The Plan Man << Rip and Tear >> Better Than We Found It |
(The gang had split up and Peng battles Macaque off to one side.)
Peng: I don't know how you stomach it, brother! The Six-Eared Macaque, fighting side by side with his own replacements! Is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you? Pathetic!
Macaque: You know what, Peng? (Behind him, he brings Mei out through his shadow portal.) Straight up, I have never liked you. (Mei whips around and strikes Peng back with her Dragon Blade.)
Peng: You little brat.
Mei: Give it a rest, would ya?! (She summons her dragon form.)
Peng: I'm surprised a descendant of Ao Lie has so much bark! Your bite, however, needs some work. Perhaps, I can give you some pointers!
(Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang are fighting Yellowtusk. They crash down safely within Tang's shield in another area and Yellowtusk lands before them.)
Yellowtusk: Surrender, mortals! My strength far outweighs yours!
Sandy: (He summons his powers.) We don't want to fight you, Mr. Elephant. But—
Pigsy: But we will if we have to! (Yellowtusk brings down his mallet on them.)
Tang: No! (He creates a shield from Yellowtusk's blow.) If we don't stop him, then—
Yellowtusk: I know full well what will happen should Azure fail, but... but he is my brother. I owe him my life.
Sandy: We get it. I'd do anything to help my friends. But, at the cost of the world?
Pigsy: I'm sorry, pal. But nothing is worth that price.
(A piece of the Scroll of Memory lands behind and they look up to see more pieces coming at them. Tang creates another shield around all of them as pieces of the scroll rain down on them.)
(Monkey King and MK dodge Azure Lion as he chases them down with the scroll.)
Azure Lion: MK. Stand down. You do not need to share your mentor's fate.
Monkey King: So, that reduced sentence on the table for me too, or...? (Azure Lion directs the pieces surrounding him in their direction.) Imma take that as a no.
Azure Lion: Last chance, MK.
MK: (He hugs Monkey King.) Never! (And sticks his tongue out at Azure Lion.)
Azure Lion: So be it! (He sends the pieces their way.)
MK: Uh oh.
(They both escape on their clouds and continue to battle until Monkey King lands a solid kick on Azure Lion, sending him down the mountains.)
Monkey King: Kind of embarrassing for the Jade Emperor to have two lil' cheeky monkeys running circles around him first day on the job.
MK: Well, one monkey and one unconfirmed but yeah, I'd be embarrassed for sure!
Azure Lion: This ceaseless chattering! And to think I once called you King! You're an imbecile! (He uses his enhanced roar, sending them flying.)
MK: Woah!
(Monkey King and MK enlarge their Golden Staff and bury him under it. Meanwhile, the monkeys are gathering all the pieces. One of them checks in with Monkey King.)
Monkey King: Hey, Lieutenant Monkey, how's the plan going? (MK falls towards them, screaming.) That's my cue! (The monkey hops off while Monkey King catches MK and they soar back towards Azure Lion.) You all good, bud?
MK: I'm not gonna lie, gettin' a little tired. But I'm good. What next?
Monkey King: Something big and preferably, really annoying.
Azure Lion: No. No. I can do this. I must do this. (He becomes gigantic and throws off the staff. MK races forward and creates his Monkey King Ultra Mech.) Enough of these games! My patience is thoroughly at its end! (He tears it apart. The cockpit dramatically opens.)
Party Clone: Aw, hey there, bud! You want a piece of this?
Monkey King cardboard cutout: (Simultaneously.) Thank you for your interest in the Monkey King and the Monkey King branded items. Batteries not included.
Monkey King: Yoo-hoo! (Azure Lion looks up to see the duo making fun of him.)
MK: Hi!
Party Clone: Hey! Porty Lion!
Party Clone and Monkey King cardboard cutout: Here... comes... Mechie Kid! (He catapults a banana onto his nose.)
Azure Lion: I hate monkeys. (It suddenly explodes on his face.)
MK: This planning thing's really working out, huh?
Monkey King: Yeah! Who'da thunk?
(The rest of their planning is revealed.)
Past Mei: Every time we've gone into a final fight, we've basically winged it without a real plan. But it's like Subodhi said, that won't be enough this time. We need to wait for the moment to strike!
Past Pigsy: But Azure ain't gonna just wait around for us to attack. If he's got as much of a grudge against Monkey King as Macaque says he does, he's just gonna come and attack us first!
Past Mei: Exactly! By not attacking, he'll think we're not ready for him. But he'll be wrong! The plan is to make it look like there is no plan at all! When really, we're already doing the plan! MK's plan!
Past MK: Yeah, boy!
Past Mei: A Team and B Team will keep Peng and Yellowtusk busy. Monkey Team will get under Azure's skin, and annoy him enough so that when he's distracted, he won't know he's lost the scroll until it's too late.
(As according to plan, Monkey King and the monkeys finish collecting the remaining pieces of the scroll.)
Monkey King: Welp. That's the last of them.
Azure Lion: (He sees the pile.) No! If you will not kneel before your emperor, you will perish before your emperor! (He attacks them but is blocked off.)
Monkey King: Kid!
Azure Lion: After all Sun Wukong has put you through, how much he's let you down, you would still meet your fate trying to protect him?!
Monkey King: Azure! Stop this! (He punches off his claw.)
Azure Lion: He doesn't deserve such loyalty, yet you insist on learning the hard way, just as I did! I should've never trusted the Monkey King! The False Sage, Equal to Nothing! (He tries to execute them but is thrown off by a beam of power from MK.)
Peng: What was that?
Mei: MK!
Sandy: (Simultaneously.) No!
Azure Lion: No.
Monkey King: Kid.
MK: Hmm. Well, alright then.(He smacks Azure Lion with his tail and continues to land blows on him.)
Monkey King: Yeah! Go, MK, go! Just try not to totally wreck up my stuff, would ya? Oh, right! The scroll!
Azure Lion: He's too fast. What is he? (He hears MK coming from behind and grabs him.) Look what he's done to you! Reduced you to a mindless, savage animal.
MK: (He frees himself.) Oh, there's nothing mindless about me, friend.
(Monkey King and the monkeys are regathering the pieces again.)
Monkey King: Alright. I think that's the last of 'em. Again. Woah.
MK: That's what you were pretending to be, right? To be my friend? To care about me? When really, you were just using me to get what you wanted! To turn me against my own mentor! Well, put your hand in the monkey cage and expect to get bit, son! (He rams his head against Azure Lion's sword over and over.) Come on! Come on! Come on, Uncy Lion! You're the big hero, right?! Then prove it! Show me! (He strikes Azure Lion down Flower Fruit Mountain.)
(Weakened, Azure Lion starts to lose control of his power and the realm begins to tear apart. MK loses control over his power as a result and the others are soon aware of the destruction.)
Yellowtusk: Azure... no.
(MK has landed and pants heavily before seeing Azure Lion struggle to regain control.)