vision of using the Samadhi Fire, which also involved MK being destroyed as well. Monkey King briefly brushed it off before joining MK and the others to defeat the Spider Demons and saved Megapolis.

Sleep Bug[]

Monkie Kid-S2Ep1-02-30

Because of Lady Bone Demon's return, Monkey King left Flower Fruit Mountain in search for a weapon that could defeat her. To prevent MK from knowing, Monkey King had to lie to MK by saying that he was going on vacation. The belief led to upsetting MK, who believed that Megapolis could be attacked by Spider Queen again. Monkey King told MK not to worry and that he needed to take care of himself while he's gone.

Dumpling Destruction[]

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Minor Scale[]

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Shadow Play[]

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This is the End![]

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The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]

Monkey King: “If you hurt the kid, I'll—
Macaque: “What? Make things worse for MK?
—Monkey King and Macaque
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The Samadhi Fire[]

I'm sorry, bud, I need you to sit this one out.
―Monkey King
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The Corrupted King[]

You're stronger than her! Force her out!

As Monkey King had been corrupted by the Lady Bone Demon he attacked MK. When Monkey King went to Red Son's training temple to steal the Samadhi Fire from Mei, he fought against fighting MK, placing his hand on his shoulder and stilling. But Lady Bone Demon quickly made him toss MK aside.

Time to Be Warriors[]

Monkey King beat her before. We can do it again.
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Destiny Fulfilled[]

Thanks for not giving up on me, bud.
―Monkey King
Corrupted monkey king aims for mk 1 destiny fulfilled

Under the Lady Bone Demon's influence, the Monkey King showed no remorse in fighting and defeating Macaque. It was only when MK was absolutely vulnerable to his harm that pushed him to break free of her hold, showing how protective he was of MK and how much he cared for his well being.

Familiar Tales[]

Monkey King: “When I was your age, I—
MK: “You were fighting the Celestial Armies and generally swinging your big, ol' tail around to get what you wanted?
Monkey King: “Well, I was going to say making regrettable life choices but yeah, thanks for laying it out.
—Monkey King and MK
Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-07-41

After battling Jin and Yin, MK took the pile of Ne Zha's stolen items to Monkey King. While they were sorting it out, Monkey King and MK talked about their past actions. Monkey King admitted that he was embarrassed to say that MK had done more for the world than he had, leading MK to lament that everything that happened was his fault anyways. The former then advised him to let go of those feelings of guilt and told MK he himself wasn't always the easiest to get along with, leaving the latter surprised. But he reminded MK that everything was all right if it all turned out better in the end. However, MK replied that he wanted the world stay the way it was. They sorted out the rest of the stuff afterwards.

Monkie Kid-S4Ep1-09-53

MK then came across a scroll and asked Monkey King about it, who was alarmed but couldn't stop him in time. As the scroll unrolled and Ink Demons came out, Monkey King became unfocused and unresponsive to MK as the Ink Demons called him out of the things he'd done. When Ink Peng came at MK, Monkey King then appeared, letting MK know that someone would always remind him of the mistakes he made and that he had to seal the scroll. But he was captured before he could tell MK anything else.

Looking for MK[]

Monkie Kid-S4Ep6-06-23

After being trapped in the Scroll of Memory, Monkey King tried to look for MK as he passed through the scroll's memories. As he did, he kept coming back to Flower Fruit Mountain, where — unknown to Monkey King — MK's stone was located.[12]

Pitiful Creatures[]

Monkie Kid-S4Ep7-10-28
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A Lifetime of Mistakes[]

Monkie Kid-TEWPart1-10-08
Monkey King, I'm not ready to not have a mentor. Azure needs to be stopped, but we need you. I need you... to be the Monkey King.
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The Plan Man[]

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Rip and Tear[]

Monkie Kid-TEWPart3-07-13
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Better Than We Found It[]

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Strings That Bind[]

Oh, huh. A stone. I mean... our stone. You know it's not something we can outrun, right? Your monkey form, what it means?
―Monkey King
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Collar the King[]

Collar the King (78)
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Temple of the Goddess[]

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Festival Fugitives[]

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The Cage[]

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Ne Zha[]



When Monkey King committed several crimes in the Celestial Realm, he was met with Ne Zha and the Celestial Armies, who were ordered by the Jade Emperor to capture Monkey King because of his actions being considered an insult to the Emperor.[8][1] After Monkey King became a disciple to Tang Sanzang, he also became an ally to Ne Zha as well, but still didn't earn his trust.[13]

On the Run[]

On the run nezha wukong fight out of respect 3
Look Ne Zha, keep up the training. Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll be tough enough to beat me!
―Monkey King

Monkey King broke into the Temple of Ne Zha to steal the map. Once he had an opening, he tried to take it but underestimated the security. This gave time for Ne Zha to catch up, forcing Monkey King to fight him again. However, he didn't consider him a major obstacle as he was always joking and casually trying to sweet talk his way into Ne Zha's seriousness. Even after he almost destroyed them both, he laughed and told Ne Zha to keep up his training so he might have a chance at beating him one day.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]

The king the prince and the shadow nezha and monkey king
Ne Zha: “You might hit harder. But I'm still faster.
Monkey King: “Heh. And dumber.
Ne Zha: “Why can you never just let me have the last word?!
—Monkey King and Ne Zha

Ne Zha tracked them down and caught up to them while they were on their way to the mountain. Monkey King accused him of taking a peek at the map. However, Ne Zha told them how he already knew where they hid the rings based on what personalities they had; leading him to chide Monkey King for just randomly chucking down his ring right next to the ritual site. He then demanded that MK hand over the rings but got punched into the sky by Monkey King.

Ne zha and monkey king the king the prince and the shadow

Monkey King took advantage of that moment and created fake rings to lead Ne Zha away. While they were fighting, he mockingly admitted that Ne Zha was faster but that he hit harder. Ne Zha then injured him and agreed that while Monkey King did hit harder, Ne Zha's speed made him victorious. Monkey King told him he was dumber causing Ne Zha to rage at Monkey King for always out-talking him.

The king the prince and the shadow wukong and nezha yells

Soon, Macaque found them and trapped them with Bone Demon powers. Ne Zha then snapped at Monkey King after he insulted Macaque's new powers. However, they both had worse things to worry about when they realized the Monkie Kids had started the ritual.

The Samadhi Fire[]

Monkie Kid-S3Ep10-08-46
It means... that perhaps there was method to Sun Wukong's madness after all.
―Ne Zha

Seeing that the ritual wouldn't wait for them, Ne Zha freed both Monkey King and himself and Monkey King raced for the ritual site. But he couldn't stop them in time. Ne Zha arrived shortly afterwards and told them what would happen. Monkey King then explained how Mei ended up with the fire causing her to seethe. Macaque told MK they had to go, before leaving himself. Ne Zha agreed, saying they couldn't save Mei. But Monkey King and Ne Zha ended up staying when MK ran into the fire.

Later, Ne Zha realized Mei could use the Samadhi Fire to stop the Lady Bone Demon. Monkey King, though, abandonned them to fight off Lady Bone Demon on his own. Ne Zha informed them that it was unlikely for him to survive so the rest of the team decided that he and MK should go get him back while the others find Mei.

This Imperfect World[]

Monkie Kid-EYDPart1-08-58
I've known Sun Wukong a long time. He is not the loner he pretends to be.
―Ne Zha

When MK and Ne Zha arrived at a safe distance away from the scene, the latter agreed that Monkey King was right with the Samadhi Fire being their best chance at stopping her. He was about to go on with the plan when MK doubted their interference would help, fearing they just bothered him. Ne Zha then took the time to tell him that Monkey King was not as solitary as he pretended to be and that from the short time he had spent with MK, he understood how much they cared for each other. They proceeded forward afterwards.

As they got closer, Ne Zha realized that Sun Wukong was a lot stronger and that during their fights, he had actually been holding back. Unsure whether to interfere, they watched as he fought full on.

The Corrupted King[]

Monkey king punches nezha the corrupted king

Under corruption, Monkey King attacked and trapped Ne Zha.

The Plan Man[]

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Better Than We Found It[]

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Collar the King[]

Weren't you meant to be busy guarding the Jade Emperor's power? Don't tell me Daddy Jing took over that job too.
―Monkey King
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Festival Fugitives[]

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The Cage[]

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Nine-Headed Demon[]



Though Monkey King has no memory of it, the Nine-Headed Demon claims to be an old friend and enemy of his.

The Cage[]

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This is the End![]

Monkie Kid-S2Ep10-09-29
What could have been so important that you'd leave MK alone to face that... that thing?! You're supposed to be his mentor!

After Monkey King told MK that he didn't get back in time, Pigsy yelled at him for being a bad mentor and leaving MK for his vacation. Sandy then roared for everyone to be silent and give Monkey King a chance to explain. Monkey King revealed he had never been on vacation and had to go find a weapon to stop the Lady Bone Demon. Pigsy and the rest of the team convinced him to let them join and Pigsy asked where they were headed. Monkey King showed them a map and they looked on, astonished, as he told them they were going on a journey to the west.

On the Run[]

Monkie Kid-S3Ep1-06-55 (1)
Sandy: “You said the Fire of Somewhatsi couldn't be controlled.
Tang: “Yes, you did say that.
Pigsy: “Yep, I heard him. I heard it too.
—Sandy, Tang, and Pigsy

Pigsy grunted when Monkey King told everyone he "had a trick or two up his sleeve," making it clear he didn't trust his reckless so-called tricks. He listened very carefully to every detail Monkey King and Tang said about the weapon so he knew what danger they already signed up for. However, Monkey King never got to the next part of the plan since MK fully trusted Monkey King's faith in it and then they got attacked. Pigsy equally shared Monkey King's concern when he thought the Lady Bone Demon had caught up to them.

Great Grand Dragon of the East[]

Monkie Kid-S3Ep2-04-16
Monkey King: “Yeah, this is my kind of my sorta old buddy's house, where I got the staff.
Pigsy: “Got? Or...
MK: “Took, right? You took it? Oh, boy.
—Monkey King, Pigsy, and MK

Already suspicious with what Monkey King said about his friend and the way this friend acted towards them, he doubted Monkey King's words when he doesn't get into the specifics of his relationship with him. The team realized that he very much offended this friend, who still held a grudge against Monkey King for many years. They're about to be executed but end up being imprisoned when he finds out Mei is related to him. However, being imprisoned for life still didn't make their situation much better so he tried to break them. Everyone was absolutely unconvinced when he chose a spoon.

Amnesia Rules[]

Monkey king and pigsy arguing amnesia rules

While Monkey King continued his meditation, he was interrupted when Pigsy made him eat the Chaos Ultra Ghost Pepper of Doom. As a result, Monkey lost most of his memories and mistook Pigsy for Zhu Bajie.

During his time, he overheard Pigsy talk about bonking his dumb head, causing him to call Pigsy a piglet and get into an argument. But then Tang got kidnapped so they agreed to find a way to save him. Despite their arguing throughout the mission, Monkey King still considered him a friend in the end. Unaware, he accidentally let slip info on a fourth ring to Pigsy, leaving the latter suspicious and to ponder on what he meant by that.

Cooking with Chang'e[]

Cooking with chang'e cooking is life
I'm gonna put my money on him stealing Chang'e's book.
―Monkey King

As Monkey King was fiddling around with the rocket buttons, Pigsy questioned if he had done it before. Monkey King unworriedly tells him he's never even made a rocket ship, asking if he believed it. Pigsy responded by double checking his seat belt and bracing for launch.

After they landed and hid from a bunny mech, Monkey King became very fond of the bunny mechs and their high pitched voices. He liked them so much that he refused to attack even when they were out to kill them. Pigsy briefly got mad at him for not trying to save them all but MK took care of it.

Pigsy Pushes MK

Their mayhem alerted Chang'e, who came after them. At first, they thought she was after the ring, but Monkey King and MK discovered that she wanted her book back. And when Pigsy pulled it out, Monkey King was not surprised. After Pigsy and Chang'e exchanged heartfelt apologies and cleared up their misunderstandings over their passion for cooking, he couldn't comprehend that and told them it was just cooking. They immediately raged at him so he zipped his mouth shut. And when MK failed to decline Chang'e's invitation to stay, he didn't oppose to Pigsy's desire for spending some time with his idol.

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow[]

The king the prince and the shadow pigsy thats where we'll find the third ring 2
Huh. And, uh, that's where we'll find the fourth ring eh? Ain't that right, Monkey King?

Monkey King avoided talking about the rest of the plan, stating only what needed to happen next. When Pigsy questioned him about a fourth ring, he frowned but didn't say anything. Their confrontation was interrupted by the rest of the surprised gang, who thought he was joking.

The Brotherhood[]

Great! You're grateful, you got your friends. We're done here, right? I'm sure Monkey King's learned his lesson, so just give him back, and uh... we'll see ya around.
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The Plan Man[]

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Better Than We Found It[]

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Master Subodhi[]



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Show Me the Monster[]

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Tang Sanzang[]



Monkey King was Tang Sanzang's disciple.


Monkie Kid-S4Ep9-07-14

Monkey King was assigned to become a disciple of Tang Sanzang, protecting him from demons who wanted to become immortal by eating his master. During the journey, Tang Sanzang created the Rings of Samadhi during the ritual. Monkey King let a piece of the fire leak from his grasp, which headed for Tang Sanzang, but Ao Lie blocked it. When the Lady Bone Demon was defeated by the hands of the pilgrims, Monkey King wanted to kill her but Tang Sanzang imprisoned her instead until she could see the faults in her actions.

On the Run[]

Out of respect for your past friendship with the great monk, I will allow you to leave this place safely.
―Ne Zha

Ne Zha spared Monkey King in respect of his friendship with Tang Sanzang.

Amnesia Rules[]

Unhand my Master, you evil demon! I am Sun Wukong and the monk is under my protection!
―Monkey King

Upon suffering amnesia after being woken up from his meditation by Pigsy, Monkey King mistook Tang for Tang Sanzang. As he did, Monkey King had to rescue Tang when he was kidnapped by the Scorpion Queen, who was mistaken for a demon that planned to eat Tang. Once he regained his memories, Monkey King looked at Tang's book to see his time as a pilgrim and Tang Sanzang.

Zhu Bajie[]



Pilgrims ep30

Because they were both disciples of Tang Sanzang, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie became acquaintances as they journey with their Master and defend him from demons. At one point, they both fought alongside each other in a battle against Sha Wujing. Monkey King and Zhu Bajie had an antagonistic but friendly relationship. He was present at the ritual and watched Monkey King, Demon Bull King, and Ne Zha successfully split the Samadhi Fire from Red Son.

Amnesia Rules[]

Master its safe to come out amnesia rules
Monkey King: “Master, it's safe to come out now. You too, Piglet.
Pigsy: “Piglet?!
Monkey King: “Ugh, fine. Zhu Bajie, better?
—Monkey King and Pigsy

When Monkey King mistook Pigsy for Zhu Bajie, he called him a piglet and steamed ham, implying he thought lesser of him. But when Tang got kidnapped, he brought Pigsy along to find the Local Tudi and to eventually save Tang. While Tang explained how friendship worked, Monkey King embraced him and Pigsy in a hug, claiming they were still friends.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Breen, David. "New Adventures". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 36.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Breen, David. "The Brotherhood". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 42.
  3. Fujita, Mark; Harper, Sarah. "Better Than We Found It". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 48.
  4. Adams, Jeremy; Kai, Yin. "The Samadhi Fire". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 30.
  5. Adams, Jeremy. "Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born". Monkie Kid. Pilot.
  6. Adams, Jeremy. "The Great Wall Race". Monkie Kid. Season 1. Episode 6.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Adams, Jeremy. "Revenge of the Spider Queen". Monkie Kid. Season 2 Special.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Harper, Sarah. "Familiar Tales". Monkie Kid. Season 4. Episode 35.
  9. Adams, Jeremy; Breen, David; Harper, Sarah; Kai, Yin. "Time to Be Warriors". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 33.
  10. Fitzmartin, Meghan. "Shadow Play". Monkie Kid. Season 2. Episode 17.
  11. Adams, Jeremy; Kai, Yin. "The Winning Side". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 24.
  12. Breen, David (2023-01-29). Monkey King was ripping his way through memories looking for MK, but kept coming back to the stone. He doesn't know why. (Tweet).
  13. Adams, Jeremy; Kai, Yin. "On the Run". Monkie Kid. Season 3. Episode 21.


Heroes Mei · MK · Monkey King · Pigsy · Tang · Sandy
Villains Azure Lion · Demon Bull King · Lady Bone Demon · Macaque · Princess Iron Fan · Red Son · Spider Queen