Monkie Kid Wiki

The opening sequence is the intro that plays at the beginning of the Monkie Kid episodes.



The opening sequence of Monkie Kid is known to feature four specific segments. The first quarter of the intro begins with a specific landmark and three major events before introducing MK, which begins the second quarter by showing each of the Monkie Kids. After the Monkie Kids' introduction, the third quarter of the intro features the supporting characters of the season. In the final quarter, the Monkie Kids are seen charging in a battle against the villains.

Seasons 1 - 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4 (Episodes 1 - 9)[]

  • First quarter: The first quarter is the same as the one used in Season 3, except the third event is replaced with the final battle with Lady Bone Demon.
  • Second quarter: Shows MK backlit by Monkey King, Mei and the White Horse Dragon at Kui Mulang's castle, Pigsy and Zhu Ghanglie at his restaurant, Tang and Tang Sanzang at the desert, and Sandy and Sha Wujing at the battleground.
  • Third quarter: Shows younger Monkey King and Macaque, Azure Lion looking at Monkey King, then the Brotherhood laughing and drinking, then the Brotherhood surrendering to the Jade Emperor, then the Jade Emperor in ominous lighting. All of these are framed by the Scroll of Memory.
  • Fourth quarter: TBA

Season 4 (Episode 10 & The Emperor's Wrath)[]

Season 5[]

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English Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid! Familiar tales, new adventures
Monkie Kid! The powers of the king rest in his hands

When evil surrounds him, he'll rise up against them
And show them who's the Monkie Kid

His staff out in his grasp, his friends watching his back
'Cause he's the Monkie Kid!

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Chinese Mandarin Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid
在这时代 英雄归来
Monkie Kid
命运被更改 要自己主宰
邪恶横行之地 他要伸张正义
无所畏惧 悟空小侠
向着明天出发 勇敢间荡天下

Extended Version[]

彩云映朝霞 山风拂百花
曾经少年郎 已长大 仗义走天涯
心澄明无瑕 骨好似铁打
纵使千钧一发 伙伴齐心拼打

Monkie Kid
不再懵懂 不再惧怕
Monkie Kid
洪荒被打开 一切要重来

愿勾我如意棒 扫尽世间荒唐
管你几斤几两 恶必惩善必彰

Monkie Kid
定 念无其他 悟空小侠
Monkie Kid
起 风雷交加 悟空小侠
Monkie Kid
就算无名小卒 亦能振臂一呼
Monkie Kid

Monkie Kid
在这时代 英雄归来
Monkie Kid
命运被更改 要自己主宰
邪恶横行之地 他要伸张正义
无所畏惧 悟空小侠
征途并肩出发 勇敢闯荡天下

Cantonese Lyrics[]


巡航天與地 從來不顧忌
唯憑膽夠大 有義氣 臨危不退縮
獨步憑慧眼 硬淨憑傲氣
及時地能集氣 做豪俠捱義氣
不怕起跌 茄驚喜
Monkie Kid 今天的我 一身本領
Monkie Kid 出戰的覺醒 對打與火拼

懷著無盡使命 強勁而又機警
同敵人在搏命 靈活行動sharp醒


Monkie Kid 我永遠自強 高山不怕
Monkie Kid 我戰意特強 深淵不怕
Monkie Kid 到我楔到裂縫 大地劇烈震動
Monkie Kid 不怕妖獸魔怪在騷動

Monkie Kid 天空海闊 門志未窮
Monkie Kid 妖怪請放鬆 免得會失控
憑善良做記認 邪道難做師兄
我打不死天邊暢遊 行動時候拼命
而陣容又Sharp醒 這花果山新星

Taiwanese Mandarin Lyrics[]

管你親不親 精不精 精飛精 打精碰精!

Monkie Kid
在這世代 英雄歸來
Monkie Kid
命運被更改 要自己主宰
邪惡橫行之地 他要伸張正義
無所畏懼 悟空小俠

Japanese Lyrics[]

朝日に照らされて 君が空高く舞い上がる
強い心 固い絆 限界なんて ないのさ
仲間たちと力あやせ 乗り越えてゆけ

モンキーキッド 迷やない 恐れないさ
モンキーきッド 解き放て 新たなスト一リ
光かざして 闇を払って
輝くぜ モンキーきッド
蹴散らせ悪 正義のヒーロー
来たぜ モンキーきッド

来たぜ モンキーきッド

モンキーきッド 新しい僕らのヒーロー
モンキーきッド 運命は もう自分次第さ
立ち上がるんだ 勇気を持って
戦うぜ モンキーきッド
不思議な冒険 正義のヒーロー
いくぜ モンキーきッド

Italian Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid - da una vita normale
a strepitose avventure
Monkie Kid - nelle sue mani c'è
un grandioso potere!
Lui combatte il male
Lui sa cosa fare
Lui si farà valere
Lui è Monkie Kid
Ha un'arma speciale
E' pronto all'azione
Lui è Monkie Kid!

Monkie Kid - è un grido nel vento
non si da per vinto
Monkie Kid - è un mito al di là
dello spazio e del tempo!
Lui combatte il male
Lui sa cosa fare
Lui si farà valere
Lui è Monkie Kid
Ha un'arma speciale
E' pronto all'azione
Lui è Monkie Kid!

Korean Lyrics[]

전설 속의 모험을 찾아
손오공의 힘 물려받아
악에게 맞서 떠오른 새 용사
승리를 향해 몽키키드
여의봉을 들고 친구들과 함께
무적의 몽키키드!

German Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid!
Vertraute Geschichten, Neue Abenteuer
Monkie Kid!
In seinen Händen liegt die Macht des Königs
Vom Bösen umgeben stellt er sich dem entgegen
Und seither ist er Monkie Kid
Mit den Träumen im Rücken
Wird ihm jeder Trick Glück kennen
Denn er ist Monkie Kid!

Spanish Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid!
Mil aventuras en familia
Monkie Kid!
Los poderes del rey él domina
Venciendo villanos, lucha contra ellos
Demuestra quién es Monkie Kid
Muy firme sujeta el bastón que es su fuerza
¡Porque él es Monkie Kid!

Hebrew Lyrics[]

!מונקי קיד
הרפתקאות וסיפורים גם
!מונקי קיד
הכוח בידו, כאן לנצח
כשהרשע סובב לו, הוא יראה את כוחו
כולם יודעים שזהו מונקי קיד
המטה בידיו, מאחוריו חבריו
!כי זה הוא מונקי קיד

Malay Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid!
Kisah "legend" yang terhebat
Monkie Kid~!
Kuasa siratnya ditangannya
Tentang kejahatan bagi memusnahkan
Tunjukkan siapa Monkie Kid
Lawan dalam genggam
Banyak tembang-tembang
Seru mu, Monkie Kid!

Thai Lyrics[]

เจ้าหนูวานร ฟื้นตำนานใหม่
แห่งขั้นสุดยอดวานร พร้อมลุยเภทภัย
เมื่อปีศาจอยู่รอบตัว ไม่กลัวตะบันสู้ไป
ให้จำคือใคร เจ้าหนูวานร
จัดการหมดไม่เหลือซาก เพื่อนรักก็ลุยข้างกาย

Arabic Lyrics[]

مونكي كيد
ياخذنا معه في مغامرات
مونكي كيد
معهُ نقضي اجمل الاوقات
قوىً و شجاع ، للشرِ لا ينصع
للنجدتِ سريع الاندفاع
يحارب الاشرار ، لا يهاب الاخطار
انه مونكي كيد

French Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid !
L'anciennes légendes renaît enfin
Monkie Kid !
Les pouvoirs d'un grand roi sont des ses mains
Le mal est partout il va le défère, les méchants craignent le Monkie Kid
Son Bâton dans une main, ses amis toujours prêts
C'est lui le monkie kid !

Polish Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid! Przygody czas właśnie nadszedł
Monkie Kid! On świata losy ma w swoich rękach

Nie lęka się złego, za siebie nie patrzy
To nasz odważny Monkie Kid

Spójrz tylko na niego stworzony by walczyć
To właśnie Monkie Kid!

Portuguese Lyrics[]

Monkie Kid! Histórias e aventuras novas
Monkie Kid! Todos os poderes do rei nas suas mãos

Quando o mal se aproxima, ninguém o intimida
Ele mostra-lhes quem é o Monkie Kid

E com o seu bastão e os amigos sempre à mão
Ele é o Monkie Kid!

Names in other languages[]

Language Name Translation, etymology, and notes
Cantonese 花果山新星 New Star of Flower Fruit Mountain
Japanese いくぜ!モンキーキッド Let's Go! Monkey Kid
唤你做英雄 Awaken the Hero in You[1]


Main article: Monkie Kid Soundtrack



  1. Chow Jeepeng (2021-01-12). LEGO China Monkie Kid Recap Video (Video). Vimeo. “唤你做英雄 (Awaken the Hero in You!)”


Monkie Kid
A LEGO Journey to the East · Monkie Kid Launch Ceremony · Monkie Kid (TV series) · Monkie Kid (sets) · Opening sequence · Soundtrack
Lists Animation errors · List of Characters · List of Monkie Kid Cast and Characters · List of Episodes · List of recycled animation in Monkie Kid · List of running gags in Monkie Kid · List of references in Monkie Kid · List of references to Monkie Kid in LEGO media · List of Regional Differences in Monkie Kid · List of Comics · List of fourth wall breaks · List of cut lines in Monkie Kid