These are the ongoing projects or tasks that need to be completed at some point on the Monkie Kid Wiki.
Adding text[]
- Expand all stubs
- Add {{Fairuse}} templates to images on the wiki, as they contain copyrighted characters, etc.
- Organize and complete the history and relationship pages.
- Enhance Personality sections on Pigsy and Sandy.
- Change "Other filmography" to "Other work" on voice actor pages to account for TV shows and video games.
- Complete all the transcripts for the Monkie Kid episodes.
- Skeleton Key/Transcript (partial)
- The End is Here!/Transcript (partial)
- Sleep Bug/Transcript
- Dumpling Destruction/Transcript
- Pig Pong Panic/Transcript
- Minor Scale/Transcript
- Game On/Transcript
- To Catch a Leaf/Transcript (partial)
- 72 Transformations/Transcript
- This is the End!/Transcript
- Temple of the Goddess/Transcript
- The Storm Within/Transcript
- Claim to Flame/Transcript
- Festival Fugitives/Transcript
- Into the Pagoda/Transcript
- The Cage/Transcript
- Sacrifice/Transcript
- Harbinger/Transcript
- Complete all credits.
- Shadow Play/Credits
- To Catch a Leaf/Credits
- 72 Transformations/Credits
- This is the End!/Credits
- On the Run/Credits
- Great Grand Dragon of The East/Credits
- Smartie Kid/Credits
- The Winning Side/Credits
- Amnesia Rules/Credits
- The First Ring/Credits
- Cooking With Chang'e (Episode)/Credits
- Benched/Credits
- The King, the Prince, and the Shadow/Credits
- The Samadhi Fire/Credits
- This Imperfect World/Credits
- The Corrupted King/Credits
- Time to Be Warriors/Credits
- Destiny Fulfilled/Credits
- Familiar Tales/Credits
- New Adventures/Credits
- The Great Tang Man/Credits
- Pig-Napped!/Credits
- Court of the Yellow Robed Demon/Credits
- Show Me the Monster/Credits
- Pitiful Creatures/Credits
- The Brotherhood/Credits
- Roast of the Monkie Kids/Credits
- The Jade Emperor/Credits
Adding files[]
- Make sure all images are in all appropriate galleries
- Add an image showing an animation error as a reference to the episode pages.
- A LEGO Journey to the East/Gallery (possibly run the video through an image bot?)
List of fourth wall breaks[]
- Amnesia Rules
- Monkey King pressing his face to the screen when calling for Tudi
- Benched
- Monkey King laughing sheepishly at the screen when he's caught red handed while sliding out of view
List of references in Monkie Kid[]
- Master Subodhi, Acolyte, Master Subodhi's students clothes - Journey to the West 1986
List of recycled animation in Monkie Kid[]
- Tuk-tuk breaking
- MK looking at squashed butterfly
- Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born
- Great Grand Dragon of the East looking at new bag
- MK smiling softly
- Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born (just a smidge makes all the difference)
- The End is Here!
- Smartie Kid
- Mei charging up
- Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born (when about to personally fight Red Son)
- Court of the Yellow Robed Demon
- MK landing
- Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born (before making the mech)
- Calabash (Episode) (after escaping calabash)
- The Jade Emperor
- Jin and Yin intro
- Crowd flying ish
- The Great Wall Race
- Benched (2nd shot of the crowd reacting to Pigsy's singing)
- Using the skeleton key to unlock stuff
- some 1 second shot of Red Son firing up
- MK beating up things

- Red Son getting clapped
- Revenge of the Spider Queen (after Sandy busts his jet)
- The Jade Emperor (after his face closeup)

- MK sitting around looking sad
- Revenge of the Spider Queen(trapped in the trigram furnace)
- Shadow Play(talking to the puppeteer)
- The Great Tang Man(Everything in its right time everything in its right place)
- Monkey King/Macaque stepping away from Lady Bone Demon
- MK arrives at the Cloud
- Tang's weak legs
- Monkey King's junk entrance
- Tang's no amount of convenience position
- MK running
- MK's fearful look
- The End is Here! (after Lady Bone Demon intro)
- The Winning Side (near the end)
- The Monkie Kids cheer
- Ne Zha's opening stance
- On the Run
- The Jade Emperor (zoomed in)
- Ne Zha's fight sequence
- Ne Zha being injured
- On the Run
- The Jade Emperor (appearance order is reversed)
- Mei leaping with sword
- MK breathing
- The Winning Side ("You thought you could get away from me?")
- Pitiful Creatures
- Mei's dragon blade spin
- MK gripping his fist
- The Winning Side ("Your powers are gone. your staff's gone")
- The Brotherhood (Episode) (After Azure Lion takes out Monkey King's plank)
- Sandy launching into the vent
- The First Ring
- The Jade Emperor (more centered; launching into his blimp)
- Pigsy "you're such an inspiration" scene
- Cooking with Chang'e (Episode)
- The Jade Emperor (after hugging MK)
- Pigsy wiping his tears

this whole sequence
- Macaque with Tang
- Benched
- The Jade Emperor (but with MK instead)
- Tang's "there will always be hope" pose

- Mei charging up
- Monkey King's pained look
- The Samadhi Fire (leaving him to figure out everything on his own)
- Familiar Tales (Macaque)
- Monkey King with one arm guarding his face and the other behind him
- The Samadhi Fire (without hurting you of course)
- Pitiful Creatures (sorry i made you wait so long)
- MK loses it

- Monkey King and Macaque sliding on the floor
- Macaque creating his mech
- Tang can't believe the pilgrims are them frame
- Tang tapping into power position
- Destiny Fulfilled
- The Jade Emperor (escaping Azure Lion)
- Macaque before leaving scenes
- Destiny Fulfilled
- Roast of the Monkie Kids (no regard for others scene is cut early; scheming scene seems almost the same)
- Macaque taking the noodles
- Destiny Fulfilled
- The Jade Emperor (him smiling)
- Monkey King looking
- Familiar Tales 9:08 ish
- Pitiful Creatures 6:48 ish
- Azure Lion crossing portals
- Pitiful Creatures (zoomed in, presumably)
- The Jade Emperor
- Buff Azure Lion
- Pitiful Creatures
- Roast of the Monkie Kids (zoomed in)
Citing information[]
- Add episode citations for flashbacks, character early backstory information, and other episode references that may be too obscure for some viewers.
Removing content[]
- Removing Spoilers, NonEnglish, HideSpoiler, HideSpoiler2, HideSpoiler3 templates when English versions are out.
- Checking that Delete template.
- Remove any content of Monkie Kid that only happened in a different language other than English (such as Monkey King calling DBK "Brother Ox" in Chinese dub) and place it in the list of Regional Differences in Monkie Kid, as it may confuse anyone who only watch the episode in English.
- Remove any presumed notes or theories in the articles unless it was said by an actual character from the show or an official crew member of Monkie Kid (example: Tang Sanzang being Tang's past life).
- Rename articles to be not capitalized when their names are not capitalized in the sources
- Change the events from "Calabash" from "alternate universe" and "simulation" to "illusion."
- Move all the Quote templates for non-episode articles at the bottom of the infobox rather than on top of it.
Pages to create[]
- A timeline, though its going to be difficult placing some JTTW segments in order
- Dasheng Academy
- The audiobooks

Crew members[]
- Justin Ramsden
- Thomas Sørensen
- Vicky Kjaer Jensen
- Logan Niblock
- Andrew Emmerson
- Eden Timm
- Ryan MacNeil