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This page will outline what is expected for each Set page.
Each set page should begin with the set number (e.g. 80006 White Dragon Horse Bike) followed by the actual name (e.g. 80006 White Dragon Horse Bike).
- Correct: 80006 White Dragon Horse Bike
- Incorrect: Set 80006 White Dragon Horse Bike
After creating the page, please use the {{Set}} infobox and fill out the necessary information about the set in the spaces provided.
- BGColor - This field should have an appropriate color which matches the main build's primary color.
- FontColor - This field should have an appropriate color which matches main build's secondary or tertiary color.
- TextColor - This field should have an appropriate color which matches the main build's tertiary or secondary color.
- image - This field should show the set box of the set. If there is no image for the set, please add this file.
- set number - This field should contain the set number.
- mascot - This field should list the character that is listed on the right side of the set box. Click here for an example.
- minifigures - This field should contain any minifigures that appear in the set. Please be sure to list them using bullet points.
- pieces - This field should contain the total number of pieces a set has.
- price - This field should have the price of the set.
- vip points - This field should have the number of VIP points someone gets if they purchase the set.
- previous - This field should have the set that comes before the set you're editing.
- next - This field should have the set that comes after the set you're editing.
When ordering sets, please make sure to order them by the wave they were released in and not by their set number. However, when ordering sets within their wave, please order the sets based on their set number.
Introduction paragraph
The introduction paragraph should have the title of the article in bold, a basic description of the set, characters and items featured in the sets, and the date it was released.
Required headings
- Official Description
As the name implies, the description must be copied exactly from the website. More importantly, please do not edit the description unless the information was pasted incorrectly or vandalized.
- Trivia
This section is meant for miscellaneous information that doesn't belong in the intro paragraph.
- Videos
Any videos pertaining to the set are placed here. Please make sure to check our video policy to see what videos are acceptable.
- Gallery
Any images pertaining to the set are placed here. Please make sure to check our image policy to see what images are acceptable.
- Minifigures
Any images involving the minifigures that were featured in the set are placed here. Please make sure to check our image policy to see what images are acceptable.
- References (if applicable)
If there are any citations made in the article, please make sure to put them here using the <references/> tag.
- {{Sets}}
Required categories
The following categories must go onto each set page. There are other categories that may go on set pages as long as it fits the requirements.
- Monkie Kid
- Sets
- <Year>
- <Year> Sets