Monkie Kid Wiki
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This page will go over the account policy for the Monkie Kid Wiki.

Creating an account

Account name and profiles

Just like other communities, please make sure to choose an appropriate username and profile picture. Accounts which contain usernames/profile pictures which are intended to troll and/or harass other users will be immediately blocked.

Shared accounts

Each account should represent one individual and one individual only. Users are not permitted to share accounts with others people.

Using multiple accounts

While on the wiki, users are only allowed to use one account and may not contribute with multiple accounts for any other reason. If users are caught using multiple accounts, all sock accounts will be blocked indefinitely, while the main account may face a possible ban.

Moving accounts

Finally, users are allowed (but not encouraged) to move accounts or have a "clean start." Before switching accounts, you must:

  • Write on your old/new account that you're having a clean start.
  • Contact an administrator about the change.

Even if you plan on disabling your old account, you still must do the above. Failure to take the following steps may result in both account being blocked and being assumed that you're using an alt. After making the change, an administrator will then place an infinite ban on your old account, but you can continue contributing on the new account.

Please note that just because you move accounts does not mean you can assume a different identity. Anything that applies to your old account will still apply to future accounts you make.
