Monkie Kid Wiki
He told us he had a plan, but we don't know what it is. He told us there were three Rings, but maybe there's four. He told us that map was so important, but it hasn't been useful once this whole trip.”

The King, the Prince, and the Shadow is the ninth episode of Season 3 and the twenty-ninth episode overall of Monkie Kid.


This description was taken from official source. Do not modify it.

Short Description

Monkey King holds off Ne Zha while MK and the others take the rings to a mystic mountain. When Macaque arrives, things go from bad to worse![1]


Now with all three rings, the heroes ask Monkey King 'what's next?' But before he can answer, Ne Zha arrives, hunting them down. While Monkey King holds Ne Zha off, MK and the heroes must get the rings to a mystic mountain where they can reforge the fire. However, when Macaque arrives, now supercharged with Bone Demon power, things go from bad to worse.[2]


The Monkie Kids were making their escape from Lantern City, which has been completely engulfed in crystals. Tang sought answers from Monkey King about their plan. MK, on the other hand, was more direct and impatient, wanting to know how they can use the Rings of Samadhi to defeat the Lady Bone Demon. Monkey King explained that it's not as simple as that, as they need to reach the summit of the mystic mountain in order to reforge the Samadhi Fire. Pigsy, suspicious of their intentions, questioned if they will find the fourth ring there. MK was caught off guard, as he was unaware of a fourth ring. Tang clarified that the Samadhi Fire was split into three rings, not four. Suddenly, the sky train experienced a jolt, prompting everyone to look out the window. They witnessed Ne Zha's Fire Ring, causing the train to come to a halt. Ne Zha emerged from the vehicle and hurled the Fire Rings at the train, causing it to split. Monkey King acted quickly, ensuring the safety of all the passengers by moving them away from the attack. Ne Zha confronts Monkey King, addressing him as Sun Wukong. Monkey King greeted Ne Zha and asked if he had come to hang out. However, Ne Zha quickly informed him that he was there to stop Monkey King's plan to reforge the Samadhi Fire. Tang expressed his disbelief at seeing Ne Zha in person. However, Ne Zha silenced him and revealed that he knew where the Rings of Samadhi were located without even checking the map. He also accused the Monkey King of stealing the blue ring from Chang'e, although Monkey King claimed that he had only borrowed it. Ne Zha and Monkey King then discussed how the Demon Bull King had kept the green ring for himself instead of hiding it. Ne Zha then mentioned how the Monkey King had done a poor job of hiding the orange ring, which Mei and Sandy agreed with. MK was faced with a threatening situation when Ne Zha demanded that he hand over the rings or face the consequences. However, Monkey King intervened and swiftly punched Ne Zha, sending him soaring into the air. Monkey King then directed the Monkie Kids to proceed to the mountain and wait for his arrival. Despite MK's willingness to assist, Monkey King cautioned him against it, emphasizing the potential danger of Macaque's sudden appearance.

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Voice Actor Role(s)
Billy Kametz Macaque
Dave B. Mitchell Pigsy
David Chen Tang
Jack De Sena MK
Johnny Yong Bosch Ne Zha
Patrick Seitz Sandy
Sean Schemmel Monkey King
Stephanie Sheh Mei













  • The scene where Macaque has immobilized Monkey King with his crystal powers features a visual callback to Shadow Play, with Monkey King and Macaque's positions reversed.
  • This episode originally contained a chase scene between Monkey King, Ne Zha, and Macaque but it was cut for time. [3]
    • Ne Zha and Monkey King's fight was also longer originally. [4]


Characters' roles[]


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Names in other languages[]

Language Name Translation, etymology, and notes
Arabic الملك، الأمير والظل Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Bulgarian Кралят, принцът и сянката Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Cantonese 國王,王子同影子 Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Croatian Kralj, princ i sjena Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Czech Král, Princ a Stín Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Danish Kongen, prinsen og skyggen Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Dutch De koning, de prins en de schaduw Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
Finnish Kuningas, prinssi ja varjo Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
French Le Roi, le Prince et l'Ombre Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
German Der König, Der Prinz und der Schatten Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
Hebrew המלך, הנסיך, והצל Translates to The King, the Prince, and the Shadow.
Hungarian A király, a herceg és az árnyék Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
Italian Il Re, il Principe e l'Ombra Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
Japanese 激突!キング、プリンス、そしてシャドー Translates to Clash! King, Prince, and Shadow.
Korean 왕과 왕자, 그리고 그림자 Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
冤家夺真火 Translates to The Enemy Seizes the True Fire.
三強對決 Translates to Top Three Showdown.
Norwegian Kongen, prinsen og skyggen Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Polish Król, książę i cień Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
O Rei, o Príncipe, e A Sombra Translates to The King, the Prince, and the Shadow.
Romanian Regele, prințul și umbra Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Serbian Kralj, Princ i Senka Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Slovenian Kralj, Princ in Senca Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
El rey, el príncipe y la sombra Translates to The King, the Prince and the Shadow.
Swedish Kungen, prinsen och skuggan Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Thai ราชา เจ้าชาย และเงามืด Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.
Turkish Kral, Prens ve Gölge Translates to King, Prince and Shadow.


Specials Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born · Revenge of the Spider Queen · Embrace Your Destiny · The Emperor's Wrath
Season 1 1. Bad Weather · 2. Duplicatnation · 3. Coming Home · 4. Noodles or Death · 5. Calabash · 6. The Great Wall Race · 7. Impossible Delivery · 8. Skeleton Key · 9. Macaque · 10. The End is Here!
Season 2 11. Sleep Bug · 12. Dumpling Destruction · 13. Pig Pong Panic · 14. Sweet 'n' Sour · 15. Minor Scale · 16. Game On · 17. Shadow Play · 18. To Catch a Leaf · 19. 72 Transformations · 20. This is the End!
Season 3 21. On the Run · 22. Great Grand Dragon of the East · 23. Smartie Kid · 24. The Winning Side · 25. Amnesia Rules · 26. The First Ring · 27. Cooking with Chang'e · 28. Benched · 29. The King, the Prince, and the Shadow · 30. The Samadhi Fire
Embrace Your Destiny:
31. This Imperfect World · 32. The Corrupted King · 33. Time to Be Warriors · 34. Destiny Fulfilled
Season 4 35. Familiar Tales · 36. New Adventures · 37. The Great Tang Man · 38. Pig-Napped! · 39. Court of the Yellow Robed Demon · 40. Show Me the Monster · 41. Pitiful Creatures · 42. The Brotherhood · 43. Roast of the Monkie Kids · 44. The Jade Emperor
The Emperor's Wrath:
45. A Lifetime of Mistakes · 46. The Plan Man · 47. Rip and Tear · 48. Better Than We Found It
Season 5 49. Strings That Bind · 50. Collar the King · 51. Temple of the Goddess · 52. The Storm Within · 53. Claim to Flame · 54. Festival Fugitives · 55. Into the Pagoda · 56. The Cage · 57. Sacrifice · 58. Harbinger