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Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Season 1 · Season 2 · Season 3

Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born[]

It feels like I waited in eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?
―Princess Iron Fan
Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey King's legendary staff.
―Princess Iron Fan
My love will finally be returned, once we removed that staff.
―Princess Iron Fan
No, maybe it was another mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!
―Princess Iron Fan
Oh, Demon Bull King. How I missed you.
―Princess Iron Fan
This is impossible.
―Princess Iron Fan
That staff doesn't belong to you, little boy. Hand it over!
―Princess Iron Fan
He can't escape with that staff!
―Princess Iron Fan
Don't toy with him, my love. We will get it back. I have Bull Clones scouring the city. It's only a matter of time.
―Princess Iron Fan
So your plan didn't go according to plan?
―Princess Iron Fan
Oh, don't worry, my sweet useless boy. Mother will get the staff. I'm not about to let anyone stop us. Not this time.
―Princess Iron Fan
Well, well, well. Aren't you a Monkey King fanboy.
―Princess Iron Fan
I'll be taking that staff now.
―Princess Iron Fan
Oh, you're just a little noodle boy playing at being a hero. Sorry to disappoint. Playtime is over.
―Princess Iron Fan
At last! The full power of my beloved will be unleashed!
―Princess Iron Fan
We know when we've been bested, but this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle Boy.
―Princess Iron Fan

Season 1[]

Bad Weather[]

Oh, my love. Don't be so dramatic. We've nothing but time nothing but time. You will bring the world to its knees.
―Princess Iron Fan

Coming Home[]

The legendary Dragon Blade. That blade is amongst the most powerful artifacts in history. I do love powerful things. Go. Bring it to me.
―Princess Iron Fan

The Great Wall Race[]

Uh... something about peaches? Look, your schemes are quaint, but I never much cared for stone fruit.
―Princess Iron Fan
Like the Weather Station was powerful? Why don't you just run along, hmm? Can't you see Mommy and Daddy have important business with an ancient power source.
―Princess Iron Fan
It would be wrong of us to shatter our son's ambitions. That's far too cruel! Even for demons!
―Princess Iron Fan
Sorry darling! We'll meet you at the finish line, hmm?
―Princess Iron Fan
Oh baby. You have had such bad experience with mountains.
―Princess Iron Fan

Skeleton Key[]

The power that crafted this tomb is beyond my skill. Without an artifact of equal strength, there is nothing we can do. We're locked out.
―Princess Iron Fan
Why spoil the surprise? Now hand the key over and quick wasting my time.
―Princess Iron Fan

The End is Here![]

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Season 2[]

Sweet 'n' Sour[]

Oh, please. Like I have energy to waste on you, Noodle Boy. I'm here to settle a debt and that's all. Knew I shouldn't have made that blood-oath.
―Princess Iron Fan
I'll take your word for it.
―Princess Iron Fan about Speedy Pandas product
There's no way I'm voting for your restaurant. My vote's for Speedy Panda.
―Princess Iron Fan
I knew I shouldn't have come back this season.
―Princess Iron Fan
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Season 3[]

The First Ring[]

I was expecting a banquet. I wasn't expecting company.
―Princess Iron Fan
I trust you realize our little truce is, at best, a fragile thing. So, tell me, what precisely have you intruded on our dinner plans?
―Princess Iron Fan
Well, I, for one, think that's quite enough story time for one day. Come along, my love. I do believe that little baking show you like is about to start.
―Princess Iron Fan

Season 4[]

Roast of the Monkie Kids[]

My love.
―Princess Iron Fan


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