Monkie Kid Wiki
Manual of Style
Types of Articles
Sets · Characters · Object/Vehicles · Locations · Character History · Character Relationship · Episodes · Galleries · Transcripts · Seasons · Voice Actors
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This page will outline what is expected for each Character page.

Which characters should have pages?

  • All named characters should have pages.
  • All characters who are relatives of known characters should have pages.
  • All characters whose English voice actor is confirmed (ex: the Demon Accountant is voiced by Victoria Grace).

Which characters should be placed in the Minor Characters pages

  • Speaking characters who are a generic citizen or have no significant relation to the story or any other existing character.
  • All characters who only exist in minifigure form unless they are part of a group or something else that appears in the show (ex: Pan and Lee only exist in minifigure from, but are part of Speedy Panda, a convenience mart that debuted in "Sweet 'n' Sour".)
  • Characters who were only mentioned.
  • All characters whose English voice actor is confirmed but doesn't have a specific name (ex: the man from "Skeleton Key").



After creating the page, please use the {{Character}} infobox and fill out the necessary information about the character in the spaces provided.

  • BGColor - This field should match the physical appearance of a character or color scheme. If the character is currently unknown, please leave it as default.
  • FontColor - TBA
  • TextColor - TBA
  • image - This field should be an image of the character in the Monkie Kid series. When uploading pictures for the character, it's preferred to use any promotional media or the fullscreen of a screenshot. However, if the character only takes up a small part of the full image, then you should crop it to focus on them. If you find an image with bad quality, please upload a better version of it instead of uploading a new image.
  • realname - This field should list the character's real or full name.
  • alias - TBA
  • nickname - This field should list names that promptly describe the character. Please refrain from including every word that the character was called as a nickname. Especially insults such as "imbecile" or "coward".
  • weapon - This field should list all of the weapons that the character's owns, currently and formerly.
  • gender - This field should list the character's gender.
  • affiliation - This field should list all of the groups a character has been part of willingly or unwillingly.
  • occupation - This field should list the all the character's professional jobs or ranks.
  • alignment - This field should list what side the character's on (good, evil, neutral, etc.)
  • status - This field should indicate a character's current condition. For consistency's sake, please use "Alive" if they are still alive and "Deceased" if they are dead.
  • likes - This field should list what the character loves.
  • dislikes - This field should list what the character hates or what is afraid of.
  • family - If a character's relative appeared or was mentioned in the series, it should be included here.
  • romantic interests - This field should list what all the other characters that the character had a crush on, current and former.
  • owner - TBA
  • pet - TBA
  • friends - TBA
  • enemies - TBA
  • first appearance - This field list the first appearance a character makes in the series.
  • last appearance - This field list the last appearance a character makes in the series.
  • only appearance - This field should only be listed if the character only made one appearance.
  • voiced by - This field should have the character's voice actor.


If the character's infobox contains spoilers from upcoming content of Monkie Kid, please include the {{HideSpoiler}} template.


Another part of the Character page is the {{Quote}} template. For the quote itself, it should reflect on the character, such as history, role, personality, or catchphrase.

Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph should have the title of the article in bold as well as a brief, short info on the general character.

Required Headings

  • description(s) or Official description(s) (if applicable)

This section must be copied and pasted exactly from the website. Please do not edit the official description, unless it was copied incorrectly or vandalized. If there is more than one description, sub-sections should be used to specify each description.

  • History

This section should include the history of the character (in chronological order) and what the character did. When writing the history of a character, the episode that they appear in should have a sub-heading 1 with the rest of the text using the normal size text. Characters will receive their own history page if they're a main character or make twenty major episodes appearances or more.

  • Personality

This section should talk about the character's attitude and/or behavior throughout the series.

  • Game appearances (if applicable)

If the character makes an appearance in any out-universe game, place any info about them in the game in this section. Such as how they can be unlocked or if the character is playable or not.

  • Appearance

This section will explain the character's physical attributes and physical appearance such as their clothing, hairstyle, and anything else about them.

  • Accessories/Accessories & Weapons

This section will show all the character's main weapons or other accessories. Click here for example.

  • Abilities

This section should list all of the skills or powers the character has.

  • Vehicles

This section is for vehicles belonging or mainly used by the character.

  • Relationships

This section will explain how a character feels about another one and their relationship. Characters will receive their own relationship page if they're a main character or make ten major episodes appearances or more.

  • Appearances

This section should list all of the appearances a character appears in. This includes their physical appearance, pictures featuring them, illustrations, pixelated versions of them, flashbacks, cameos, etc.

  • Names in other languages

This section list all of the names of a character in a different language, such as MK's. The character's names in other languages should come from or in the show.

  • Quotes

List all the lines that the character said in the show.

  • Behind the scenes

This section should contain information about the character's creation, inspiration, or design process. Information regarding differences between the show and the products should be placed here.

  • Trivia

This section should contain any miscellaneous information which appeals to the reader.

  • Videos (if applicable)

Any videos the character appears in should go here. When adding videos, please make sure to refer to the Video policy to see what is acceptable.

  • Gallery

This section should contain images of the character. Characters will receive their own gallery page if they make five major episodes appearances or more. If a character happens to have a gallery page, please link it here. Furthermore, please make sure to check our Image policy when uploading images.

  • References (if applicable)

If there are any citations made in the article, please make sure to put them here using the <references/> tag.

