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Seals are symbols that appears when using magic.


Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born[]

Monkey King had created a seal only allowing certain individuals to enter the Shuilian Cave. This seal was accessed by MK.

Bad Weather[]

A seal with the character "封" appeared when Monkey King sealed away MK's immortality.


MK used a seal to dissipate the clones that went rogue.


Macaque turned the logo at the back of MK's jacket into a seal as a way to funnel his powers. The Smoke Monster then broke the seal and stole MK's powers.

The End is Here![]

When Princess Iron Fan launched two wind blasts using her fan, a seal using the character "風" appeared after the blast.

Revenge of the Spider Queen[]

Red Son used a seal to transport himself and the Monkie Kids to the Celestial Realm and vice versa.

This is the End![]

Lady Bone Demon's plan to cleanse the mortal realm included the use of seals to steal MK's powers and use it as her own.

On the Run (flashback)[]

Monkey King's endeavor to pilfer the map to the Rings of Samadhi encountered an obstacle in the form of a seal. Despite being aware of the seal's purpose to safeguard the map at any expense, even if it meant risking his and Ne Zha's lives, Monkey King disregarded the consequences and forcefully breached the seal to obtain the map. This act resulted in severe injuries to both Monkey King and Ne Zha, as well as the destruction of the Temple of Ne Zha.


Lady Bone Demon summoned a seal to immobilize Macaque before planning to erase the memory of him from the world.

The Samadhi Fire[]

During the Samadhi Fire ritual, Tang Sanzang used a sealing technique to liberate the Samadhi Fire from the young Red Son and contain it inside the Rings of Samadhi. Subsequently, a part of the Fire was contained inside Ao Lie.

Embrace Your Destiny[]

During her battle against Monkey King, Lady Bone Demon used seals to block his attacks and summon a ring of crystal blasts. After Monkey King had overpowered Lady Bone Demon and threatened to kill her, she desperately used a sealing technique to possess his body as her warrior. It was revealed by the Mayor that the Great Monk, Tang Sanzang, sealed the Lady Bone Demon as an act of punishment for her crimes to eradicate the mortal realm. Red Son used a transportation seal as a part of their plan to stop the Lady Bone Demon. Tang summoned an enormous seal that freed all those who were trapped by the Lady Bone Demon's crystal powers. As a last desperate move to save herself, she tried to use a seal to stop the Golden Staff in place but succumbed to the might of it and the Samadhi Fire.

Familiar Tales[]

In the Underworld, a seal was used to access the temple belonging to the Kings of the Underworld. After Monkey King was absorbed in the Scroll of Memory, the Protective curse tried to pursue MK, but was stopped by the seal protecting Shuilian Cave.

New Adventures[]

The Azure Lion sealed the ink back unto the Scroll of Memory and used a seal to sheath his sword.

Court of the Yellow Robed Demon[]

Kui Mulang used seals to restrain and bring forward Mei and Ao Lie as he prepared to devour their souls.

The Brotherhood[]

Yellowtusk uses a seal to transport the Azure, Peng, and himself away and Tang, Mei, Pigsy, and Sandy are teleported to the Temple of the Tilted Moon and Three Stars by Master Subodhi.

Roast of the Monkie Kids[]

Yellowtusk used a seal and the Ancestral weapons to restrain Princess Iron Fan, he later drew a large, complicated, seal in the sand and used it, along with the ancestral weapons, to teleport the Brotherhood to the Celestial Realm.

The Jade Emperor[]

Tang used a seal to transport himself and his friends with the exception of MK, towards the ongoing coup staged by the Brotherhood. During their fight with Ne Zha, Peng summoned multiple feather-like projectiles using seals. After the coup proved to be successful in defeating the Celestial Forces, he transported all of them to Monkey King's house.

A Lifetime of Mistakes[]

As Azure Lion struggled with his newfound powers, Yellowtusk illustrated several seals on a piece of paper. A seal appeared when Tang let Macaque and MK into the Scroll of Memory.

The Plan Man[]

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Better Than We Found It[]

The Power of the Jade Emperor was contained by Ne Zha using a seal. Although uncertain about its effectiveness, Ne Zha accepted that it was the best option available. At present, the power would remain protected under the seal.

Strings That Bind[]

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Collar the King[]

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Temple of the Goddess[]

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The Storm Within[]

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Claim to Flame[]

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Festival Fugitives[]

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Into the Pagoda[]

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The Cage[]

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MK and Monkey King[]

The seal is gold, with several ornate swirls, resembling the circlet, decorating it. A large Chinese character appears in the center, usually describing the action being done. It was used the dilute MK's powers and to dispel his clones.

Lady Bone Demon[]

Her seal is blue, an outer ring is present, containing characters from the Oracle bone script. It is outfitted with points at each edge or corner.

Red Son[]

His seal is orange, with the Demon Bull Family's emblem in a circle at the top and the Samadhi Fire symbol in the center. Both times he uses a seal are for long-distance teleportation.

Princess Iron Fan[]

Her magic appears white with glowing red edges.

Tang Sanzang and Tang[]

The seal is gold and is made up of multiple rings and ornate swirls. In the center is a diamond, surrounded by an inner ring containing Chinese characters and cicadas.

Azure Lion[]

His seal was azure with a gold center. The seal had four points at each side, somewhat resembling the The Brotherhood's insignia in the sets. At the center was an image of his sword, which unsheathes when he summons it.

Kui Mulang[]

His seal is purple with golden patterns depicting that of a constellation.


Their seal is bright yellow and made of multiple rings containing Chinese characters. It has feather-like structures rotating around its center point, resembling the projectiles they summon.


The seal is pure white, three larger points are present at the corresponding corners, with three smaller points at the other corresponding corners. A diamond is in the center of the seal, at its points is a Chinese character. There are two rings surrounding the center: an outer ring and an inner ring outfitted with multiple Chinese characters.

Master Subodhi[]

The seal is bright blue, diamonds and multiple ornate swirls are within the seal.

Ne Zha[]

His seal appears as large pink lotus flowers, sometimes surrounded by hexagons.

Li Jing[]

The seal is green and hexagonal in shape, at its center point is a symbol depicting the Celestial Pagoda. Four symbols resembling that of the Circlet are present within the seal.

Four Symbols[]

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A seal generally appears as an ornate circle with Chinese characters in or around them. They can be a variety of colors and the appearance of each seal seems personalized to the one using it.



In Monkie Kid[]


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